Key Aspects of the Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs; Post CIA Survey

Key Aspects of the Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs; Post CIA Survey


  1. How can the Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs reform adult aviation education curricula?

The Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs can reform adult aviation education curricula through embracing and inclusion of different concepts like communication, teamwork, continuous quality, and maintenance and resource management. Combining the concepts assist, the students to gain a better understanding of the content taught in class (Resmovits, 2013). In addition, all students enrolled into the program must meet the minimum requirements to limit the number of unqualified personnel pursuing the course, the goal of the training program is increase and improve the learning environment which triggers innovation and creativity among the learners. At the end of the lessons, the students have assessments that help determine whether they have understood the content as taught in class. The training programs can help reform the education curricula by addressing relevant lessons that can improve the content covered in class. There is a need for technical skills and the need to embrace technology as a learning incentive in the classroom environment (Common-Core Work Must Include Teacher Development, 2012). Technology has made it easy for students to understand the content taught in class and the aviation module makes use of this as it provides links and suggestions for further reading that students can focus to improve the learning environment. Aviation students need hands on training and the program has identified the need and gap that exists in other learning modules and ensures that students trained under this method are more efficient and reliable than any other modules that were used in the past. apart from learning how to manage the planes, which is the main goal of the training programs, students are in a position to learn the mechanical problems that face their industry and how they can overcome them by embracing both short-term and long-term solutions.

The Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs are operational initiatives that are enforced throughout the forty-two states of the USA, Columbia District, and four territories (Resmovits, 2013). The Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) abides by the mandates included in the Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs. The primary focus of the Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs is to introduce clarity in learning and develop abilities to reflect upon the core concepts in the English language arts and aviation units (Standards in Your State, 2012). Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs is expected to reform the education standards in adult aviation learning institutions with the objective of ensuring success in college and later throughout the career of students.

What is different with the Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs and what we have been teaching in aviation?

The Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs covers more content as opposed to what was covered in the past and students are in a position to understand different concepts. As earlier mentioned, the aim of the training programs is provide an environment that encourages students to develop critical and thinking skills that are relevant in the aviation industry when it comes to decision-making process (Ackert, 2010). Students have more control of their learning environment and modules allowing a student develop their skills. In addition, the Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs allows adoption of technology and meets the diverse needs of students in the classroom. Quality as opposed to quantity is the main guide of the new training program as it constantly upgrades the content taught in class for the students. In addition, the modules are student-centered as opposed to the conventional systems that were teacher-centered. Content is more relevant and makes sense for the students (Resmovits, 2013). However, Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs must be understood fully, and the expected implications deciphered effectively.

Despite the many benefits that came with the adoption of a new training program in the aviation industry, there are challenges facing it (Common-Core Work Must Include Teacher Development, 2012). The major challenge related to achieving the required effectiveness with the Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs is the lack of awareness among the American population. The larger section of the Americans does not fully understand the essence of the Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs (Ackert, 2010). Precisely, about two-thirds of the population is unaware of the strategies encapsulated in the Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs to enable critical thinking and in-depth subject-wise learning approach. A major impediment to the Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs reformation is related to the lack of public support, which in turn is a direct outcome of their understanding of true potential of the Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs.

  1. How does effective Differentiated Instruction help students achieve?

The differentiated instruction helps students achieve their personal objectives as each student has different needs and capabilities in the learning environment. The students also understand at different levels and the tutor has the responsibility to ensure that each student achieves at the end of the lesson. The students also develop critical and creative skills as they learn so that they can adopt the differentiated instructions as taught in class.

As a joint effort implemented by the Aviation Rule Making Advisory Committee (ARAC) and the National Study of the Aviation Mechanics Occupation, the Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs are internally acclaimed set of standards. The Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs is a robust educational standard with the goal of improving the academic performance of students (Tang & Elias, 2012). The objectives outlined in the standards enable students to be prepared for higher education and a lucrative career in aviation.

The learning abilities of students are enhanced and leveraged on a grade-wise basis to ensure that progress takes place consistently (Ackert, 2010). The efforts expanded for each grade towards implementation of the Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs curriculum by academicians of an educational institution ensures that their students are competitive to successfully deal with the challenges of the 21st-century economy (3, Common Core State Standards Set Students on the Road to Academic Success).

  1. What place does Inclusion play in the education of all students? What needs to be in place before Inclusion will be effective for students with special needs?

Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs ensure that children with disabilities are given support and education delivery that is on par with the rest of the class (Resmovits, 2013). One of the major objectives of the Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs is to enable the same standards for normal and disabled children through the concept of inclusion in the classroom. Committed trainers ensure that the Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs are enforced only after understanding the educational need of every child in the classroom and delivering learning by tailoring learning and accommodating different learning styles inside the classroom.

Inclusion approaches are devised from the perspective of the learner and the teacher. The Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs are very open about how learning must be implemented in the classroom. The standards outline the academic objectives that must be achieved every year. Teachers who implement inclusion in their classrooms ensure that they review standards thoroughly before they start teaching, getting insight on the education that happened in the past and what is planned for in the future (Common-Core Work Must Include Teacher Development, 2012). In addition, a quarter-wise plan is essential. Teachers use language and approach that is tailored to the abilities of each student and give individual attention to ensure that the desired progress takes place (Resmovits, 2013). After assessments take place, teachers usually rearrange the class, forming groups of students for effective education delivery.

  1. What High Yield Strategies are researched base and, when used properly, will help students achieve?

The High Yield Strategies used for research base is how to increase the content of the aviation programs taught at the end of each semester. In addition, the strategies aim at improving the student at the end of the learning period and ensure that they understand. As long as the student passes the assessment tests at the end of the period, then they can give the students a retake to enable them increase the knowledge in the next lesson. Some of the strategies researched and outlined by Robert J. Marzano (5, 9 High-Yield Instructional Strategies by Robert J. Marzano) that help students achieve results in their classroom performance are based on taking notes, comparing and classifying subject matter in the English language through recommendations in the curriculum, rewarding students for good performance. Students work best when they have clearly set objectives and are given accurate feedback by their instructors (Tang & Elias, 2012). Questions, hypothesis testing and homework practice are all essential to successful study and learning. Marzano also outlines the value of learning in co-operation with peers, and in the art of making representations with models, pictures, and drawings as a way to enhance the knowledge base of students.

  1. What are some strategies every teacher can use to help English Language Learners in the classroom when addressing and following the Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs?

Teachers can help the English Language Learners by using simple to understand technical terms even as they teach in class to enable all students with English as their first or second language to understand what they learn at the end of the lesson (Resmovits, 2013). For instance, they can take the module at the beginning of each semester and simplify it so that each student can understand at the end of the lesson. They can also encourage the students to practice more at the library to improve the number of new words they learn so that it becomes easy to understand the aviation units they learn. Teachers play a major role in enhancing English language learning through the implementation of the right strategies. One of the key areas that teachers must focus on in order to enhance the abilities of students is through the enforcement of verbal communication in the English language class (Ackert, 2010). By implementing the strategy at least three times a week, teachers can bring about a marked improvement in the English language for their students. Children can interact with their peers and get engaged in various activities to enhance their verbal ability, which has a positive impact on their overall English language ability. Explicitly, teaching vocabulary, language structure, and introducing suitable activities to enhance comprehension are one of the most important aspects of successful English language ability (Common-Core Work Must Include Teacher Development, 2012). Lastly, the involvement of parents has a positive impact on the linguistic abilities of the students, and incorporating more written activities elevates their abilities considerably.

  1. How effective is the use of Technology in the Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs? How does this affect both student motivation and student achievement? How can technology be used in assessment?

Technology plays a major role in three different aspects including evaluation, assessment and the redesign of the curriculum. Technological tools help teachers assess the performance of their students effectively (Common Core State Standards Set Students on the Road to Academic Success, 2010). Teachers are more productive during their planning process through the use of technology, and it also helps the teachers learn important aspects of the child’s learning approach and style (Resmovits, 2013). In effect, the whole learning experience is much more effective, productive, and enriching with the support of the right technological tools that supplement the learning of students. The modern development in technology requires the input of the expertise knowledge in every industry. Technology is important in the Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs as they provide lessons and guidelines on how students can improve their learning process while in class. In addition, the aviation industry is moving towards technologically controlled appliances, which will make it easier for people to operate aircrafts. In addition, students can access their learning lessons through the internet through the input of technological means (Resmovits, 2013). They can form discussion groups online where they can share knowledge with fellow students. Further, the teacher gives them a chance to submit their work online as a softcopy note, which makes it easy and simple to access feedback at the end of a test.

  1. What are the main types of Authentic Assessment such as Rubrics, portfolios, demonstrations, etc

Authentic assessment is a cyclic process of assessing the experience of the child based on appropriately set goals from available data sources. Results are measured in the context of Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs based on these “Authentic Assessment” practices. In addition, authentic assessment in relation to aviation encourage students to perform tasks in real-life and enforce the value of applying a particular subject concept in real-life. Authentic assessments are more student-friendly and based on direct evidence. Some of the most common forms of authentic assessments are tasks, portfolios, rubrics, workshops, and examples.

  1. What is Self Assessment for students? When and how can it be appropriately used in the classroom?

Self-assessment for students is taking time for evaluation and consideration of the benefits from the lessons they have had over a particular semester (Common-Core Work Must Include Teacher Development, 2012). It is a time to reflect and it can be taken at the end of each learning day or at the end of the week when the student is doing revision and reading the class lessons. It gives them a chance to look back at what they learnt and identifies areas that they still need help in addition, may decide to approach the instructor for clarification purposes. In addition, it allows them to reach their personal goals and get value for the money paid at the aviation training institutions.

The self-assessment of a student is incorporated to actively evaluate the intent of learning and focus towards criteria for success. Students can gauge whether the essential learning has taken place based on the criteria set in the beginning of the self-assessment (Standards in Your State, 2012). Based on this self-evaluation and feedback from their teachers and peers, students can move forward by calibrating their approach to effective learning. They can set additional targets and make changes to their learning style for their overall success. They can be used appropriately in the classroom at the end of each lesson or at the end of the day depending on the preference of the student in taking the self-assessment tests. They can also be used at the beginning of the lesson combined with the end of the lesson as the student measures whether they have understood the content delivered in class.

  1. What is the value of Self-Assessment and reflection for teachers?

Self-Assessment and reflection for teachers has an increased value to the teachers as they evaluate and measure the level of understanding that the students have understood within a period. They also measure whether they have achieved the objectives they intended to have at the beginning of the semester as they teach the students (Resmovits, 2013). Self-assessment is a personal journey and time that a reliable and effective teacher takes as they look back on how they have achieved their teaching responsibility to the students. it gives them a chance to assess whether they attained and satisfied the specifications according to the Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs. Reflection allows them look back at the lessons where they identify the strengths, weaknesses and the opportunities they have in the future that will make it easy to deliver in the future. In addition, the reflection period allows them to identify areas that they failed and strategize on how they can change the wrong mode of teaching they had in the past. The Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs stipulates and advises the need for reflection as a time to absorb and release the negative energy gathered over a period. Self-reflection and self-assessment are indispensable tools for teachers of the Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs. It helps teachers develop superior teaching abilities (Common-Core Work Must Include Teacher Development, 2012). Teachers can effectively ascertain whether the intended task was completed successfully and if larger goals can be set. Teachers can learn important strategies to assist learners and colleagues, deploy focused assignments, contribute important opinions in conversations, and make appropriate use of positive language with reflections and self-assessments.

What are some self-assessment strategies for teachers?

Some of the self-assessment strategies for the teachers include taking time off from the learning environment, which allows them to focus on a different surrounding. A different environment activates their mind as they think through the steps they have made in the past. For instance, during the holidays, the teacher can take a vacation and re-access the success they have had within that semester. Once they identify the shortcoming or limitation they faced in the past, it will provide a healthy ground to formulate new ideas for the new semester. Comparing the performance of the students over the past years is also a tool for self-assessment. This is more applicable if the instructor is new at the aviation training college and wants to affirm that the students have made positive development since they started teaching them. Other strategies include comparing notes with other teachers teaching the same unit as they get the chance to listen to how they deliver their lessons. It is a learning environment and they can gain great insights from the other instructors as they learn how to complement their methods of teaching and those of the others. At the end of the self-assessment, the teacher should come up with solutions and ideas that will help increase the aviation industry as the Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs recognizes the need for tutors to evaluate themselves.

  1. What does the research literature have to say about effective Professional Development in Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs?

The research literature points out the effectiveness of the development the aviation industry has taken in the Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs. There is more inclusion as the training targets students with interest and intends to give them an environment where they can study and practice. More professionals in the industry are upgrading with an aim to meet the requirements in the world and the aviation industry is no exception. The examinations carried out are more extensive and give the students a chance to understand the technical terms used in the industry as well as have personal testing personalized to meet the requirements of each student. In addition, the effective Professional Development in Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs allows students to work together in groups so that they can learn about teamwork. The input of each student is valued and appreciated but it recognizes the personal input and the role of collective responsibility. Before specialization, students get general training as they gain ideas on the different maintenance of the tools and areas they will handle after completion of the training programs. Testing the student after completion of each unit is absorbed in the curriculum as the faculty needs to access the level of understanding and the value they added to the student at the end of the period. The training personnel are also required to advance their knowledge as specified in the effective Professional Development in Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs. It allows for effective responsibility and increased knowledge as they continue instilling knowledge to the students entrusted to them. In addition, the goal of the effective Professional Development in Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs is increase efficiency and competency in the student by covering information that is more technical. Graduates released to the market are knowledgeable as they have both theoretical and practical skills. It becomes easy to integrate and assimilate them in the working environment.

The inclusion of professional development for teachers is an important aspect of Aviation Maintenance Technician Training Programs. In order to effectively implement Authentic Assessments outlined in the program, teachers must be able to think critically, perform research, solve problems effectively and possess good demonstration skills (Assessment, Evaluation, and Curriculum Redesign: Exploration, 2013). To accomplish these objectives, and ensure that learning is effective, professional development for instructors is highly recommended.