Chibbi’s Poetry Workshop

Chibbi uses poetry as protest to aid in reflecting the story of his life. In the 1st poem that he performs, he talks about identity and how it has been affected by the society. He is identified in many different styles as he is seen as Mexican, Spanish, American and a person from Texas. He fits in all the identities given but it doesn’t change who he is and thus advocated against the society trying to identify and separated people based on their backgrounds and race. He basically tells his stories through poetry. The workshop encompasses many poems which he recites and showcases how they relate people and their personalities. It shows how the society identifies and separates people based on their origin. He uses poetry as a lens to zoom and showcase many aspects in then society. The workshop teaches one that they can effectively manage to share their own stories through the use of poetry. I learnt that sharing my own story doesn’t only give me a sense of belonging and identity but gives me freedom of expressing myself in a way that I want people to understand me. Sharing my story would be an easy way of explaining about myself and manage to embrace the differences and diverse attitudes which make us human. Chibbi uses poetry to narrate different aspects and events in his life which may have impacted him positively or negatively. In the same way, sharing your own story reflects on how you look at yourself in relation to the society and your attitudes as well as position in the society.



One day, I’d like to wake up.

And bring peace to the world

I want to wake up one day, switch on the radio, turn on the news, and watch with joy that the world is at peace.


I want to be free of this nightmare.

I want to wake up and hear that there is peace on earth.

And there’s no conflict, as far as I can tell.

One day, I’d like to wake up and hear that racism no longer exists.

When I turn on the news, I want to hear that we live as brothers and sisters, that we’re joined as one because we’re made in God’s image, and that I’ll wake up one day to find peace.

It all begins with you and me.

I hope to wake up one day and hear we’re all United as Brothers and Sisters on the news as we join hands regardless of race or background.

It will be humanity’s greatest achievement.