Information Asymmetries and Our Understanding of Business Finance

Explain why information asymmetries matter for our understanding of business finance. You may find it helpful to give real-life examples.


The concept of information asymmetry has become an integral part of developing and understanding business finance. It is essential to understand the cause and effect that can be derived from this concept, as it significantly impacts the development of our economy. The main reason why information asymmetry matters are because it creates an uneven playing field for businesses that do not have all of their information out in the open, as well as those who do. Information asymmetry is the gap between the information available to a seller and the information available to a buyer (Danso et al.,2019). Information asymmetry impacts financial markets by influencing people’s decisions when interacting with one another. For example, suppose one person is much better informed than another. In that case, it is easier for that person to mislead or ‘exploit’ their counterpart in negotiations by withholding pertinent information while presenting inaccurate or misleading data. Information asymmetry can profoundly affect business finance (Bergh et al.,2019). Information asymmetries are a common occurrence in business and finance.

An information asymmetry is when one party has more or better information than another. It can also be defined as a situation in which one party knows more about the other than vice versa or has more information available to him than the other party has. For example, a company will want to hire an accountant but has no idea if they are qualified or not because, unlike the company, the accountant does not have to disclose their qualifications publicly until they are hired. Bankers rely on accurate information on a client’s credit history, cash flow, and business expenses to minimize the risk of fraud for large loans (Bergh et al.,2019). Asymmetrical information can increase the probability of inaccurate information on the loan application, leading to higher default rates. Asymmetrical information tends to shift power in negotiations. People with more information will have more significant influence over their counterparts. In the context of finance, asymmetrical information can be compelling. For example, suppose someone is much better informed than another in a negotiation. In that case, it is easier to mislead or ‘exploit’ their counterpart by withholding pertinent information while presenting inaccurate or misleading data. Thus, Information asymmetry has profound effects on business finance. When one party interacts with another, the gap between their information can lead to less sophisticated parties being exploited by more informed ones (Danso et al.,2019). This could be by withholding pertinent information or presenting inaccurate/misleading data.

Information asymmetries are essential because they allow firms to be overcharged or charged too little for the products and services they consume. Information asymmetries are particularly common when buying insurance products, where consumers can never know everything there is to know about the risk they are insuring against. Some companies may be able to measure risk more accurately than others and still charge higher premiums, which leads to an inefficient allocation of capital in the economy (Dunne & McBrayer, 2019). There are also many cases where consumers do not understand the risks they take on, which causes them to pay more than they should for financial products. Information asymmetries are essential to understanding business finance because one party often has better information than another (Ghafoor et al., 2019). This can either be because they have more information or better quality information. In both cases, this pressures the other party to decide based on uncertain but potentially incorrect data. How financial reporting impacts the utility of information has long been discussed and researched in the business world. Businesses have generally found that their internal processes and existing reporting systems can be improved by a more efficient means of information sharing, hence the rise of technology (Dunne & McBrayer, 2019). However, this improvement often leads to an increase in demand for better internal reporting throughout all areas of a business, rather than a sole focus on improving investor relations via external reporting.

When one party has more information, it can use this to its advantage. Information asymmetry is a tool that companies use to convince consumers to make purchases. The goal of any company is to get people to buy their products. If they are not doing this well enough, they will lose out on sales and profits. This is why the most successful companies invest heavily in marketing campaigns that highlight how their products offer unique value propositions, solve problems, and meet needs better than competitors’ offerings, so as not only to convince customers they need what they are selling but also find ways (Ghafoor et al., 2019). One example of an asymmetric information problem is insurance. Let us say one buys a car insurance policy, but the company has no way of knowing how bad one’s driving history is. If they charge too much, one may decide not to buy the policy and continue driving without insurance until something happens (such as an accident) (Sellami & Hlima, 2019). If they charge too little, then this will lead to more accidents per person – which means that everyone will have higher rates due to higher rates overall in society. Insurance companies often have an information advantage, meaning they know more about the risk one is insuring against than one does. This allows them to charge high premiums and inefficiently allocate capital in the economy. In addition, many consumers are not fully aware of all the risks they take when buying insurance policies, and this causes them to pay more than they should for policies.

Information asymmetries are essential in business finance because they lead to the misallocation of resources. Suppose a borrower has more information than a lender. In that case, it may be easier to hide information about his/her actual expenses and default risk (lousy credit history) from the lender than vice versa (Motta & Sharma,2020). Even when both parties have complete information, if one party has more relevant information than another, the result would still be unequal. In many cases, an information advantage for one party over another could misallocate resources (Ghafoor et al., 2019). If a borrower has more information than a lender, it would be easier for the borrower to hide his actual expenses from the lender/bank. Similarly, the result would still be unequal if a lender had more innovative algorithms than a borrower.


Information Asymmetry is the gap between the knowledge held by two parties in an economic transaction. In business finance, information asymmetries arise because investors and entrepreneurs have different skills, resources, and time horizons. While investors are more likely to be better equipped to make long-term strategic decisions about a company’s future, the entrepreneur is on hand to take care of day-to-day operations. To reduce information asymmetries, entrepreneurs need to clarify their goals and aspirations for their businesses so that investors can get a clear picture of where they are heading. In today’s business world, it is often difficult to accurately explain value (Motta & Sharma,2020). There is a lot of information asymmetry between buyers and sellers where each party may know different things that affect their decision-making process. Information asymmetries can also exist between customers, employees, and managers. Thus it is indeed true that information asymmetries matter a lot in our understanding of business finance and the impact the difference in the level of knowledge of the critical financial information can have on businesses.