International Mobility in Human Resource

International Mobility in Human Resource

  1. Case Summary

The article is about international mobility for expatriates for the organization. Ana, the engineer, seems to have adapted well to Brussels and her job and her t sons studying at international schools. Her husband, however, cuts a frustrated figure, unable to work in Europe with his medical degree and research opportunities despite not being forte being the only available opportunities. The organization’s problem is relocating ex-pats because its requirement for senior positions requires international experience.

The Human resource department is stalling on ex-pats requirements, such as taking Sergio’s mum to china to avoid costly trips back to Milan. On the other hand, Ana is considering returning to South America after talks with the Brazilian head. It complicates the firm’s situation as the European operations are yet to take root, and the staff is weary of international assignments. The constant shifts in the human resource will result in disruption productivity across the whole organization.

  1. Steps the company should have taken before deployment

Schaffer and associates’ research states that an expatriate’s retention ability bases on organizational support to make the relocation process as smooth as possible (Luthans & Doh, 2018). In this regard, therefore, Oswald feels left out in Brussels, and despite having a medical degree, he cannot practice his craft in Purple and has to pursue research opportunities, which is not his forte. The weather is not helping either, and the high living costs in Europe make his life in Belgium unbearable. It has also translated to his wife, who has opened back channels to Brazil to find a suitable role in South America close to home and where the husband will be happy and free to practice. She has a vital role in expansion into Eastern Europe, and the company cannot afford to lose her. It is in the firm’s interest to ensure her family is happy to stay and complete her tour of duty.

The company should have made arrangements with the whole family to ensure smooth relocation and resettlement in Brussels (Luthans & Doh, 2018). In light of his medical degree not being accredited in Europe, financial compensation would have been adequate to ensure that the family can survive.  The family can rely on the working spouse’s income as he makes arrangements to pursue medical school or research programs available to him. It would have kept him busy and productive, making their stay in Europe a success and fulfill her contractual obligation. The increased financial income would have incentivized him to push through their European stay.

A happy and fulfilled spouse would mean the home adapts well, and relocating thoughts become canceled out by the support and treatment accorded to them. It would have made her productive and stop the back channels to relocate back to brazil and focus on her assignment in Eastern Europe as her husband works towards a European Union recognized qualification. She is used to traveling since her childhood days when her father was a diplomat, and the children have taken to adapting well to their new school environment.

The company should have required a joint family interview before deployment to address Oswald’s concerns, as he plays a significant role in ensuring the wife’s happiness (Cangià & Zittoun2018). If he wants to relocate, the spouse will be left lonely and unproductive. As evidence, she will seek a way back to familiar surroundings in South America, where her husband is less grumpy and fulfilled in his medical career. The interview could address all the concerns before relocation to ensure they do not experience culture shock in the new country and quickly adapt and settle.

  1. The Company Role in facilitating Adjustments

In the article, Oswald is uncomfortable in Europe as he cuts a frustrated figure. He cannot practice medicine, and the research opportunities accorded to him are not sufficient to keep him busy or make him happy. These factors have translated into an unhappy home, and Ann is considering returning to South America as she cannot stand being without her husband in a foreign land.

The firm could have avoided the situation by working to ensure they are well settled and happy. An expatriate looks to their family as a source of grounding and comfort. Disarray in the home leads to resignations and cutting short of international assignments to the company’s detriment (Luthans & Doh, 2018). The expatriate wants to cut short her stay, which will significantly affect its operations and expansion into Europe.

How the firm should have ensured Oswald and Ana’s adaption in Brussels (Luthans & Doh, 2018)

  1. The couple should have undertaken anticipatory training on life in Europe. The firm could have taken them through the weather, the job market, and how the firm could arrange for Oswald to gain employment while living in Europe. This experience would have given them a clear picture of European life before they took on the assignment to prevent surprises and early departures. The company should have taken note of previous experiences they had and fully informed them of the road ahead.
  2. The firm could have facilitated in-country adjustment by evaluating their propensity to a high-pressure European environment and adjusting to the host nation’s culture and how they view Belgian culture relative to their own. It would have avoided potential conflicts in Oswald’s research activities and made him feel welcome and open to finishing the three-year term.
  3. The organizational structure worked for Ann; there were a clear work structure and her role in it. The potential for conflict became eliminated, and she adjusted well. Her husband, however, cut a frustrated figure as there were no clear lines in his line of work, which led him to entertain thoughts of going back to Brazil. He had no structure nor support system to fall back on, which made him miss home and want to leave Europe.
  4. The organization could consider undertaking stress tests on future international deployments to see how they stack up. It is crucial to ensure that persons selected are severe and can survive high-pressure environments that adapt quickly to the new territories for faster integration into new environments. It would have facilitated Oswald’s easier integration into the new environment.
  5. The compensation package offered to Ann was not enough to cater for her family. Europe had a high living cost coupled with a husband unable to find suitable employment to contribute to the family expenses, which caused a big problem for the family. It is why she wanted to return to South America once she heard of an open position. The firm should have adequately compensated her, and her husband, whose qualifications meant he could not find a job in Europe, could have been considered for an allowance by the company. The cash incentive would have motivated them to stay on and fulfill the contract.