Observation & Critique Paper: Clinical Social Work Association

Clinical Social Work Association Critique

The Clinical Social Work Association (CSWA) is dedicated to giving aid and information to clinical social workers who are currently in practice. Members can find information on malpractice insurance, explanations on HIPAA regulations, licensure counsel, and the processes for patient health coverage and paperwork in the resource materials provided by the organization. Helping people cope with and resolve their difficulties is the primary responsibility of social workers. However, the workers in CSWA face a slew of difficulties during their professional lives and careers. The problems that social workers face are numerous, diverse, and substantial from the emotional toll of dealing with problems such as abuse, criminal activity, substance abuse, health issues, and difficulties of working with disenfranchised client populations and the typical occurrence of job burnout.

Problems in Internal Agency Environment

In this organization, the workers are continually confronted with the most horrific aspects of oppression, social injustice, and inequality in society. The workers have the ability to aid individuals in the community who desperately need assistance. Still, it’s tough not to be personally impacted by the challenges that the customers must overcome. It may be even more disheartening if workers know from their own personal experience navigating the social care system that many of the services and programs necessary to address these issues are not available, are not adequately paid, or are otherwise not up to standard. Moreover, in this environment, social workers are typically caring individuals who choose to devote their time and energy to work that directly impacts them or their loved ones at some point in their lives, resulting in emotional constrain (Baciu, L., & Vîrgă, 2018). Thus, they are more prone to have a strong emotional reaction to the misery that they watch their clients going through in front of them.

Social work is a career that requires a great deal of stress. It is necessary to meet many demands, and crises can and do come without warning, especially in hospitals. Workloads are frequently large, and each and every client on a social worker’s workload demands individual attention and awareness. Being constantly reminded of and witnessing the worst aspects of society and societal problems can sour even the most optimistic attitude. CSWA workers may experience a condition known as “compassion fatigue” throughout their careers. As social workers frequently are in their efforts to assist clients, they are confronted with discomforting firsthand narratives and descriptions of other people’s trauma. This phenomenon is known as “secondary trauma.” It can show similar signs and symptoms to those that define post-traumatic stress disorder.

Agency Responsiveness to the Needs of Clients

To be more responsive to the needs and comforts of clients, social workers need to advocate for policies and programs that help improve their productivity and working environments. Social workers in this environment can advocate for improved policies and programs that could assist in lowering the rate and impact of present injustices and alleviate problems concerning needs that exist. This is something that they should frequently do. The policies may also try to remove the stigma associated with marginalized communities and taboo topics for these issues to be better understood by the general public. Thus, the workers will be able to serve their clients well.

The social workers in this environment can address the issues of low pay rates and insufficient safeguards in place to protect them. The workers can control the solution to their problems by seeking out labor unions who can help them get salary increments and their working environment improved.

In most cases, it is much easier to find solutions to manage job burnout than to drastically alter their compensation and working circumstances or the demands of their profession. The organization social worker may prescribe techniques to counteract levels of work burnout, such as establishing clear boundaries and limits and taking time for self-care such as enough sleep and exercise well (De Marchis, 2019). Besides, employees’ robust programs are crucial in fighting burnout. Workers are guaranteed for safety and care of their households, and thus, they will have a sense of peace and comfort serving others. These actions may help solve the significant problems their clients are experiencing. Moreover, they will help protect social workers from feelings and emotions of secondary trauma and burnout, allowing them to continue working to help others in their communities.

Benefits that Merit the Cost of Improvement

Regarding policies and programs such as salary increments that help improve their productivity and working environments for the workers. This may require financial resources, but in the long run, it will help the organization to meet strategic goals since workers are now motivated. Thus, the benefits realized will merit the costs involved. Improving the working environment improves the productivity of employees. It enhances the ability of the workers to be more productive, motivated, and effective. The development of a pleasant environment and the improvement of your surroundings might help you feel more enthused about attending to work and meeting schedules. The resulting benefits merit the cost for improving the working environment. Establishing clear boundaries and limits may require more time from the working hours. This is in conjunction with having reasonable working hours to become flexible with work. Robust employees programs may come at an extra cost, but the benefits realized after getting rid of burnout will merit the costs.