Perspectives on Health and Wellbeing

The health status of an individual is an ordinary state of social, mental, and physical wellbeing rather than a concern about the presence or absence of an illness. As such, an unhealthy person is not only characterised by poor physical health but also considerable psychological and emotional disturbance. This consideration gives rise to the significance of adult nursing in the contemporary world. Adult nursing is a multidisciplinary approach in which adult nurses collaborate effectively in managing patients with complex, chronic, and lethal infections. On that note, they focus on the positive aspiration of an individual, which is characterised by active participation in social activities and reducing sedentary lifestyles.

In contemporary society, many people are experiencing some kind of unreported psychological or mental illness. According to Leahy and Simovska (2017), the healthcare sector focuses heavily on the physical status of an individual without consideration for mental health. The case study of Marcia, Zane, and their two daughters (Jasmine and Alice) provide an excellent basis for understanding the actual perspective of health and wellbeing. Marcia stays at home and suffers from post-natal depression while Zane works at a local factory and suffers from hypertension. Regardless of Marcia’s and Zane’s conditions, their daughter, Jasmine, who is 11 years old, ails from asthma. Based on the case study, this evaluative assessment identifies factors that affect the health and wellbeing of people, existing health inequalities, and the potential effects of poor health with an in-depth focus on Jasmine.

The case study presents Jasmine, Marcia, and Zane as individuals with significant health issues. However, this evaluation study focuses on Jasmine to acknowledge the potential effects of poor health. Accordingly, the case study mentions that Jasmine ails from asthma in which she is taking a blue salbutamol inhaler for symptomatic relief. The case study also indicates that Jasmine lives in a room with slightly wet walls. She is facing significant challenges building friendships due to her health status, which contributes to regular absenteeism from school. The case study also pinpoints the financial poverty engulfing Jasmine’s family. The family lacks a private transport facility leading to an overreliance on local transport services and locally available food products.

Financial challenges are likely to initiate compromised dietary and nutritional behaviours in a family. According to Stephan (2018), financial burden creates a basis for overreliance on potentially unhealthy but available food products. For instance, Jasmine’s family relies heavily on locally available, cheap, and non-fresh vegetables and fruits. This situation contributes significantly to the primary causes of poor health in the family. Conversely, it is imperative to assess the dietary plans and living conditions of the family before acknowledging Jasmine’s health status. A focus on Jasmine’s mental health provides a basis for effectively understanding the causes of poor health and wellbeing.

Accordingly, the wet and damp walls of Jasmine’s room are the likely primary causes of her asthma. Tiotiu et al. (2020) indicate that the air quality index of an area determines the possibility of acquiring chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma. Therefore, a person living in a room with extreme moisture content is likely to have a reduced air quality index. According to Tiotiu et al. (2020), a low air quality index affects respiratory functions leading to potentially lethal and chronic problems in the lungs. The prolonged availability of moisture in the atmosphere contributes to the development of moulds and fungi, which are likely to deteriorate the purity index of air quality.

These factors are highly likely to contribute to the development of asthma. Therefore, Jasmine’s asthma may have originated from the wet conditions in her room. Regardless of the identified poor living standards, the case study does not pinpoint potential renovation plans to address the wet and stuffy living conditions. This non-consideration arises from the lack of adequate funding capabilities for the renovations, according to Best and Sinha (2021). Evidently, Jasmine’s family considers unaffordability as the primary root cause of the failure to renovate Jasmine’s room. Therefore, poor living standards may lead to the emergence of infectious, chronic, and lethal infections.

Additionally, Jasmine is having a compromised diet by consuming rotten vegetables and fruits from the local vendors. This dietary and nutritional habit fails to offer sufficient immunity for fighting infections. Jessel et al. (2019) indicate that proper dietary habits, quality air, and enabling environment are likely to overcome the emergence and spread of diseases. Therefore, quality air and a promising diet may overcome Jasmine’s health status. In most instances, proper dietary and nutritional habits fuel the body’s immunity levels; thus, enabling the body to fight infections. This consideration leads to the development of a strong immune system.

A strong and healthy immune system can fight and overcome disease-causing agents such as fungi and moulds without considerable supplementation. According to Jessel et al. (2019), a compromised immune system due to unhealthy and poor dietary behaviours leads to the inability of an individual to fight back infections. As such, an individual is likely to depend heavily on medications and supplements. In the case of Jasmine, frequent school absenteeism is increasing her social distress since she is unable to build strong friendships. As such, she is becoming non-socialised and lacks confidence leading to potential psychological and emotional distress. Therefore, the failure to manage her distress effectively may lead to the development of psychological diseases, especially anxiety, stress, and depression.

The evidential factors in the case of Jasmine pinpoint poverty as the root cause of her woes. This situation evidences the current alarming health status of contemporary society. In line with this factor, there is a need for ensuring the availability of affordable and accessible food products since they are basic necessities for the healthy survival of an individual. However, well-established vendors of food products such as supermarkets provide quality food products at rocketed prices due to the deemed profit margins. On that note, the food industry should reduce the profit margins for freshly available products to reduce high morbidity and mortality rates resulting from poor dietary and nutritional practices.

This consideration will enable people to access fresh and cheap food products. According to Chen et al. (2020), the availability of these food products will offer an enabling basis for overcoming complex, lethal, and chronic infections originating from poor nutritional and dietary practices. In addition, the government is at the centre stage of promoting the transportation and accessibility to fresh food products. This support will cut down the transportation expenses required for accessing quality and fresh food products on time. Therefore, these efforts are likely to improve the health and well-being of community members including a reduced prevalence rate for chronic and long-term diseases such as asthma.

The primary causes and effects of Jasmine’s health status necessitate the application of the health belief model to assess the appropriate mechanisms for overcoming diseases in society. According to Conner and Norman (2017), the health belief model is a scientifically developed framework for understanding health behaviours among people. This model of healthcare is rooted in the willingness and ability of people to change their lifestyle behaviours based on their health perceptions. Accordingly, the health beliefs of people determine the primary considerations in their health-related behaviours. As such, people cannot change their unhealthy lifestyle behaviours unless they believe in potential susceptibility to infection.

The primary components of the health belief model include perceived barriers, cues to action, perceived severity, self-efficacy, perceived benefits, and perceived susceptibility. On that note, the barriers to a healthy lifestyle are identifiable, which formulates the basis for understanding the required actions. According to Conner and Norman (2017), it is possible to evaluate the benefits and outcomes of a healthy lifestyle while establishing the potential chances of acquiring an infection. In line with the health belief model, the side effects of infections and the self-esteem to improve the health status of an individual are also detectable. As such, the health belief model offers an excellent basis for identifying and accessing the aspects of Jasmine’s health and well-being as well as solving the potentially lethal, chronic, and complex health status of Jasmine.

The primary objective of connecting the health belief model with the case study is to offer an excellent basis for assessing Jasmine’s health status. Financial deprivation is the primary perceived barrier to Jasmine’s healthy lifestyle. This situation requires a healthy diet and fresh air to reduce the intensity of her asthma. Through financial stability, Jasmine will have improved living conditions and reduce absenteeism from strong, which is pivotal in building relationships. As such, she will have improved self-confidence and social behaviour. Green et al. (2020) indicate that financial support from the government, well-wishers, or the private sector will play a pivotal role in improving Jasmine’s health and wellbeing. However, failure to attend to her asthmatic condition will lead to more hospitalisation and medications, which increased her family’s financial burden. Therefore, there is a need to follow the health belief model to manage Jasmine’s health status effectively.

People have divergent viewpoints on health and wellbeing. Most people in society believe that the absence of a disease or the presence of basic survival needs sums to their well-being. However, an in-depth evaluation using the health belief model evidences the mortality and morbidity rates as insignificant factors for measuring health status. Mental health, social participation, food quality, transportation, and related issues are the primary consideration factors for a healthy lifestyle. Based on the case study, Jasmine ails from deprived peace of mind evidencing the alarming mental health status of people in the society. This situation culminates with the evidence of a poor health system, inconsiderate governmental agencies, and profit-oriented food agencies.