Bad Study Habits to Drop and 4 Good Ones to Keep

Bad Study Habits

When starting college life, it is often challenging to figure out which habits are good and those that are bad. However, it is something that you have to figure it out alone. If you have been spending long hours studying and you have not yet started to see the results you are desiring, perhaps you are using the wrong studying habits. College students should always remember that sometimes, the studying strategies they used in high school may be ineffective in college. One of the greatest college expectations is that you learn to live independently and face challenges by yourself. The first time of college life is usually challenging especially for the students that are used to living with their parents. For the sake of clarity, it is important to define bad habits as those that keep the student from being the best they can be and good studying habits as those traits that assist a student to attain excellent grades. This paper will discuss bad study habits to drop and 4 good ones to keep.


This is one of the bad habits that students should strive to avoid if they want to be successful. Sometimes a person may lack the psyche to study and instead, postpone their studying learning sessions and prefer hanging out with friends. Apparently, if you have colleagues that are on Facebook, you will spend too much time constantly reviewing the feed once in a while. Unfortunately, when the time for exams is almost due, everyone suddenly becomes busy, not studying, but either spending all day sleeping, cooking, or cleaning their homes. It is no doubt that studying for an examination can be stressful and it may force an individual to face their fears and go after their dreams. Regardless of how tough the situation might get; you should be cautious to avoid procrastination. If you are having difficulty avoiding procrastination, there are many strategies that can be found on the internet.

Choosing the wrong studying venue

As a student, you should never forget the rule of thumb; if you are sleeping or feeling like you want to sleep when you are studying in a specific location, it is not the best place. The same applies when you are constantly surrounded by distractions such as unnecessary movements, noise, and calls from your phone. It is essential to note that some people will need things to happen around them so that they can concentrate. If you are such kind of a student, you will need to try out different places and identify the one that works best for you during your studying sessions. For instance, if you want to learn how to write an academic paper in MLA format, you might find it difficult especially when you are studying in the wrong venue. Students can learn to write using the MLA format using this link.

Comparing yourself to other people

By the time you join college, you are aware that different people have unique abilities. Therefore, what might work well for you may not be the same for another person. That is one of the reasons why you should avoid making comparisons between your abilities and those of your friends. If you become fond of comparing yourself with your friends, the chances are high that you might end up frustrated or stressed out. The bottom line is that you should avoid comparing yourself to your friends.

Studying the night before your examination

Some students may attain excellent grades by revising for their examinations at the last minute. Others might pass their assessments by studying the night before the assessment period. However, one clear thing is that you should avoid waiting until the last minute, especially when you want to improve your average grades. When you rush to go through what you studied, the chances are high that information may be stored in the short and not long-term memory. As a student, you must always remember that effective studying requires a lot of energy, attention, effort, and time. Most importantly, you must never forget that your mind will not operate effectively if you have not had an adequate amount of sleep. Here is what you might consider doing as a student, take a break before your examinations begin. You could also go for a walk or meet your friends. The bottom line is that you should avoid waiting until the last minute to start doing your assignments.

Avoid studying with the wrong people

If you are constantly by people who do not care about their academic performances, the chances are high that you will also not be concerned with your school performance. Students should always remember that choosing the right people to hang around and study with is one of the most effective way of enhancing and improving their performance. Evidence shows that studying with friends might be a great idea especially if you have colleagues that are motivated enough. You should have friends who will be willing and ready to assist you during your difficult times. Although studying in groups can be effective at times, you should do it with caution. If you realize that you are spending a lot of time chatting with your colleagues on irrelevant topics, it would be best that you study independently.

Avoid doubting your abilities

At times, college life can be challenging and difficult. Sometimes, you might feel like giving up on your dreams and studies, something which is understandable. However, you should never give up on what you want to achieve or what you would wish to become when you complete school. Your friends might doubt your abilities, your lecturer might give your discouraging words, and you might score low grades in an assessment that you spent too much time preparing. All in all, regardless of what you encounter in life, you should never doubt your abilities. There is no doubt that no person will believe in you if you do not have to believe in yourself. Therefore, if you want to attain the best out of your abilities, you should learn to have faith in yourself.

School life is full of ups and downs and many people are always trying to find new ways to make it more productive. When you want to attain good greats and secure your future, there are some actions that you need to take on a constant basis, and those that you need to do away with completely. Hopefully, this article will assist you in identifying and avoiding some of the bad habits that make students not score excellent academic grades.