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Characteristics of a Well-Written Essay

Elements of a Well Written Essay

There is no specific method for writing good essays. However, essays termed as good always share certain common characteristics. Unfortunately, most college students enjoy their campus lives apart from when it comes to writing essays. One of the commonly stated reasons is that essay writing entails a lengthy and tedious process, which happens to be true. It is important to note that campus life is filled with many exciting activities, which compete for students’ attention. If a person is not careful, there are high chances that they might miss out on the important things that took them to school. Regardless of whether writing a good essay is challenging or exciting, students should always strive to compose top-notch essays. If you are struggling to write top-notch papers, there is no doubt that with enough practice, you will be able to advance your writing skills effortlessly. If you are having difficulty completing your academic papers because of unavoidable reasons, you might consider seeking assistance from your lecturers or colleagues. This article will describe some of the characteristics of a well-written essay.

Characteristics of a Well-Written Essay

Interesting introduction

A well-written essay has an interesting introduction that easily captures readers` attention. It is important to note that the introduction of an essay plays a significant role since it can either make the readers want to read more of your content or lose interest. A good essay has a well-written introduction. The writer has made use of interesting quotes from well-known authors, questions, or exclamation marks to make the introduction impressive. The writer has also included a thesis and purpose statement, both of which describe to the readers the primary objectives of the paper.

It has a good structure

The structure of an essay is based on the organization and flow of ideas. An impressive essay is divided into the introduction, body paragraphs, and finally, the conclusion. As stated above, the introduction should always be written in an interesting way so as to capture the attention of the reader. The main body of the essay should consist of several paragraphs that are well-written. In a well-written paper, there is a unique idea in each paragraph, which makes it easier for the reader to understand the flow of information. Finally, there is the conclusion which should summarize all the ideas written on the paper. In a top-notch essay, the writer has made use of transition words to move from one paragraph to the next or one idea to the other one. Click here to learn how to structure your paper using APA format.

Does not have plagiarism

Students need to understand the importance of planning their time well. Unfortunately, the majority of students devote so little time to their studies. Such students often fail to understand that it is difficult to excel in academics if one does not dedicate sufficient time to their studies. We are living in a generation where most students want to score impressive grades without encountering difficulties or making any sacrifices. The majority of college students prefer hanging out with their friends or attending parties at the expense of their studies. Unfortunately, such learners realize when it is too late that they have not completed their assignments. As a result, they result to copying and pasting information from the internet without even giving credit to the authors. Finally, they end up being penalized because of submitting substandard assignments.

It is not wordy

A good essay focuses on communicating the intended message while utilizing the least number of words. The writer would not wish to use too long sentences since they might appear boring to the author, or too short sentences because they might fail to describe the intended message. Generally, readers tend to lose interest particularly when they realize that a certain paragraph or paper is so wordy. Therefore, a good essay communicates the intended message using the least possible number of words. A good essay not only focuses on the intended message but also, on leading the reader towards understanding the desired message with the least difficulty.

Has a good flow of ideas

A well-written essay has a good flow of ideas. Each paragraph contains an independent idea, which makes it easier for the reader to understand the flow of information. It is also important to note that in a top-notch essay, one idea is connected to the next one using transition words. If you are struggling to write excellent research papers, you might consider checking whether there is a good flow of ideas in your paper. In case there is no flow, you might consider including transition words and check whether there will be any different. The bottom line is that in a well-written essay, there is a good flow of ideas from one paragraph to the next.

It uses credible sources of information

The advancement of technology has made it possible for people to access information from any geographical location. Currently, people can communicate without so many difficulties, hold conferences, exchange notes and ideas, and attend their lecture sessions with much ease. Unfortunately, the advancement of technology also has its unique set of challenges. Currently, it is getting difficult to acquire accurate information from the internet. Every day, people are publishing articles on the internet, which makes it challenging for the reader to differentiate between credible sources of information as well as those that are not credible. One of the characteristics of a good essay is that the author has used ideas from credible sources of information.

Uses a language that the audience understands

There is a common misconception that a good essay needs to use strong language and big words. This is a poor approach that is most likely to confuse and leave your audience uninterested in reading your work. Most people prefer to read essays that they can easily understand without having to spend too much time looking up words in the dictionary or on the internet. Well-written essays, therefore, always employ simple language that is easy to understand. Unless you are writing a very technical essay that requires a certain type of vocabulary, it is important that you always keep your language as basic as possible in order to ensure all your readers understand what you are trying to put across.

Writing a good essay is an uphill task. The process is not only lengthy but also tedious. As a student, it will be difficult to improve your writing skills within a single day. It is essential to note that an individual requires a series of continuous practice and determination. There are times when a person may feel like giving up. Apparently, it is during those moments when you should not give up. Campus life is filled with numerous exciting activities and it is possible for an individual to forget about the main things that took them to school.