How to Cite a Ted Talk

How to Cite a Ted Talk

TED Talks are a popular platform for sharing groundbreaking ideas and inspiring insights from leading experts in various fields. 

As such, they are often referenced in academic papers, articles, and other written works. If you’re looking to cite a TED Talk in your work, it’s important to know the correct format to ensure you give credit to the speaker and avoid plagiarism.

But beyond the technicalities of citation, there’s a reason why TED Talks have captured the attention of millions around the world. 

These talks are not just informative but also engaging, with speakers using storytelling, humor, and other creative techniques to keep their audiences hooked. In fact, some TED Talks have become so popular that they’ve sparked entire movements and transformed the way people think about a particular topic.

So if you’re looking for a way to add depth and credibility to your work, citing a TED Talk is a great place to start. 

By referencing a talk given by an expert in your field, you can demonstrate your knowledge of the latest research and ideas while also keeping your readers engaged. In this article, we’ll show you how to cite a TED Talk in a few simple steps, so you can start incorporating these powerful talks into your work today.

Explanation of Why Citing a Ted Talk is Important

Citing a Ted Talk is important for several reasons. Firstly, it gives credit to the speaker and acknowledges their work and ideas, which is crucial for academic and research purposes. 

Secondly, citing a Ted Talk provides credibility to your own work and strengthens your argument by referring to an authoritative source. 

Thirdly, citing a Ted Talk makes it easier for readers to locate the source material and verify the information presented. Fourthly, Ted Talks are often viewed as important cultural and intellectual events, and citing them can help to contribute to the wider conversation about the topic being discussed. 

Lastly, citing a Ted Talk can help to promote the speaker’s ideas and work, which may lead to further engagement and discussion about the topic. Overall, citing a Ted Talk is an important part of scholarly writing and helps to ensure that ideas are accurately attributed and recognized.

How to Cite a Ted Talk in MLA

When citing a TED Talk in your research paper or essay, it’s important to follow a specific format depending on the source. If you’re citing a TED Talk from the official TED website, you’ll need to include the speaker’s name, the title of the talk, the name of the website, the month and year it was published, and the original URL. It’s also recommended to include a timestamp for in-text references, so your readers can easily find the quote you’re referencing.

The MLA format for citing a TED Talk from the official website is as follows:

Speaker’s Last name, First Name. “TED Talk Title.” TED, Month Year, URL.

For example:

Kim, Hyeonmi. “How Webtoons Are Changing Movies and TV.” TED, Feb. 2022,

To reference a specific quote or section of the talk in your essay, use the speaker’s last name and the timestamp of the quote. For example: (Kim 7:11)

If you’re citing a TED Talk from YouTube, the format is slightly different. You’ll need to include the speaker’s name, the title of the talk, the name of the YouTube channel (usually TED or TEDx Talks), the date it was uploaded, and the URL.

The format for citing a TED Talk from YouTube is as follows:

Speaker’s Last Name, First Name. “Ted Talk Title.” YouTube, uploaded by TED or TEDx Talks, Day Month Year, URL.

For example:

Imbo, Frederik. “How Not to Take Things Personally? | Frederik Imbo | TedXMechelen.” YouTube, uploaded by TEDx Talks, 4 Mar. 2020,

Again, use the speaker’s last name and the timestamp of the quote for in-text references. For example: (Imbo 11:34)

If you’re citing a transcript of a TED Talk video, you can use the same format as for the official website, but add the word “Transcript” at the end of the citation. For example:

Kim, Hyeonmi. “How Webtoons Are Changing Movies and TV.” TED, Feb. 2022,

How to Cite Ted Talk in APA

If you’re citing a TED Talk in your research paper using the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style, you’ll need to include an in-text citation every time you paraphrase or quote from the talk. Additionally, you’ll need to include a Reference List entry at the end of your paper. The format for the Reference List entry will depend on whether you accessed the TED Talk from the TED website or from YouTube.

Reference List Entry for TED Talks on the TED Website:

Start your Reference List entry with the speaker’s last name, followed by their first initial, separated by a comma. Then, in parentheses, include the year, month, and day the video was posted on the TED website. If the month and day are not provided, only include the year. Next, include the title of the specific talk in sentence case, followed by the format of the video in square brackets. Finally, include the URL where the video can be accessed, preceded by the words “Retrieved from.”

Here’s the format:

SpeakerLastName, I. (Year, Month Day). Speaker’s Name: Title of talk in sentence case [Video file]. Retrieved from URL

For example:

Lovegood, L. (2019, February 7). Luna Lovegood: Love in the Time of Voldemort [Video file]. Retrieved from

When citing the talk in your paper, include the speaker’s last name and the year of publication in parentheses. If you’re quoting directly from the talk, include the timestamp of the quote as well.

In-text citation format:

(Lovegood, 2019)

(Lovegood, 2019, 3:42)

Remember to use the date the video was posted on the TED website, not the date the talk was given, if the two dates are different. Following these guidelines will ensure that your citations are accurate and consistent with APA style.

If you’re citing a TED Talk from YouTube, you’ll need to include the uploader’s screen name or full name (including the title “TEDxTalks” if applicable), the year and date of publication, the title of the video, the name of the website, and the URL. For in-text citations, use the uploader’s screen name or full name.

The format for citing a TED Talk from YouTube is as follows:

Uploader’s Screen Name or Full Name [TEDxTalks]. (Year, Date). Title. Website. URL.

For example:

TEDx Talks [TEDxTalks]. (2016, April). Why “scout mindset” is crucial to good judgment | Julia Galef | TEDxPSU. YouTube.

In-text citation: (TEDx Talks, 2016)

When quoting a TED Talk in your essay, you can incorporate the speaker’s name into your writing. For example:

According to TEDx Talks (2021), “Starting in 2021, Collins has managed to provide proof that green energy leads to even greater costs and is not always efficient.”

Overall, it’s important to use the correct citation format for your source to ensure that your research is accurate and credible.

Bottom Line

Citing a Ted Talk is an essential aspect of academic writing that helps to establish the credibility of your work and acknowledge the contributions of others. By citing a Ted Talk, you give credit to the speaker and their ideas while also providing readers with a reliable source of information. 

At Peachy Essay Writing Services, they understand the importance of proper citation and academic integrity, which is why they offer expert writing services that can help you produce high-quality academic work that adheres to all the necessary citation requirements. If you need help with your academic writing, do not hesitate to contact us.