Tips to Improve Your Learning Capacity

Improve Learning Capacity

High pressure on students and professionals to learn vast amounts of information for study and the workplace can make learning difficult and time-consuming. Different learning strategies can help you reduce stress, study more efficiently, and retain information for longer.

If studying is difficult, improving your workflow with new techniques, improving your time management, and building your long-term studying confidence are beneficial. This article will discuss 20 learning techniques to help you study more efficiently.

So, how do various learning techniques improve your learning capacity?

Using various learning techniques presents information in ways that make it easier to process and store in long-term memory. Traditional book learning and repetitive recall can be effective in many situations, but different personalities process information differently.

You can try out different solutions and see how well you retain information using each one. By experimenting with different learning techniques and determining which works best for you, you can increase your learning capacity and retain more detailed information for extended periods.

Proven Learning Techniques

Numerous methods for presenting information can assist you in understanding various approaches to the same subject. Here are 16 different examples of effective learning techniques:

Use flashcards

Flashcards are a popular type of exercise for improving short-term memory because they allow you to practice quickly recalling short amounts of information. Use flashcards to help you remember key concepts, small details, and definitions. You can also improve their effectiveness by using color codes, drawings, and images to aid recall. Flashcards are frequently helpful in refreshing key concepts before an exam or presentation and can be used multiple times.

Mind mapping

Mind maps are handy for mapping different systems and processes and learning how a concept works in context. You can use mind maps to take notes as you learn so that you can reconstruct the mind map to understand a concept fully. The mind map method can be used in various media and environments, including engineering, statistics, graphic design, and literature.

Ongoing testing

Testing your knowledge in any subject regularly can help with long-term retention. It assists you in determining what additional research you can do to improve. You can frequently find simple knowledge tests and exercises for your field of interest online. You can also write your tests or use online generators to create functional tests that are just as effective.

Taking notes

While this may seem obvious, it is easy to forget to take notes when learning outside the classroom. When learning new information, techniques, or skills, taking notes is beneficial so that you can refer to them at work. This is especially useful in creative industries where you may need to remember complicated techniques in a situational environment for future tasks.


If you find it challenging to learn written information, try audiobooks, tutorials, and voice recordings as an alternative to traditional methods. Rather than taking notes, some people prefer to use audio or visual memory methods to retain information. For most industries, numerous video tutorials, online lectures, and presentations are available, usually freely available on the Internet.


Cramming is perceived differently by different people; some find it difficult to strike a balance, while others believe it is one of the most effective forms of learning because the high pressure intensifies focus. If you thrive on cramming information for a short period, it can be a very efficient way to process new ideas, as long as you maintain your health throughout the process.

Providing positive reinforcement

The psychological effect of rewarding learning with small incentives, such as sweets or hobby time, can occasionally benefit people who work hard in long learning sessions. This can help you absorb information by breaking it down into small, rewarded shifts, making you more willing to work on a consistent schedule. You may focus better during sessions if you make your work schedule more manageable and consistent.

Group research

It can be beneficial to discuss complex concepts with other students. Group study sessions can help you identify areas you still need to identify, pool your resources, and receive feedback. Alternatively, simply studying in silence with others can help you stay focused and productive.


Most textbooks, online tutorials, and manuals include lists of exercises and examples to help you test your knowledge of the subject. Working through the exercises allows you to gauge your level of understanding. Try to use exercises to strategize your learning and determine what other learning techniques might benefit you.

Error detection

When a tutorial or textbook explains something without visual aids, it’s easy to overlook mistakes. When you’ve finished a piece of work or task, try to identify areas where you can improve; this is an excellent way to improve your work and consistency. If you need help identifying areas for improvement, show your work to a colleague and ask for feedback, which you can use constructively.

Mnemonic devices

Mnemonics are commonly used in educational facilities to help students remember patterns or sequences using an acronym, such as BIDMAS (brackets, indices, division, multiplication, addition, and subtraction). Create a mnemonic to help you remember a specific sequence of information if you’re trying to learn it. This method is beneficial for learning complex processes and systems with easily identifiable components, such as creative workflows or industry systems.

Interactive software

Using online resources to engage with learning information in various ways is beneficial. Even if you learn easily using traditional methods, experimenting with different methods of presenting information can inspire you to see the same content in new ways. This is especially common on language-learning websites because it allows you to use the language you’ve learned in various formats.


Putting yourself in a situation where you have to present your knowledge to an audience can help you improve your ability to articulate concepts and motivate you to learn a subject thoroughly. Furthermore, teaching a subject several times helps to internalize concepts properly. To practice and receive feedback and new ideas, try teaching a subject you’re learning to friends or colleagues.

Broader reading

You may need to fully comprehend a subject because of a need for broader context or specific details. Further reading about the subject or consulting more specialized literature is an effective learning technique, in this case, for discovering previously unknown information. The importance of broad reading to understand your field becomes clear, as it may assist you in better visualizing the significance of the subject you’re studying.


It’s beneficial to create a solid learning framework to make the best use of your time and manage your workload. Consider what works best for you regarding information retention and the most productive use of your time. Make a list of these steps for approaching new material, such as a reading phase, note-taking phase, or exercise phase. This can help you become more consistent in approaching different types of material, which can lead to successful learning practices.


Finding a mentor willing to let you observe and learn their methods is a tried and true method for learning a craft or job. Mentorship and shadowing are well-established learning methods that allow you to ask questions and receive flexible instruction. If this option is unavailable, seek advice from colleagues, friends, or managers. Communities, forums, and events in your field can help you locate similar resources.

How to Learn Better

Continue to learn new things

Simply continuing to learn is one surefire way to become a more effective learner. According to research, neurogenesis is the brain’s process of producing new brain cells. However, many of these cells will eventually die unless a person engages in effortful learning. These cells are kept alive and incorporated into brain circuits by learning new things.

So, if you are learning a new language, it is critical to continue practicing it to maintain your progress. This “use-it-or-lose-it” phenomenon is caused by a brain process called “pruning.” Specific brain pathways are preserved during pruning, while others are eliminated. Continue practicing and rehearsing the new information you learned if you want it to stick.

Learn in a variety of ways

Another effective learning method is to focus on learning in more than one way. For example, find a way to practice the information verbally and visually rather than simply listening to a podcast based on auditory learning.

Try writing your notes on paper rather than typing them on a laptop, tablet, or computer. Longhand notes, according to research, can help cement information in memory more effectively than digital note-taking.

Share what you’re learning

Educators have long recognized that teaching something to someone else is one of the best ways to learn it. Remember your seventh-grade Costa Rica presentation? Your teacher hoped you would gain even more from the assignment by teaching the rest of the class.

Today, you can use the same principle by sharing newly acquired skills and knowledge with others. Begin by putting the information into your own words.

Expand on previous knowledge

Relational learning involves relating new information to things you already know, which is another excellent way to become a more effective learner.

Suppose you are learning a new language. In that case, you may associate the new vocabulary and grammar with what you already know about your native language or other languages you may speak.

Gain real-world experience

Many students learn by reading textbooks, attending lectures, or conducting research in the library or online. While seeing and writing down information is essential, putting new knowledge and skills into practice can be one of the most effective ways to improve learning.

Perform the activity regularly if it is a sport or athletic skill. Practice speaking with another person and immerse yourself in language immersion experiences if you are learning a new language. To hone your skills, watch foreign-language films and talk with native speakers.

Focus on gaining practical experience if you’re trying to learn a new skill or ability.

Do not be afraid of making mistakes

According to research, making mistakes while learning can improve learning outcomes. According to one study, trial-and-error learning in which the errors were close to the correct answer was a valuable part of the learning process.

Another study discovered that making mistakes and receiving corrective feedback can benefit learning.

Fastest Learning Methods

Have you ever heard a teacher explain something so well that he could teach Quantum Physics to 5-year-olds? Surprisingly, the real benefit is more significant. This method is known as the Feynman Technique, after Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman.

Closed feedback loops

Being stuck is the enemy of quick learning. Regardless of your mindset or technique, waiting effectively limits your learning ability. There are numerous ways to accomplish this, including (but not limited to):

  • Obtaining solution manuals and answer keys
  • Obtaining immediate feedback on “Solved Problems” books
  • Obtaining a Coach (for skill learning)
  • Visiting YouTube

As a result, always choose materials that will keep you from getting stuck. For example, taking a test would tell you whether or not you learned anything during the course (more on this later), but the time it takes to receive feedback is simply too long. If authentic learning is your goal, make sure you learn about your mistakes and correctness as soon as possible. Rather than hiding your flaws, you want to expose them right away so you can work on them. That’s it for Growth Mindset 101.

Feedback also allows you to discover new strengths and focus your learning time on the areas that require the most attention.

Practice retrieval and active recall

A study published in Trends in Cognitive Sciences found that retrieval practice highly improved memory even when the correct answer was unknown. However, tight feedback loops should not be limited to learning materials; they should also be present in our methods. In this case, we should be able to tell whether or not we’ve learned anything. Have you ever completed a reading assignment and felt as if you already knew it, only to find out that you couldn’t remember anything when exam time came?

Simply believing you know something does not imply that you do. This issue is eliminated by retrieval practice. How can you learn higher-level information if you need help remembering the prerequisites? Okay, but what about studying repeatedly? Isn’t repetition essential? Not so quickly. 

But here’s what I want you to remember: comprehension only sometimes implies retention. And nothing is more important than building on prior knowledge to learn new information faster. Karpicke and Roediger concluded in a 2008 study titled The Critical Importance of Retrieval for Learning that repeated studying did not affect long-term retention. However, when their subjects were tested again, the results were precise: information retention improved dramatically.

Furthermore, students who re-studied the material felt confident they would do well on the test but did not. Despite low-performance expectations, students who underwent repeated testing performed better. Exposure over and over again only counts for familiarity, not mastery. When you study something repeatedly, you may remember it. But it’s there if you can get something out of your head.

The best part is that retrieval practice effectively slows your forgetting rate in each retrieval. (I’ll elaborate later) It can also be combined with other strategies such as Memory Palace, Mind Map, Elaboration, Summary sheets, and many more. Active Recall is known as the “godfather” of learning methods. Make a point of doing this after each learning session.

Remember what you discovered out of thin air. Create and respond to your questions. Use the questions at the end of each chapter of the book. After you’ve finished learning the material without looking at it, use the Feynman Technique.

Mind maps help you learn faster

A University of Melbourne study, similar to the Feynman Technique, claims that structured diagrams such as concept maps and mind map aid in understanding complex topics.

While this is true, I discovered a 2010 study that supports Mind Mapping as an excellent Note-Taking strategy compared to traditional note-taking techniques. However, I recommend using Mind Mapping as a tool for Retrieval Practice. 

This entails combining Mind Mapping with Retrieval Practice to reap the benefits of both creativity and memory. Start with a central idea and work your way outwards to sub-ideas.

Bottom Line

To learn how to learn, you should investigate effective learning techniques. Boosting your memory and learning in multiple ways can be beneficial. Learning new things regularly, using distributed practice, and frequently testing yourself can help you become more efficient.