Physics Essay Topics List & Questions to Research

Physics Essay Topics

Have you ever thought about getting a Ph.D. in Physics and wondered what Physics essay topics are? I know I have.

Physics is a fascinating and vital subject, but it can be intimidating. So many topics to learn and understand!

This list is by no means exhaustive, but it should give you a great place to start when considering your Physics master’s thesis ideas. (Un)Fortunately, one of the major perks of working in research is that you don’t have to choose just one topic as your thesis! Below, you’ll find questions to research on each topic.

12 Top Physics Research Topics

What is the most exciting and vital physics research topic? Well, that depends on your interests. Undoubtedly, many topics could be considered at the cutting edge of physics today. Still, physics is a vast subject with many subdivisions, and those subdivisions have their frontiers.

Presented below are some current research topics in physics. We have included a brief explanation of each one and links to additional information.

  1. Dark Matter
  2. String Theory
  3. Quantum Computing
  4. Condensed Matter Physics
  5. Nanotechnology
  6. Quantum Entanglement
  7. Theoretical Physics
  8. Biophysics, Biological Physics, and Biomedical Physics
  9. Applied Physics, Engineering Physics, and Technology Transfer
  10. Physics Education Research and Outreach
  11. Computational Physics
  12. Condensed matter physics

Branches of Physics

The following is a list of the branches of physics and a brief description of each.

The study of physics is extensive and can be divided into several branches. Some of these branches are listed below:

  1. Classical Mechanics: This branch is concerned with the motion of bodies under the action of forces, including the particular case in which bodies move at a constant speed in a straight line (uniform linear motion) or at a regular rate in a circular path (uniform circular motion).
  2. Electricity and Magnetism: Electricity & Magnetism are two related aspects of nature that are difficult to separate. In the late 18th century, researchers Benjamin Franklin, Michael Faraday, and Charles Coulomb began to study electricity.
  3. Quantum Mechanics: Quantum mechanics is the branch of physics relating to the very small. It results in what may appear to be some extraordinary conclusions about the physical world. Atoms and subatomic particles do not exist with certainty at definite spatial locations and times.
  4. Optics: Optics is the study of light and its interactions with matter. It uses physical and mathematical models to describe light’s behavior in different situations, including reflection, refraction, etc.
  5. Atomic Physics: It focuses on studying matter and energy at these small scales. It deals with topics like subatomic particles and their interactions with each other and other forms of value—like atoms or molecules—and how they react to electromagnetic radiation.
  6. Nuclear Physics: Nuclear physics is the field of physics that studies atomic nuclei and their constituents and interactions. Other forms of nuclear matter are also studied. Nuclear physics should not be confused with atomic physics, which studies the atom, including its electrons, protons, and neutrons.
  7. Cosmology and Astrophysics: Cosmology and astrophysics study the universe, which is everything we can see, including galaxies, moons, stars, planets, and solar systems.
  8. Mesoscopic Physics: Mesoscopic physics is a subfield of condensed matter physics that deals with materials of an intermediate length.

12 Top Physics Essay Topics 2022

  1. Quantum Computers
  2. Gravitational Waves
  3. The Hunt for the Higgs Boson
  4. Dark Matter and Dark Energy
  5. Neutrinos
  6. Black Hole Physics
  7. String Theory and M-Theory
  8. The Big Bang and the Birth of the Universe
  9. General Relativity, Gravity, and Spacetime
  10. Superconductivity, Superfluidity, and Supersolids
  11. Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory
  12. Atomic Physics

15 Classical Physics Topics

  1. Newton’s Laws of Motion and Gravitation
  2. Conservation of Energy and Momentum
  3. Rotational Kinematics and Dynamics
  4. Angular Momentum
  5. Elasticity
  6. Fluid Mechanics, Surface Tension, and Viscosity
  7. Temperature, Heat, and the Ideal Gas Law
  8. Kinetic Theory of Gases
  9. Laws of Thermodynamics and Entropy
  10. Waves, Sound, Light, Electricity, and Magnetism
  11. Electric Fields and Potentials
  12. Magnetic Fields and Forces on Moving Charges in a Magnetic Field
  13. Geometrical Optics: Reflection and Refraction of Light by Mirrors and Lenses
  14. Wave Optics
  15. Relativity

12 Modern Physics Topics for a Paper

The following are twelve mechanics essay topics that can be used for writing mechanics essays and other related paper topics:

  1. What are the different types of collisions?
  2. What does conservation of angular momentum mean?
  3. What would happen if there was no friction?
  4. How do scientists use the conservation of momentum when working with space shuttles?
  5. Can you have an elastic collision that doesn’t conserve kinetic energy?
  6. What does it mean for a collision to be perfectly elastic?
  7. How do you calculate momentum from acceleration?
  8. Mechanics Definition – Mechanics definition is the study of motion and its causes. This topic discusses what mechanics is all about and how it can be described.
  9. Mechanics and Related Fields – this topic discusses how mechanics are related to other fields such as chemistry, biology, astronomy, computer sciences, engineering, etc.
  10. Laws of Motion – this topic talks about the laws of motion and what these laws are all about.
  11. Kinematics – this topic talks about kinematics which is the branch of mechanics that deals with the description of motion without being concerned with its causes or effects. This topic also discusses how kinematics works and its applications in real-life situations.
  12. Dynamics – this topic deals with dynamics which is the branch of mechanics that deals with why objects move.

20 Physics Project Topics for a Science Fair

Here are some ideas for physics science fair projects.

  1. Vibrations – How do different surfaces affect vibrations? Test materials such as wood, glass, plastic, rubber, and metal to see how they change the sound of an alarm clock or a tuning fork when they are placed on them.
  2. Light – How does light behave? Try bending it with various materials, like water, mirrors, or shiny metallic paper. You can also test how different materials bounce light back at different angles.
  3. Reflections – What kinds of mirrors can you use? You can use regular mirrors and make your own using objects like aluminum foil and CDs.
  4. Heat & Cooling – What heats up faster: metal or water? What cools down more quickly: metal or water?
  5. How does a pinhole camera work?
  6. Can you build a simple electric motor?
  7. What is the water displacement method?
  8. How can you prove Newton’s laws of motion?
  9. What are centrifugal and centripetal forces? How do they relate to each other?
  10. What are Bernoulli’s principles, and how do they apply to flight?
  11. What is the relationship between distance and time when an object is thrown upward?
  12. What are the properties of radio waves, microwaves, and infrared waves?
  13. How do transformers work?
  14. What causes static electricity? How can you protect against static shocks?
  15. How do electromagnets differ from permanent magnets?
  16. What are some differences between sound waves in air versus water? Do they move at different speeds through different mediums?
  17. Why is water wet? Water is essential for life, but what makes it so unique? Why does it freeze and boil at temperatures different from other liquids?
  18. What’s the deal with magnets? Magnetism is one of the four fundamental forces in physics, but it’s a mystery how it works.
  19. Are there secret messages hidden in sound waves? Sound waves can be turned into images by using specific frequencies and amplitudes.
  20. Do metals conduct electricity better than other materials? Most students learn early on that some materials work electricity better than others.

21 Physical Geography Topics

  1. Physical geography is studying the natural world and how it affects humans.
  2. The role of physical geography in human history. What’s the connection between the two?
  3. How has history affected the development of our current physical geography?
  4. What are some essential things about our world’s geography, geology, and climate?
  5. What are some interesting facts about our earth’s history?
  6. How do we measure time using geologic methods such as radiometric dating or tree rings?
  7. The relationship between surface features on planets like Venus or Mars with their atmospheres, geology, and climate is a valuable way to understand Earth’s past climate change events!
  8. What does it mean for an area to be “geologically active”? How can this affect humans living there? Why might someone want to live near active volcanoes?
  9. What does it mean for an area to be “geologically inactive”? Why would someone want to live near dormant volcanoes or tectonic plate boundaries instead of active ones?
  10. Karst Hydrogeology and Geomorphology
  11. Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Environmental
  12. Modeling and Management
  13. Fractal and Multifractal Analysis in Geosciences
  14. Riparian Ecology and Biogeochemistry
  15. Landscape Ecology, Restoration, & Management
  16. Soil Science and Biogeochemistry
  17. Global Biogeochemical Cycles of Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Iron, etc.
  18. Biotic Distributions as a Consequence of Physical-Chemical Gradients in Marine and Aquatic Environments (Biogeography)
  19. Why should we care about maintaining biodiversity in the world’s oceans? Explain the specific benefits of preserving marine life and ecosystems in our oceans, seas, and waterways.
  20. How has climate change affected biodiversity in some of the world’s mountain ranges? Which animals/plants have been most affected by changing temperatures and precipitation levels? Are there any that have benefited from these changes? What can be done to help preserve biodiversity for future generations?
  21. What are some ways that humans have changed the earth’s surface throughout history? How do these changes affect other species living there today? For example, what happens when we remove trees or build new roads.

Bottom Line

Physics is a vast subject with a lot of complexity to it. If you are doing research for a school assignment, you may feel overwhelmed by how much there is to learn. A basic understanding of how physics works in different circumstances will give you an excellent advantage in the subject. After all, one of the most important things you can do while studying any issue is to determine precisely what you should be learning.