Social Topics for Discussion: From Controversy to Collaboration

Social Topics for Discussion

Are you wondering how to engage your students and improve their communication skills?  Worry not, there are many ways to park a conversation with your students and ensure they participate.  

Group discussions or classroom discussions are among the best ways to bring your students together and help them grow their communication skills. Not only does it foster good communication, but group discussion also helps boost students’ confidence, thus they grow a thick skin when it comes to tackling different topics.  

Through discussions, they may come up with fascinating Ideas that can contribute highly to the topic they are tackling. For instructors, it can be overwhelming sometimes to find the right topic that will help your students engage and create room for controversy and interesting group discussion.  

There are also online or virtual discussion boards where students stream online and participate in their class discussions. Group discussion has influenced many students’ lives academically as they get a chance to contribute their opinions without any barriers or bullies. 

How to Select Perfect  Social Topics for Your Students Discussion

Choosing a good social discussion topic can be overwhelming as you need to be thoughtful on topics that would be argumentative, relevant, engaging and that will require in-depth research.  

Here is how to choose good discussion topics for your students. 

  1. Think of current events or affairs:  Come up with topics on what’s trending, what’s new, and events in society, and stay updated.  Trending headlines and stories always create an intense debate between students and offer great value when it comes to discussion.  Look for relevant, timely, argumentative topics that can create diverse viewpoints.
  2. Identify your interests:  choosing the topics relevant to your topics will also give you a chance to generate debate and argument discussions. These will also motivate you to dive deep and give you an understanding and different perspectives.
  3. Conduct a thorough research:  after you choose a topic, dive deep into research, and gather all the information you can best to make the topic argumentative and more engaging to gain a more comprehensive and deep understanding.  Go through journals, magazines, social media, newspapers, articles, documentaries, and any materials where you can find good insights, data, and evidence.
  4. Evaluate Significance:  assess the significance and the influence of s potential topic that focuses on diverse implications such as individuals, society, and whole communities. An example is a topic covering human rights, equality, environmental sustainability, and justice. These usually trigger great and important discussions.
  5. Encourage open dialogue:  foster support,  and a good environment that facilitates open discussion without any discrimination.  Allow everyone to share their ideas, listen respectfully argue, and contribute their opinions. Encourage and embrace new, diverse perspectives and encourage your students to table their voices on topics they feel comfortable talking about. And emphasize fostering empathy and understanding when discussing. 
  6. Promote Action and solutions:  bring in topics that inspire the implementation of actions and explore the potential solutions.  Discussing actionable ways and strategies for dealing with social challenges can encourage the participants to become a better version of themselves and change the communities. 

Best Social Topics that Spark Discussion for Students 

Different topics can trigger an argument and this will help the students become active and engage in the discussion. 


Politically related topics are vital subjects to debate as they trigger different types of opinions from different people.  An example is the US  election, any topics relating to this will spark an argument across the whole world.  Also, another thing is about gun control laws. Students will come up with a variety of ideas regarding such topics which will spice up the discussion.  Not forgetting issues about immigration triggers the rise of different opinions. 

Here are some of the topics you can include to ensure the discussion is engaging and relevant. 

  1. Should there be a sticker in gun control laws to reduce violence?
  2. In what way can we promote diversity and inclusion in politics and society?
  3. Is it okay for a voting discussion to be made for all democratic countries?
  4. Is universal healthcare a basic human right?
  5. What are some of the ways to tackle income inequality in society?

6 Educational Discussion Topics 

There are many educational challenges that students are facing and it has made educational debate more interesting. An example is the student loan debt crisis and higher education, the raising of higher college tuition fees. 

These are some of the topics that can foster good social discussion among the students and they can also input and share their first-hand experience. 

  1. Must you have a college degree to acquire a good job?
  2. Should all school debts be forgiven?
  3. Should schools ban fast foods?
  4. Should students buy their laptops?
  5. Do schools need to have armed security guards?
  6. Should regular drug tests be required in school?

Today technology is very vital to our daily lives and it’s among the best debatable technologies.  Artificial intelligence to machine learning are controversial topics that spark debates among students and allow the students to think critically about the influence of technology in the future, work, humanity, and wealth distribution. 

Some of the topics on Technology are;

  1. How does technology affect people’s daily lives both positively and negatively?
  2. How dangerous is artificial intelligence?
  3. Should humans invest in technology to colonize other planets?
  4. Can potentially employers consider applicants’ social media handles during job applications?
  5. Is technology helping people become more wise or dumber?
  6. Is technology making people more distant and less social to others?

6 Social Discussion Topics for Health 

  1. Discuss the advantages of regular medical check-ups and screening.
  2. Identify the importance of diet in nutrition and how it impacts your daily Life.
  3. What are the right measures for one to end the stigma surrounding mental health?
  4. How do we improve better sleeping habits for adults and better health?
  5. Is there a need for sticker regulations for advertising unhealthy beverages and foodstuffs?
  6. Should healthcare be free for citizens?

5 Social Discussion Topics for  the Environment

  1. What can we do to deal with global warming?
  2. Should there be sticker regulations for carbon emissions industries?
  3. Discuss the impact of deforestation on biodiversity and climate change.
  4. How do we protect and preserve the endangered species and their habitats?
  5. What is the effect of urbanization on local ecosystem and biodiversity?

Bottom Line

As an instructor,  once you come up with great topics allow your students to dive deep and do research so that they’ll come up with great conclusions. This will also give room for shy students, the opportunity to bring in their ideas during group discussions, Which will impact their communication skills and confidence simultaneously. Are you seeking academic assistance? If yes, then Peachy Essay Writing Services is the one to choose. Give them a short, and ace all your tests.