Special Occasion Speech Writing Guide and Topic Ideas

Special occasions unite people to celebrate a particular event, person, or achievement. It could be a graduation, a wedding, an anniversary, or even a retirement party. Whatever the occasion, a well-written speech can make it even more special and memorable. Capturing the audience’s attention is important if you’re tasked with writing a particular occasion speech. In this guide, we’ll explore tips for writing an exciting speech and provide some topic ideas to help you get started.

What is a Speech?

A speech is a spoken communication that is directed at a specific audience. A speech usually serves one of three purposes: to inform, persuade, or commemorate an event. Many times in your career, you will be required to give a speech, such as during a presentation to coworkers, supervisors, or clients. A speech must be exciting and communicate important information to the audience to be effective.

What is Speech Writing?

Speech writing is preparing communication to be delivered verbally to an audience. Speeches can be used to commemorate an event, such as a wedding, to educate your audience on a specific topic, or to persuade them to take action, such as donating to a nonprofit. This means you could be in charge of giving a speech in your personal life to friends and family, or in your professional life to coworkers, management, or clients. To be effective, a speech must engage the audience and keep them interested in what you’re saying so that they understand your message.

Special Occasion Speeches of Various Types

As previously stated, there are various types of memorable occasion speeches. In general, many events occur in our lives. However, for each event, you should deliver a specific type of speech that is either ceremonial or inspirational.

Speech is the only effective way to express your gratitude, condolences, and appreciation. Deliver a suitable speech type based on the special occasion or event you are attending.

The following are some examples of memorable occasion speeches.

Introductory Remarks

The event’s host gives a brief speech to introduce the upcoming speaker. It is typically used to acquaint the audience with the speech’s speaker. When introducing a speaker, you, as the host, can use a creative introduction to build excitement and anticipation among the audience.

Acceptance Address

It is a speech given by someone who has received an award, honor, or prize. When delivering an acceptance speech, the speaker should thank everyone. Mainly the acceptance speech should contain the following elements.

A special thanks to the person who presented the award or prize.

Thanks to all those who helped you to achieve your goal.

Share your perspectives on the prize or the award you have received.

Dedication Speech

To dedicate something to someone, a dedication speech is given. The dedication speech is usually delivered at a shop opening function, inauguration ceremony, etc. When giving a dedication speech, you should highlight the significance of a project and to whom it has been dedicated.

Speech for Presentation

It is a speech to present a prize, award, or honor. The purpose of a presentation speech is to recognize a person’s accomplishments. When giving your presentation speech, make sure to include the following points. Make sure to include the following items in your presentation topics in the speech exchange-

Mention the significance of the upcoming award.

Highlight the merits of the recipient of the award.

Make your speech more personal by mentioning the credibility of the award and event.


It is a speech given in memory of a deceased person. Priests or other religious leaders typically deliver the eulogy. It is given to pay homage to the soul that has passed away. Include the following items in your mourning speech when preparing a eulogy.

Tell the deceased person’s story.

Highlight the deceased person’s life accomplishments.

Mourn the deceased person’s death.

Farewell Address

This speech allows you to say your final farewell. It is commonly given at school and college farewell parties and when transitioning from one stage of life to another. In a farewell speech, you should appreciate and thank the people who were with you in your current phase of life and assisted you in reaching your goals. You can also recall the pleasant memories you shared with them.

Speech Given Following Dinner

It is a type of speech that is given after dinner. It usually focuses on a specific group. A dinner speech’s purpose is to entertain and inform the audience about a specific topic. When delivering an after-dinner speech, you can effectively use humor elements to address a severe point.


A toast is a brief tribute to someone or something. It is generally prepared to congratulate and appreciate those being honored. As a speaker, you can recognize the person’s accomplishments and express your best wishes through your toast speech. At weddings, the toast speech is commonly delivered.


It’s a funny speech that mocks and praises the roasted person. A roast is frequently performed at the end of a banquet to recognize a person’s accomplishments. This speech can be amusing, but it should not hurt the feelings of the person being roasted.

Goodwill Message

This type of speech is given to developing a goodwill bond with the audience. It has the potential to be both informative and persuasive. Justification, public relations, and apology speeches are examples of goodwill speeches.

Commemorative Address

It is a speech delivered at graduation ceremonies. The graduation ceremony is a function at which academic degrees are awarded to students who have completed their courses successfully. The commemorative speech is usually delivered by a well-known individual, such as the president of the country, the governor, and so on.

Writing a Speech Structure

There is no set style or format for writing a speech. However, to make the speech appealing to the audience, the ideas must be organized and the speech outline adequately structured. When it comes to writing a memorable occasion speech, you must first identify the occasion for which you are preparing the speech because the content of each particular occasion speech type varies depending on the context of the event.

After you’ve decided on your particular occasion speech topic, you can begin sketching out your speech outline. Like other types of speeches, the particular occasion speech outline follows the standard speech structure, which includes three significant components: introduction, body, and conclusion. For all types of memorable occasion speeches, the structure is the same.


Always begin your speech with a catchy introduction, no matter what remarkable occasion speech you deliver. Your introduction should capture your target audience’s attention immediately.

Ensure you include interesting facts about the event in the opening paragraph as you write the introductory paragraph. Include a thesis statement that highlights the purpose of your speech after that. At the end of the introduction section, summarize your key points and transition to the body section.


In this section, you can go into detail about your chosen topic. Your points should be relevant to your thesis statement. In addition, while presenting the body section, you can mention some valid evidence supporting your major points to strengthen the credibility of your thesis statement.

Depending on the time allotted for your speech, the length of your body section can be longer or shorter.


This is the point at which you should conclude your speech. You should summarize the major points in the conclusion section and end the speech with a powerful message.

How to Write an Effective Speech

Here are eight steps to writing an effective speech for any situation:

  • Select an important topic

The first step in speech writing is deciding on a topic for your speech. You may already have a general topic or idea of what you want to discuss, but narrowing it down to a few specific points or one clear purpose will help ensure your speech remains engaging.

First, make a list of everything you could include. Then, go over your list and cross out anything unnecessary. Continue until you’ve narrowed your topic to a few key points.

Perform any valuable research for your purpose before writing your speech. You may need to look up information such as a company’s or a product’s history, usage statistics, case studies, sales figures, or demographic data. After you’ve gathered your data, you can decide how to present it to your audience.

  • Consider your target audience

The audience is the most crucial consideration when approaching a topic. Consider the following factors for a few moments:

  • What is the audience’s prior knowledge of the subject?
  • What information do they need to know about the subject?
  • What are their thoughts on the subject?
  • What is the subject’s relationship to or impact on the lives of those in the audience?

These suggestions will assist you in deciding what to include in your speech and how to present your information. For example, if most of the audience is unfamiliar with your topic, your speech should be most informative. Your speech must be persuasive if they are familiar with your subject but are uninterested.

  • Create a framework

A creative approach to effective speech writing is a clear structure for your ideas. Make a logical sequence for each point you’ll use to discuss your topic, and keep notes with you during your speech to help you stick to it. A clear flow of ideas will assist you in being persuasive, informing your audience, and staying on topic.

  • Start with a strong point

When a speaker first begins speaking, the audience is usually the most attentive, so make the most of this time. Condense your speech’s main idea or purpose into one sentence that you can use to begin your presentation. Beginning with a robust and clear purpose will demonstrate to your audience where you intend to lead them and should help pique their interest.

  • Incorporate concrete details and visual aids

Use concrete examples to back up your points. Brief stories, exciting examples, or factual data will assist in engaging your audience and demonstrating the truth of your purpose.

Consider using visual aids to supplement your speech. Images can be both powerful and captivating. You could make a digital presentation to accompany your speech, or you could bring in some related props, such as a sample of the product you’re talking about.

  • Include a personal touch

When your audience is interested in you, they are more likely to be interested in the topic of your speech. Consider telling a personal story or providing an example in your speech. If you present yourself as knowledgeable and trustworthy to the audience, they will be more likely to listen carefully and consider what you say.

  • Think about rhetorical devices

A rhetorical device is a technique for making words more memorable. Take a look at some of the most memorable lines from famous speeches. These lines are usually memorable because they affect the audience’s emotions by repeating keywords or phrases, inverting the structure of a repeated phrase, reversing the order of words, or employing an unexpected turn of phrase. Alliteration and repetition are stylistic devices that can help capture your audience’s attention.

  • Make a memorable conclusion

The final moments of a speech are usually the most vividly remembered by the audience. Return to your vital purpose at the end of your speech and try to end meaningfully, such as creating a vision of the future, sharing a true story of success, or using a clear call to action.

Checklist of Special Occasion Speech Topics

You may already be familiar with the topic before beginning with extraordinary occasion speech ideas or brainstorming options, but it is still essential to ensure that you choose the best ideas and turn them into a memorable talk. Here is a checklist of things to think about as you prepare:

  1. What is the occasion for which you are preparing?
  2. What role do you play in this particular situation?
  3. Who is the intended audience? Should you seek the advice of experts in any field?
  4. How much time do you expect to have?
  5. Should the tone be formal or casual?
  6. What is the main point of your speech?
  7. Consider the best time for you to perform at an event. What is the most appropriate time?
  8. What should be avoided when discussing a delicate occasion?
  9. Is it better to speak on behalf of an organization or your own?
  10. Can you include a personal story or anecdote about your job?
  11. Examine This speech-writing checklist! You will work on ideas and address every important aspect by answering these basic writing questions!

Bottom Line

We hope you are clear with the different types of memorable occasion speeches and the effective ways to write them. Also, for writing an unforgettable special occasion speech, you can very well access the list of special occasion speech topics and ideas shared above.

In case, you are not sure how to write an impressive special occasion speech, then reach out to Peachy Essay Writing Services for speech writing help. They have a team of talented speechwriters to prepare the speech content for all types of speeches.