Useful Tips To How To Study the Night Before Exam

Useful Tips To How To Study the Night Before Exam

There many reasons why students are always caught up studying for a final exam in one day or the night before the exam. Some students may be tied up with multiple course assignments, busy work schedules or even procrastination.

One should not frown upon these reasons, but rather seek a solution to address the problem. As a university student, you need as much help as you can get on how to plan your time around your academic studies. However, sometimes even proper planning is not enough. Thus, you should know the tips and skills on how to ace your studies even if you are studying for a final exam in one day.

Preparing For Your Exam

It is understandable that during this time, you are overly stressed out – almost to a point where you want to give up. The best thing to do is to stay calm! Take a deep breath, clear your mind and do not panic because this will not be useful for you in the long run. In fact, being in a panicky state only enhances stress and anxiety, which affect concentration and function.

As one of the most important things to remember, you must have control of your senses so you can understand the material you are going over. It is better to remember a few vital information than cram large volumes of data that you don’t understand. 

When you have gathered your thoughts, arrange and have with you all the material needed for your study. This includes your study notes, textbooks, previous assignments, quizzes, and other relevant tools. It is important to have your study material prepared to avoid distractions. As we are on the topic of distractions, make it a point to find a quiet and comfortable study space.

Studying in a large group with friends can also be very tempting, this is not what you want to do the night before your exams. You are on time-sensitive circumstances, thus, you have to be very strategic. Move away from the crown, turn off your TV, switch off your phone and disconnect the internet – focus on your material!

Make it a point to even prepare a few snacks and water so you don’t have to get up every time. Avoid carbs however, you don’t want to np mid-study. 

Guide On Study The Night Before Your Exam

As you begin to study, key things to remember are that you are aiming to comprehend your data and not to cram it. Every individual has their way of understanding, some people simply read their study material like a newspaper and they understand.

Other individuals read their data out loud as if they are dictating. Find a trick that helps you to easily understand your material. The best tips include taking notes to improve your understanding or going through subject summaries of the course text.

Be visual

Other individuals are visual learners rather than text learners. Depending on the course you are taking, this shouldn’t be an issue. As part of your materials, you can have charts, graphs or even pictures to help jog your memory and better your understanding. You can also prepare a brief visual aid of important concepts that can guide you through your study session.

Understand important concepts

Look through your material – take note of concepts your instructor emphasized and highlighted material in your text. These are important concepts that prove to be useful in your exams. Make sure you fully understand the concepts. You can even briefly outline and identify important concepts to focus on during your study (avoid spending too much time on this task and focus on the actual studying).

Plus, you don’t have to follow the structure of your notes or texts. After, studying in the former structure you can review your notes by randomly picking a chapter or concept. This trains our brains to grab on to information and process it even without the presence of the structure we are accustomed to.

And if you have time, review your material once more, this also helps you to pick up the material you may have missed or forgotten.

Take a break

Even though you are working on time-sensitive circumstances, taking a break is essential. You especially don’t want to burn out. Set a timer at least 30 to 40 minutes between each session. Then, between these time slots take a 5 to 10minutes break to refresh. Taking breaks also helps you commit to a task because you have time to rest and recharge.

Get a friend

We all have that feeling of wanting to test and check our knowledge capacity after studying sessions. This is a chance for you to get your thoughts and material together. You can ask a family member or friend to assist. Hand them your study summaries and explain to them as they go through the concepts to ensure you are good.

If possible, it is also advantageous to get a peer from the same course you are taking. This means that you are both studying for the same exam thus, it is easier to share information and remind each other of concepts you may have missed or forgotten. You can even teach each other in areas either one is struggling with.

And if the buddy system doesn’t work out for you, you can do it yourself. After going over your material and summarizing them, there are two ways you can practice. You can verbally explain the concepts then refer back to your material to ensure that you are in line.

You can also access testing tools online or on your textbooks to test your knowledge. The latter resource also helps you to practice and get used to the examination taking setting and pressures you will be exposed to the following day.

Things To Remember

When you are done studying, it is important to be ready for the exam the following day. Two key things to remember are to get enough sleep. You want to be fresh and ready for the day of your exams. Thus, a good night’s sleep is vital. Make sure you get at least 6 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Avoid sleep whilst you are stressed or anxious.

You also have to eat well. Ensure to have a proper meal during the day of your exams. Remember, you can’t properly function on an empty stomach!