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How to Write a Perfect Thesis Statement – Format & Examples

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How to Write a Perfect Thesis Statement

Anytime you are about to develop a great thesis statement, you should think of yourself as one of the members of the jury, who is listening to the lawyers as they present an open argument. Sooner or later, you would want to know whether the lawyers are confident that the accused is guilty or not, as well as how the lawyers are planning to persuade you into believing their claims. The readers and examiners of academic papers can be likened to the members of the jury where they would like to know what the essay is about before they can proceed into reading more of your arguments. After reading your thesis statement, the reader or the examiner should have the thought that “this essay is going to persuade me into believing something. Although I am not yet convinced, I am still interested to know more about the arguments presented in the paper.”  In this article, we present the best approach that you should take as a writer each time that you intend to write a thesis statement.

Students all over the world struggle when trying to create a perfect thesis statement for their academic papers. Not only is it difficult to summarize the purpose of your paper in a single statement, writing a thesis statement can be extremely time-consuming for an inexperienced writer. This is because you are expected to present your key idea about your topic, offer an explanation of why this idea is correct, consider objections or limitations to your research, and confirm your argument with a known fact or statistic. This can be really hard to do since most people tend to be very wordy which makes the statement confusing. You need to have years of practice and even then, creating the thesis is not easy. Luckily, the modern era has presented solutions to such problems and you can easily get help on how to make a thesis statement from great writing companies like Peachy Essay that offers excellent thesis report writing services at the most affordable rates.

What is the thesis statement?

Before we can proceed any further, it is essential first to define what is a thesis statement and thereafter its importance in any academic writing. Notably, one of the primary keys to writing an effective argumentative essay or a research paper is by understanding the components of a thesis statement. By definition, a thesis statement is a sentence where you make a claim that will act as a guideline as you write your entire paper. The thesis statement is the foundation of your research paper or essay. Most college students have difficulties in writing the thesis statement for their assignments. As a result, students tend to seek assistance in completing their tasks from thesis report writing services. Also, students can make use of the free thesis statement generator from Peachy essay to develop quality thesis statements within a short duration.

Characteristics of a thesis statement

College students should note that a thesis statement is not answered with a no or a yes, it is not an opinion, nor fact, nor a topic. A good thesis statement should contain two parts; what the writer is planning to argue and a telegraph of how he or she will argue. Also, you should not be fooled that a thesis statement should always contain a single sentence. The quality of your entire paper depends upon this vital sentence. The essential characteristics of a thesis statement are that it should go straight to the point, be specific, and be debatable.

What should you do when making your thesis and what characteristics should you consider?

As mentioned earlier, a thesis statement is not a fact. Instead, it is a statement that requires support as well as a discussion that will prompt an argument. If you realize that your thesis is self-evident, then it is not operational. For instance, the following thesis is not debatable, and hence, it is not sufficient; “people without personal cars use public transportation to move from one geographical location to another.” The statement is a fact not good since it does not present any argument, and neither does it offer a point that can be deliberated. A workable thesis statement based on the topic could have been, “the government should provide more train and bus services that would assist countless of the citizens who cannot afford to purchase a vehicle.”

The second characteristic is that a thesis statement should be specific. An effective thesis statement should indicate what the research paper or essay will discuss. One of the challenges college students encounters while writing a thesis statement is making it as precise as possible. You should avoid the use of general words such as effect, bad, and good since they could either be too neutral or subjective to convey an intended meaning. In addition, the content in the thesis statement should not be too broad since it may ignore vital details and nuances hence leaving the reader or examiner with unanswered questions. By writing a specific thesis statement, you will decrease the possibilities of mixing up your arguments.

Thirdly, your thesis statement should be engaging and able to elude support. When you begin your essay or a research paper with an attractive thesis statement, you will not only engage but also entice your audience to continue reading your content. Based on your topic, you should make your thesis as proactive as possible. Alongside your introduction, the thesis statement should serve as a hook and pull your readers’ piece by piece. When it comes to alluding support, you do not have to go into too many details when it comes to specificities that will support your body paragraphs

Next, do not go overboard. When writing your thesis statement, you should ensure that you use a genuine opinion and not an exaggerated version of it. For instance, you should not say that “technologies are terrible” or “technology is wonderful” when what you believe is that “technology does more harm than good” or “technology does more good than harm.” There is no point in committing yourself to an extreme opinion, which you do not believe in and end up contradicting yourself later on in your essay or research paper. Finally, ensure that your thesis statement covers the exact topic you are writing. For instance, stating that “drugs should not be legalized” is too broad when all you would just want to talk about marijuana. In essence, always ensure that your thesis statement corresponds to your research topic.

Thesis Statement Writing
Thesis Statement Writing

Importance of a thesis statement

Beginning college can be scary as you learn various concepts at the same time. It is a new way of living, which can be so difficult at first. You will write tons of research papers and essays. I know writing college assignments at first can be so intimidating, but you should not let that belief get into your head. You can become an impressive writer by knowing how to write a strong thesis statement. A thesis statement is an essential element in the structure of the paper. They are like a building’s foundation where if it is shaky, the entire structure will not be correct. The same applies to a thesis statement; your paper will be stable and lead to a poor grade if your thesis statement is terrible.

A thesis statement should be present in an essay or a research paper to assist the writer. With a well-written thesis statement, you will be in a better position of organizing your paper. A thesis statement will assist you in planning the rest of your article as well as maintain your focus. In colleges and universities, you will be required to write extended essay papers, and if you are not careful, you may end up getting off track. The thesis statement acts like a tool that will aid you in being on the right track when writing and editing your paper. As a writer, you should reread your thesis statement several times to ensure that your content is not different from the topic.

Finally, a thesis statement makes it easy for the readers or the examiner to understand the structure of your paper. Often, while in college, you will come across essays written by students that lack a clear argument. The best thing to do when you encounter such a paper is first to identify the thesis statement before you begin reading the rest of the article. That way, you will get a rough idea of what the writer wants to argue. The same applies when you are writing your paper. If you do not want to confuse your readers, you should ensure that you have a strong thesis statement, which the readers can always go back to read to understand what the paper is all about.

How to make a thesis statement

The first step is performing an analysis of the sources. As a writer, you should look for complications, controversy, interests, and or tension. You should also check out whether the authors of where you are obtaining information from are contradicting themselves. Following the above technique will put you in a better position of developing a working thesis statement. In the second step, once you have a working thesis statement, you should write it down either on a piece of paper or the software you are using, such as Microsoft Word. Apparently, there is nothing as frustrating to a writer than developing an excellent idea for your thesis statement only to forget it when you are about to start writing your research paper or essay. By noting down the rough idea of your thesis statement, you will be in a better position of thinking about it, concisely and logically.

The third step is keeping your thesis statement protuberant to your introduction. The most standard position to place your thesis statement is at the end of your introductory paragraph. In most research papers and essays, the thesis statement is situated in the introduction. Hence, readers and examiners should direct their attention to the last sentence of the introductory paragraph. However, it is essential to note that placing your thesis statement prominent to your introduction is not a requirement in all academic papers. The final step is anticipating the counterarguments. As soon as you have a working thesis statement, you should start thinking of the comments that may be made against it. Performing this step will aid in refining your thesis statement as well as how you may respond to the opposing comments when they arise in the future.

Thesis statement examples

You will need a well-written thesis statement, whether you are writing a research paper, thesis, essay, or dissertation. Without a thesis statement, your article will be baseless. Since a thesis statement has significant benefits, it is essential that we look at some examples.

Example 1

“To make a jelly sandwich and peanut butter, you must purchase the ingredients, take a knife, and spread the ingredients.” The thesis statement presents the subject, which is the jelly sandwich as well as the direction in which the essay will take, that is, describing how to make a sandwich. In most articles, regardless of whether they are a narrative, argumentative, or a comparison, a thesis statement usually takes a particular position and argues it.

Example 2

“Jelly sandwiches and peanut butter are the best sandwiches because they taste good, are versatile, and easy to make.” This is an example of a persuasive thesis statement since we can see that the writer has already taken a stance and is proceeding to explain why their stand is correct.

Example 3

“Societal discontent led to the collapse of communism.” This thesis statement is not well-written because it is not clear. An example of an impressive thesis statement would be, “communism in Western Europe collapsed because of the inability of the ruling elites to address the economic and social concerns of the people.

How to tell a strong thesis statement from a weak one 

  1. A strong thesis statement should take a stand.

Your thesis should be able to show your conclusions on a particular subject or topic.

  1. A strong thesis statement should justify the discussion

Your thesis should point out the aims of your discussion

  1. A strong thesis statement should express the main ideas

Your paper should argue about the main point. If your paper contains more than one point, you may confuse your examiner on what is the basis of your arguments.

  1. A strong thesis statement should be specific

A thesis statement should provide a clear picture of what your essay or research paper is all about. Also, it will aid in keeping your journal within a manageable topic.

Is there a way to come up with a perfect thesis statement?

Unlike in the past where students had to take a great deal of time developing good thesis statements, you no longer need to struggle with yours! Peachy Essay is a well-recognized and trustworthy company that employs professional and well-trained thesis statement writers that can easily help you with this part of your paper at a very affordable rate. Due to convenience and lack of sufficient time, you can also make use of the company’s free thesis statement generator that you can easily access at any time of the day or night and from any location in the world. As a well-established service provider, the company is always interested in helping you achieve success. There are also numerous other writing tools available on the company’s website that can easily help you write perfect papers. Why write a poor or unworkable thesis statement when you have such a great partner by your side? Check out our thesis report writing services and you will be able to attain your dreams of writing perfect essays.

Coming up with a well-written thesis statement is not a walk in the park. Most college students struggle with writing their thesis statements and hence seek assistance from essay writing enterprises such as Peachy Essay. For you to possess the skills required to develop an impressive thesis statement, you will need to have a lot of patience and perform a lot of practice. The quality of your paper highly depends on how well-structured your thesis statement is. Hence, you must direct all your concentration into developing an impressive thesis statement. Always remember that a well-written thesis statement should be arguable, clear, and as specific as possible.