Art Reflection

Art Reflection Essay Example

The eight types of visual art are drawing, painting, sculpture, crafts, architecture, printmaking, photography and film.

Art is not necessary for physical survival; its existence separates us from other animals.

Art is necessary on a psychological and spiritual level, because it gives meaning to human existence.

The world would be dull and utilitarian without art, much like how animals’ lives are.

O’Keeffe’s commentary on art is that it is a significant and irreplaceable part of human existence. Art is defined in the text as a work of creativity that springs from the mind of a human being and is not utilitarian or functional in its purpose; it exists for pure aesthetic enjoyment. Mixed media refers to types of art that blur the boundaries between different types of art; for example, a work of art that blends photography and sculpture.

Creativity is the mental and spiritual process by which artists translate ideas and concepts from their minds into physical manifestations that others can experience and enjoy. Outsider art such as Nuestro Pueblo is defined by the fact that it does not adhere to traditional conventions of art, as shown by how Nuestro Pueblo is radically different from other types of art in its genre. Quilts and weather vanes can qualify as art because they represent the creative process as made manifest on a particular object.

Looking and seeing are distinguished by the fact that looking merely involves passive observation, while seeing involves actively looking at whatever is being viewed and seeking to comprehend it. Works such as Pepper rely on this difference in order to warp the viewer’s sense of reality and allow them to see new things on a second or third viewing. Looking is something that all humans do, but seeing is a process that humans must learn in order to fully appreciate art.

Form refers to the way the art is manifested in the world (i.e. what type of art it is) and content refers to the specific messages and creative process that the work of art contains. Art has the ability to help people heal, come together, and solve problems due to the fact that it has acted as a binding agent for cultures throughout human history. Art is also capable of teaching lessons about the past due to the fact that art acts as a window onto past cultures. Finally, art can be more effective than the written word because it transcends language and speaks in a manner that can connect across cultures.

Nocturne depicts a bridge in watercolors. It is intended to be a stylistic depiction of a part of the artist’s world. I find it interesting, if a bit blasé.

I Saw This is a work designed to depict the horrors of war. I see it as a commentary on the inhumanity that men can show each other during brutal conflicts; Goya’s work is focused on the Napoleonic Wars and Spain’s involvement in them.

The Tree of Jesse is a work that depicts the bloodline of Jesus Christ and the ancestry of Christians. Its purpose is to remind Christians of their origins and connect them with their past. I find it an interesting representation of this subject matter.

The Taj Mahal is intended to be a commemoration of one empire’s influence on Indian culture. I see it as intriguing-looking but ultimately overblown and somewhat cloying, almost overcompensating.

Augustus of Prima Porta served as a means of motivating Romans to serve for their country. It is essentially political propaganda.

Dwelling is an expression of the pain that Asian-Americans experience, torn between their native culture and American culture.