What to Write in College Essays if you are Boring?

What to Write in College Essays

Regardless of whether you are a freshman, a continuing, or a person advancing your knowledge, researching is an essential part of writing college papers. It is important to note that the process of researching, by its nature, is challenging and requires the student to have a good understanding of the subject being discussed. Most students do not enjoy writing essays because the entire process is tiring and time-consuming. They would rather spend time hanging around friends, watching movies, or actively engaging in activities that do not require writing essays. Other times, it might not be easy to conduct your research effectively because of your enormous pile of assignments. Essentially, if you realize that you are boring and that nothing interesting has happened in your life, you could always write about the unique attributes that make you special. You might also write about the small details that will assist the reader in understanding you.

Reasons That Make Students Write Boring Essays

There are a number of reasons why students may find themselves writing essays that are not indulging in the eyes of the reader. Some of these reasons are intentional while some of them happen by chance. When writing, there are many different things that you should do and others that you should avoid if you want to keep your essays entertaining. Let us explore some reasons why your essays may end up boring your audience.

  • Too many distractions

Most students are always easily distracted by their phones, friends, or family and relatives. If you want to perform your research effectively, you must learn how to identify the ideal place to conduct your research without too many distractions. Otherwise, the chances are high that you might take more time than the one you had estimated. After choosing a place where you are comfortable and not distracted, the next thing you should do is informing your friends and family about the time meant for your studies so that they may avoid calling or texting you. On the same note, most students are easily distracted by their phones, and hence, you might consider putting them away while doing your studies.

  • Choosing the right topic

The topic of your essay is the foundation of all your research. Therefore, you should take your time to decide on the most appropriate one. Choosing the most suitable topic is not easy since most scholars are not aware of or do not understand how to select their research topics. When choosing a topic, consider settling for a topic in the field of study that interests you.

  • Difficulties in expressing themselves

Individuals might be good at expressing themselves verbally but have difficulty expressing their thoughts in written form. Apparently, most student researchers encounter diverse challenges when it comes to expressing themselves using their own words. Therefore, such students often copy other people`s work and thereafter present them as their own, without giving credit to the authors of the source where they have obtained information.

  • Reluctantancy to seek help

Most student researchers are reluctant to seek assistance because they do not want to be perceived as weak. Such students often forget that attaining academic success is not a communal thing and that sometimes, they will have to ignore what other people speak of them. If you are careful, you will notice that you have a lot of resources at your disposal. For instance, you have colleagues or lecturers who will be willing and ready to help you find solutions to any difficulties you might be encountering.

  • Failing to adhere to the basic rules of writing

Essay writing is an important skill that one needs to master if you are ever going to be able to write perfect papers. For instance, an essay that is full of grammatical and spelling errors will always be confusing and may end up boring your audience. An essay that is not well-formatted and organized will not be visually attractive and will thus appear boring. Learning the basic principles of writing and adhering to them each time you are charged with writing an essay is thus very important and will always help you attain your desire outcome.

Essay Ideas That are Never Boring

One of the things you should never forget while in school is that writing college essays is not difficult. Sometimes, they might also be challenging to understand. Once you acknowledge that writing an essay is not difficult, you will be several steps ahead of your peers. You might have been told that writing this essay is an opportunity to earn your way through the learning institution. However, the word essay invokes all kinds of feelings of stiffness and formality, which is why you should reject them. You should strive to write your essays as if you are talking to a teacher or a friend that you like. Here are some of the exciting topics you can consider writing about.

The day you received a bad grade or received a detention

It is common to be asked about your challenges and failures during the application process. In this case, you might consider providing a detailed account of your failed memory or the time you were given a detention. What are some of the important things you learned from the experience? Remember to provide details of the event.

Write about one famous person

We all have a person that we always look up to. Apparently, they could either be alive or dead. It could be a scientist, actress, musician, or family member. You should discuss with passion what you love about these people. You should also provide details of how you discovered them, how you feel about them, and how they made you feel. You could also write about being the valedictorian, about your name, or an event where you laughed the most.

If you Don’t Have an Interesting Story to Tell?

It would be best if you never forgot that some of the best essays written by students were not about some and monumental moments. You will be shocked to learn that they were quirkier, smaller, and in fact, more subtle in terms of details. Such kinds of stories, in most cases, end up being so interesting. You might consider reflecting on some personal memories and breaking them down into finer details. You could describe the smell, sounds, possible sights, and all other information you might think is unimportant. You could also describe how the smell of the roses made you feel.

Ditch anything impressive-sounding.

You will have the opportunity somewhere else in your application to convince the admissions committee of how smart you are. Therefore, you should use the essay as a chance to show them what kind of person you are. You do not have to write about some considerable achievement. In fact, doing so might ruin your chances, as you will be giving up an opportunity to demonstrate that you are an enthralling, multi-dimensional applicant. That time you placed your hand over a candle on the dinner table, and you were burnt by the fire. You probably did not receive a Nobel Prize for it, but it sounds like the kind of essay that would be so interesting to read.

What Should you Do in Case you are Scared?

Just say anything

Although this point might sound obvious, you should take your time to hear us out. Your essay should be entertaining to read. In addition, it should be used as a vehicle for making broader claims or statements. Regardless of whether or not you have travelled to different destinations worldwide, you will have interesting things to say. Therefore, get on with it and start writing. You should keep in mind that a particular thing might differ from what your lecturers were expecting, which is okay and could even work to your advantage. In other words, you should not be scared to write about any topic provided you find it interesting. By the time you finish reading this article, you might have already developed some big and flashy stories to tell. The most important thing is that you should not focus too much on creating big stories. Instead, you can choose a simple story and make it unique with how you organize your ideas. If you keep all these tips into consideration and reframing your thinking, you will have less difficulty writing an excellent essay.

What Makes an Appropriate Essay Topic?

It would be best if you never forgot that your essay topic does not have to be an exceptional or unusual experience you have had. It is not surprising to find a student asking about what they can write about. The most general answer to that question is that your essay can be about anything, provided it fits the prompt you have chosen or been given. Your essay topics should be compelling, with solid evidence and at least two contradictory points of view. It should also be with persuasive language so that the readers could see both sides of the coin and choose one they favour most. It would be best if you always strive to settle on a topic that interests you.

Tips on How to Write an Excellent Essay

Research more about what you want to write the good thing about researching what you want to write is that you will understand how other researchers have discussed the topic. On the same note, you will better understand the areas that have not yet been researched. Evidence shows that reading widely could aid a person in enhancing their writing skills as well as in understanding their writing niche. When you know your niche better, you will read more about the niche that interests you from other well-known authors.

  • Do more practice

One of the most effective ways of improving your writing skills is through doing more practice. Apparently, what you are writing does not have to be a journal, research paper, or dissertation. For beginners, you can write about something you love, such as your hobby, interests, favourite food, and dreams and desires in life. Regardless of what you write, ensure that it aids you in improving your writing skills. According to researchers, practice makes perfect. The more you practice writing, the more you will be perfect.

  • Avoid filler words

One of the things students should never forget about filler words is that if something is not adding meaning, weight, or value to your content, you should avoid using it. When writing any form of academic writing, the writer needs to focus on the efficacy and efficiency of their communication. Filler words ruin the quality of an academic paper, and hence, they must be left out. Examples of filler words may include words such as really, just, very, and that. There is no point in having such words in your academic paper not unless they are there for a specific intention. The good thing about writing skills is that any person can learn them. However, it would be best to be determined and ready to make the needed sacrifices. If you are a beginner, it is never too late to start working on your writing skills. Hopefully, these tips will assist you in improving your writing skills if you are a beginner.