What Academic Help Means – Our Editor Anna Explains

My name is Anna, and I’m an editor for Peachy Essay.

Peachy Essay is a platform that takes student-submitted essays and assigns them to a team of expert editors who then return them to the student with comments and critiques.

The main benefit of using Peachy Essay is that you get to take advantage of experienced academic writers and editors who can critique your work and help you make it the best that it can be. Our team of editors have been through the process of publishing numerous papers before, and they know how to help you polish your essay and make it shine.

One of the most frequent mistakes I see in academic essays is the lack of a clear thesis statement. The thesis is the bedrock of your essay; everything you write in the essay flows from it. Your dissertation or other essay needs a clear central point, an idea or concept that you are trying to argue in favor of. Having a good thesis statement makes writing the rest of your essay easier.

Another common mistake I see is essays that have a strong thesis statement but fail to follow up on it or develop it. As the foundation of your essay, your thesis is very important, and everything you include in the essay should reinforce the thesis. This means doing the appropriate research and learning how to be concise; get to the point in your essays and keep your thesis statement in mind at all times.

If I could give one tidbit of advice for anyone writing thesis statements or dissertations, it would be this: don’t forget to do your research. Plagiarism is a real concern among professors, so you’ll want to not only find authoritative sources, but reference them properly in your work. A significant part of writing essays is being able to do research on your given topic, so don’t slack off on this.

My favorite part of being an editor for Peachy Essay is being able to benefit from the experiences of such a diverse group of professionals. I would describe my experience with Peachy Essay as fantastic.