May 29, 2024

Transition Words for Body Paragraphs

Transition Words for Body Paragraphs & Conclusion [with Examples]

Do you remember way back, when you first learned how to write essays? We’re almost sure you were taught words like “additionally, firstly, secondly, further, etc. These are but a few of the transition words you learned.  However, not all transition words are individual words. To make a smooth transition into your writing, you’ll require …

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AI vs. Students

AI vs. Students: Research on AI-Powered Academic Performance

It’s no secret, AI has taken over various aspects of our lives, and education is no different. Did you know the integration of AI into education has revolutionised the way students interact and learn? Imagine this – AI doesn’t just offer personalised learning experiences, it also offers adaptive feedback systems. To put it simply, AI …

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