Key Elements of a Narrative Report

Key Elements of a Narrative Report

What is a narrative report? This question runs through your mind when assigned a narrative report task. A good writer must understand the narrative report format and the parts of the narrative report. Have in mind or research examples of narrative report to understand how to write a narrative report to produce clear and engaging content for the readers. Have a clear understanding of the key elements of the narrative report to meet the reader’s or academic expectations based on the intended event of the story.

Have you ever been assigned to recount a series of events in a clear and engaging way? If yes, then you are tasked to complete a narrative report. A narrative report is a factual story or fiction, a detailed chronological sequence of events or experiences. It is an essential tool for documenting stories, events, and experiences in a well-structured format while maintaining an academic or professional tone as instructed.

The narrative report differs from creative writing in that it is interested in accurately presenting information as it centers on storytelling. The events narrated in the story are carried out by the characters following the events that occurred in a specific time and place.

Unlike expository or analytical reports that are interested in explaining a given process and examining particular data, narrative reports are a storytelling event. The narrative report writer conveys a series of events well-structured, reflecting on their observation or personal experience.

Narrative report is a versatile writing format used in different events, such as fiction, academic writing, personal storytelling, or business writing. The format varies; however, the primary factor is understanding the key elements that improve the quality of your work.

Background of the Narrative Report

The narrative report is mainly written in the first person pronoun.

The introduction of the essay should be interesting to capture the audience’s attention and make them want to read more of the story in the plot.

If it is a person, start by describing the person and explain why the person matters.

If it is an event, describe the action or reflect on why it matters. Then, start writing the narrative, observing the right structure.

It must follow the narrative report format, including all the parts of the narrative report.

Know your readers’ expectations, and your story must be unified with all the actions in the story, interesting, coherent, and climatic to make it interactive and engaging with the readers.

How to Write an Excellent and Interesting Narrative Report?

Creating an excellent narrative report takes a lot of effort from the writer. The writer must engage in a thorough investigation to have enough content. The narrative must be aligned with the public’s interest to help them interact with the narrative physically or emotionally.

This is a critical action which the writer should consider the following

  • Brainstorming

Reflect on the personal experience based on your life experience from the everyday living experiences that could provide a background for the narrative report.

Gather good ideas and note key events, emotions, and lessons learned from the event.

Select the main theme you want to share as a message through your narrative.

  • Select a topic

The selected topic must be relevant and aligned with the narrative’s theme and purpose.

The topic must be engaging to attract the reader’s attention and keep them interactive and informed throughout the report.

The selected topic must be significant to the individual life and positively impact your target audience.

  • Develop a thesis statement

The thesis statement must be clear and concise to summarize the main message you want to share.

The thesis must align with the primary theme as well as the purpose of the narrative.

The thesis statement guides your writing process and helps the readers understand the main aim of the narrative.

  • Start introduction

The introduction paragraph should attract the reader’s attention to develop an interest in reading further.

In the introduction part, consider the following elements

  1. Hook sentence: It must have an interesting hook that traps the reader’s mind. It can be a rhetorical question, a shocking fact, or a short story.
  2. Set the scene. The writer must provide potential background information to set the scene and establish the foundation for the narrative.
  3. Have a thesis statement: The thesis must be clear and direct to give the readers an overview of the intended message in the narrative report about to be shared.
  4. Body

The body section is broad and contains all the story’s details. It shares the facts and makes the reader understand the pilot.

A good body must consider the following

  1. A topic sentence at the beginning of every paragraph
  2. Have a vivid description of the events
  3. Dialogues among the characters involved in the event
  4. The characters involved should be clearly and well-addressed
  5. Have a chronological order when sharing your events.
  6. Have the climax of the story to capture the reader’s attention
  7. Conclusion

The concluding part must provide the story’s outcome and the summary of the entire narrative.

Show the moral part of the shared story

Share any lesson learned from the story

Call to action if it is required.

What are the Types of Structures in a Narrative Report?

Writing a narrative report is not enough when the structure is not observed. The narrative report follows a given structure to produce a well-formatted and chronological sequence of events. Generally, two main types of narrative textual structures exist: external and internal.

External Structure

In the external structure, it explains how the narrative report is organized. It can be organized in the following.

  1. Chapter: chapters are used to break the information into parts to help the reader take a break into the narrative.
  2. Paragraphs: The narrative is divided into portions, each with a unique message for the reader.
  3. Sequence: It is a collection of scenes that are connected significantly to give meaning to the story.
  4. Acts or Scenes: This is common with the report that has a dramatic genre, and the writer can decide to describe the narrative in steps based on the scenes.

Internal Structure

It describes how the report content is organized depending on the information or event narrated.

It is mainly divided into three parts.

  1. Introductory section: This comes as the first part of the introduction paragraph and carries the main points, such as the topic, the characters, and the historical aspect of the event. These main points are presented in the chronological order.
  2. Development: It is a knot that describes the time of narration in which a supportive argument or conflict begins to occur in a given short story outline.
  3. The Final/conclusion: In this narrative section, the argument or conflict is resolved, and things return to normal among the characters. The normality can be similar to how it was at the beginning or something different.

What is the General Structure of a Good Narrative Report?

A good narrative is identified from its structure, which makes it attractive to the readers. The narrative report structure differs from the structure of a creative writing or research paper.

It is divided into four main parts

  • Introduction

The introduction paragraph comes after the cover page and gives the reader an impression and the curiosity to read the entire content. It must have a topic sentence and a brief description of the main topics. You must make it interesting, creative, and resourceful, with titles and subtitles to clarify and give an easy time for the readers. Use an attractive style with unique content. Use literary elements such as metaphor, hyperbole, etc.

  • Body section

The body paragraphs contain the main message of the narrative report. In this paragraph, the writer builds on the story’s case by describing the story’s merit, what it means, and why it is important to the reader. Explain how the story is useful or against personal growth.

  • Conclusion

The concluding paragraph is the summary of the entire content. The writer should be brief and clear to make the reader understand the entire narrative after reading the conclusion part.

What are the Main Components of the Narrative Report?

A narrative should have five main elements to create a story flow and make it interesting. The narrative report is mainly interested in a personal experience and contains a moral or lesson learned from the shared story.

The critical elements in the narrative reports are as follows

  • Plot

The plot is the most essential part of the narrative report and completes the story. Plot is the event or action that drives your story. It describes the “What” part of the story and allows the readers to understand what is happening. The plot describes the characters’ strengths and weaknesses and how they attempt to solve them.

A good plot must keep the reader interested in reading your story deeper. It should have four elements: exposition, rising action, climax, and conclusion.

  • Exposition

Exposition comes in the introduction part of the story, and it gives the reader the background information to keep them engaged in your story. The reader needs to understand the story’s background before they get into action. The exposition is delivered in different ways, such as through flashbacks, characters’ descriptions or dialogues, or letters from the past.

The exposition must be natural and not overload the reader with background information; keep it simple and brief to drive the story forward.

  • Rising action

This is part of the story that drives it to a climax. In this stage, the characters have made choices, and events happen with the consequences of the characters’ choices and goals.

The story is building, and the reader understands and starts investing in your story’s characters. The rising action is the longest section of the story, and a lot happens between the beginning of the story and the rising action.

At the rising action, the reader can find themselves holding their breath to see what will happen to a certain character in the story. That is the power behind the rising action.

  • Climax

It is the main turning point in the story, depending on what your story is building towards. In this section, the readers ask themselves questions. What will the main character do in a certain complex situation? Will they succeed or fail?

The climax is made up of victory and defeat. The main purpose of the climax is to find a solution to the conflict in the story; however, how it affects the character depends on your decision in storytelling.

  • Falling action

This comes after the main conflict is solved. It comes almost at the end of the story, where, after the conflict resolution, the story begins to wrap everything up to tie up any loose ends.

The characters have the chance to deal with the aftermath of the climax.

  • Conclusion and Resolution

It is the end of the story to answer all the questions and show the next step of your character’s life.

In this section, a few questions need to be answered. Is it a turning point to a new chapter? Will they live happily after? Did they learn a lesson from their actions?

A resolution to one story can welcome another story and create a new conflict that raises many questions to be answered. However, that depends on you.

  • Characters

The characters in the story differ; a story can have several characters or one character as the main focus. Characters are people, personified objects, or animals that drive your story.

The story’s characters should be clear; they can be good or evil depending on your intention of the story, and they must be compelling. As you develop your story, ask yourself what characters your story needs. Have a clear view of your character to make the readers invest in your character’s journey.

There are two common types of characters: the protagonist and the antagonist. They both contribute to story development.

  • Setting

The story’s setting is the physical location of the story and where your story takes place. The story’s setting varies based on what you want and how you want it.

The important question to answer before the setting of your story is what best serves your main themes. Choose your favorite setting that will match the theme, and your character will find it interesting.

  • Conflict

The conflict describes the main problem of the story among the characters. In the story, the conflict is drawn based on the questions. What is the main problem the main character faces? What is the main character trying to overcome?

The conflict in the story comes in different ways and rotates around the story’s antagonist. The story can have one major conflict or several in the entire story.

The story has one primary theme which drives the story’s main conflict.

  • Point of View

The story point of view is essential in shaping your story.

A story’s most common points of view are the first person, second person, and third person.

The first-person point of view is a story told in the first person, commonly told from the protagonist’s point of view. They speak in first person pronouns, and the reader interacts with their emotions and thoughts. The reader gets engaged in the story and creates a bond between the reader and the narrator.

The second-person point of view is written using the second-person pronoun. It is rarely used in storytelling but is important and commonly found in literature.

The third-person point of view is common in fiction writing. It uses the third-person pronoun. In this aspect, the reader is the bystander and observes the characters’ actions as he listens to the story told by the outside narrator.

What is a  Narrative Report Checklist?

A checklist is essential to ensure the writer has all the content they require to meet the reader’s expectations and make the report more interesting.

The following factors must be followed to have an excellent narrative report.

  1. The story must be clear and have unifying ideas.
  2. The story must have a thesis statement to give the reader a direction on the main message and theme.
  3. The story must have a climax where the key idea is revealed, and the action is resolved after a conflict.
  4. The story must be chronologically arranged to make the ideas flow effectively.
  5. The transition word must be included in the story to show the movement of ideas from scene to scene.
  6. It must be detailed to include all the important points in the story.