Cannibalism: There Should Be a Law Against It

  • Propose an activity that you think should be criminal, but currently is not.
  • Identify arguments for and against the proposed new law.

Criminals are a major setback to progress of a society and the protection of moral values in the society. The government must put all measures to prevent any occurrence of a criminal activity in a particular area[1]. Despite attempts by the UK to criminalize various omissions, some activities which are considered as crimes in other jurisdictions are yet to be incorporated in the United Kingdom[2]. The proposed criminal activity is cannibalism. It happens when a person feeds on the flesh of a human being.

The argument for the proposal is that it will reduce the cases of murder for the purpose of finding human flesh to feed on. When a person is reported to have fed on human flesh, it means that the victim was killed, therefore when cannibalism is it pronounced illegal then a person shall not kill another for the purpose of getting their flesh to feed on.

The second argument for the proposal is that it will enhance the trust between the United Kingdom and other countries in trade deals in meat industry. There should be no doubt that any meat that is imported from the United Kingdom by any other country shall be safe for human use[3].

The arguments against the proposal is that, there already exists adequate laws that govern the import and export of meat for human consumption. Under the existing laws it is illegal for a person to engage in business of meat that is not fit for human consumption[4]. When the law is created it shall inform people that the act of cannibalism is recognized in the UK but not legal. Individuals who might not have known about such actions may have knowledge on the same and may be tempted to practice.

Lola Smith

Birkbeck, University of London