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Information Sharing Among Laws Enforcement Agencies

Law enforcement agencies share information willingly with all departments and parties involved so that the criminals lack a chance to hide.  Security measures are heightened in the country if intelligence information is shared freely, without leaking into the hands of the public. The current cases of insecurity in the world have been attributed by poor communication among the security people (Heverin& Zach, 2010). Irrespective of available technological advancement in the world, it has not been fully incorporated in eliminating criminal cases. The major challenge which face the security team emanates from inefficient communication.  Strong information technology infrastructure coupled with human intelligence could greatly assist in improving the exchange of pertinent information (Harris, 2007). The primary challenge with the technology used in the current security agencies is a lack of compelling data. The information captured lacks actionable evidence. This makes it inappropriate to foster cooperation between the police and other agencies responsible for national security.

Technology is fundamental in gathering intelligence data. Although there are software that assist in consolidating intelligence data, they have not performed to the required standards. A well-grounded security department espouses itself with succinct measures to combat problems before they happen (Akbulut et al., 2009). For example, the national Crime Information Center (NCIC) is a central place where all country’s issues concerning crimes are reported. The major purpose of this body is to investigate any case reported and ascertain the validity. However, it has not delivered as expected. Withholding of information is a strong obstacle in attaining full security in the country. The software has not been used to fully achieve its intended purpose. In one aspect, lack of enough training among the staff is a major contributor to inefficiency (Cheung et al., 2005). Preface of any modification in an institution is well grounded if the staff is comfortable with any technological advancement. NCIC has accumulated a lot of information across the country requiring analysis. It has been argued that the employees in these departments do not undergo regular training to expose them to the changes in the ways of crime fighting.

Notably, crime tactics are also changing. Any information channeled in the software might not be necessarily true. Rigidity in traditional training is eroding the core role of investigation. Further, lack of enough resources derails delivery of services (Friedmann& Cannon, 2007). All law enforcement agencies require heavy investment in material and monetary commodities. The government sets a huge budget on other national programs, hence leaving an insufficient amount to cater for security. Labor in this area has never been enough making it difficult to cover every corner of the country effectively. Conjointly, high workload discourages the officers. Technology has altered the way police conduct their services (Harris, 2007). Political wave in the country interferes with the collection of information concerning criminal activities. Various states have their own policies which govern the human rights. Moreover, what a certain state considers legal might differ with another. State, federal and local politics have considerable effects in the role of sharing information. In the current era, there is more interaction of the security officers with the community. This is one of the best strategy to collect information from the community, which has direct link to possible criminals. On the other hand, citizens perceive the police as threats in their lives. The trend has proliferated in the society to an extent of not believing any information given by the people. Coming up with an open platform where anonymity is established could help bridge the gap. There are still terrorist attacks and other criminal cases irrespective of NCIC.   Harris (2007) argues that poor sythesization of intelligence information risk the security of the nation.

Continued use of the current technology would increase criminal activities in the country. As it was been alluded, the technology is not effective in mitigating the cases of criminals in the country. This indicates probable malfunctioning within the law enforcement agencies. Importantly, these are bodies which should work in Unison to facilitate the smooth conveyance of information (Heverin& Zach, 2010). If one agency is irresponsible, the entire system is corrupted. The Criminal would utilize such a chance to propagate their ill motives in the society. Further, it would result to tainting of the country’s image. Any country which has weak security measures is feared by investors and other stakeholders. The strength of any nation is measured on the scale of security. Proper coordination in all law enforcing agencies contribute to identification of any impeding danger. It is universally known that secure citizens are able to contribute to the development of the nation (Cheung et al., 2005).  Likewise, economic growth is affected by nature of security in the country. Insecure working environment is simply unconducive for any constructive work. Withal, the current systems are not dependable. Continued use could results in inconsistency in tracing the trends of criminal activities. Before a major attack happens, the criminals have a chance to survey and camp in the area of interest. The locals are good in offering background information to the necessary agencies. The current system has not integrated citizens fully, hence vulnerable to untraced incidences.

The Public safety domain is so vast. The major area of concern is law enforcement agencies, whether state, federal or local.  The interest will be on information sharing and channeling it to the relevant agencies or department in a timely manner. There is an identifiable gap in regard to the speed in which communication is conveyed from one point to another. While evolution in technology has streamlined communication through the network like the National Information Center (NIC), departmental communication still does not meet the required standards. Local law enforcement agencies lack the proper means to exchange intelligence information.  The existing gap gives chance to the criminals threatening the lives of innocent Americans. Investing in the social media platform such as twitter and Facebook can help trace possible criminal activities.  There are millions of people using social media in every day. Research done by Harris (2007) suggests that people interact more on social media than any other platform. Law enforcers can use the chance to interact with the society in order to generate more information. Moreover, surveillance is an emerging technology which can be used to track crime in various regions. The process is controlled in a central place, where experts analyze CCTV camera captions.

While technology to streamline communication and information sharing exist, at times the process is inefficient either due to human error or too systems trying to accomplish the same thing (Harris, 2007). A new technology should be developed to make the communication process more efficient. Alternatively, something new should be added to the existing system to improve its productivity levels. Understanding the areas of weakness would assist in designing a long lasting solution to the problem of passing intelligence information.