Suitable Native Plants for A Hillside Home in Southern California

People find gardening a more significant struggle, but this is more challenging for those with geographic issues. The potential erodes, dry out, and exposure of sloped properties result in significant challenges. It requires planning and experienced individuals in solving geographical matters, including determining the right plans. In major cities, including California, folks have been encouraged to plant drought-tolerant landscaping due to mandatory water cuts. In California, the most suitable plants grown on a hillside are conservative water plants. As a positive practice benefiting the local habitation and all residents, the wide use of California’s native plants is essential.

  1. California Fuchsia (Epilobium canum)

The plant grows 60cm tall. In the late summer and autumn, the perennial plant is notable for its bright scarlet flowers, as shown in figure 1. Have gray or green foliage. The flowers vary from white, red, and pink to orange. It is tolerant of part-shade or hot sun with moisture, prefers cool sun, and easily adapts to warm and sunny climates (Robert, 2020). The plant grows with a varying amount of water and grows very well with minor and infrequent summer water. Due to the condition of the residence, it would not only color the home but act as a barrier plant and soil stabilizer. It will be grown around the fences in well-drained soils since they require full sun for six hours. In addition to its being drought-friendly, it is resistant to fires.

  1. California Redbud (Cercis occidentalis)

Blooming from March to May, the plant is a small tree or shrub. It has light green bear heart-shaped leaves with thin shiny brown branches with bright pink or magenta flowers that grow in clusters all over the shrub (as shown in figure 2) (Hayes et al.,2018). The plant grows in the varying supply of water with high summer foliage and increased springtime flowering.  At home in southern California, the plant can be grown in arid areas of the garden (Kidwell and Pooler,2018). The plant makes a good deal due to its light and drought tolerance of California’s hot and dry summers and cool and wet winters. The plant does best in areas covered with foliage, especially hedges or screens, especially along walls, roads, and pathways. It is a fire-resistant and drought-friendly species.

  1. Arroyo de la Cruz Blue-Eyed Grass

It grows one-foot-tall and one-foot-wide forming clumps of grass with bluish-green leaves and violet and golden stamen during spring and summer (as shown in figure 3). They may be utilized on a bank, as a dry border, or in a rocky yard, among other water-scarce areas. The plant develops well in full sun, even with a little summer water (Treacy, 2018). The plant grows well in sunny conditions, making it a good choice for drought-stricken areas. The plant may be cultivated in gardens inside the complex, along walkways, and the surrounding area. In residence, it can be grown around pathways, around the house, or the gates.

In conclusion, in a more effective water conservation strategy, drought-friendly and fire-resistant plants greatly help landscaping. Helping give a healthy and lush look in the environment, even in drier seasons.


Figures and tables

Figure 1:

 California fuchsia tree

Figure 2:

California redbug tree

Figure 3:

Arroyo de la Cruz Blue-Eyed Grass