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Tango and the Chinese’s Culture


The Tango dance originated in Rio de la Plata in the 1890s. Tango was then introduced in China between 1913-and 1914 when it was first introduced in Shanghai. In 2013, the world tango championships in Argentina stated China as a sub venue for the tango dance. Many cities in China have permanent Tango clubs and parties held almost every day. Nine known clubs host Tango parties every day for Tango dances deeply rooted in Chinese culture in Shanghai. In China, the dance is practiced by two dancers in sensual proximity, which in most cases is not acceptable. However, the tango dance first made its appearance in shanghai and has been embraced by many skilled dancers enlarging the tango community in China (Tango popularity grows in China, 2019). In China, the dance is practiced passionately and untrammeled. Tango is considered a seductive dance, and tango music has been described as primarily provocative and a lament for lost love.

  • Central ideas/bullet point 1
  • Tango and the Chinese culture- China has embraced the tango dance, especially among many Chinese residents in Shanghai. The tango has been integrated into the Chinese culture, especially the year of the tiger, which is associated with daring exploration and regal dignity. The tango dance in China is compared to the Kunqu Opera, which is considered an essential depiction of cultural heritage, and both have great artistic power. The tango dance is viewed as passionate and unfettered. It has been used to highlight differences in cultures and lifestyles of different people in China since it has many variations (Xinhua news agency, 2019).
  • The tango dance expresses different lifestyles in that everyone can dance to the same music in another way according to the way one feels. The tango dance has been embraced since it gives great insights to the Chinese people, especially the elderly, enriching the Chinese culture. Tango has been recognized as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity. It has helped the residents of China develop a critical perspective on the cultural politics of musical heritage in the country. Tango has been considered multicultural, and it can fit in any cultural environment. Therefore, China has embraced the dance as a cultural icon, and some Chinese residents have started to create Chinese-style tango music.
  • The Tango dance has been presumed to be artistic; culture and art are more uniting features of cultural exchange. Most cities in China have fully embraced the tango dance, and permanent tango clubs and parties have evolved. The tango community in Shanghai has grown, and many skilled dancers are taking dance lessons. This has made Shanghai adopt tango’s rhythm into its culture, making tango dance a cultural icon.
  • Central ideas/bullet point 2
  • Tango and sexuality in China– The tango dance is usually performed by a man and woman who express a sense of romance through the synchronized movement. Originally when the dance was introduced, it was performed by a woman, but that has changed since its increasing popularity and has included men so that a man and a woman can dance. The Tango dance has been considered controversial, and most parents consider it not decent since it is a seductive dance. The city views the tango dance as provocative, sad, nostalgic, and a lament for lost love. The dance requires two dancers, a man, and a woman, in sensual proximity, which is not acceptable to the country’s culture (Wan et al., 2019).
  • The dance has been considered dogmatic, which has caused much sexual harassment and assault in society. Tango has faced accusations of sexism. In China, the residents prefer to keep a fair distance from friends or strangers, but the tango promotes the close embrace of a woman and a man, which is uncharacteristic for the Chinese culture. Tango dance has been viewed as a seductive dance which has made the dance to be described as provocative.
  • Central ideas/ bullet points 3
  • Tango is a talent and career in China– Tango dance has offered an intriguing experience as many people who have joined the dance classes mostly quit their jobs and turn into tango dancing. The cancers are always passionate, and they end up being world-class dancers. An example of such a passionate tango dance couple is Jinzheng and Simeon, who were the winners of the 2019 tango Asian Championship and they were the first Chinese tango dancers to take the stage in the world finals (Heng, 2012). The couple runs a tango club in Beijing, where they teach tango dances every week. Many people have been seen participating in the tango dances. Many people join tango classes for an emotional outlet as they resonate with many life aspects. In China, people pursue tango dances with passion and talent. However, the dance is practiced for various reasons; some use tango dance as an emotional outlet. Most people in China have turned tango dances and music into a career.
  • Tango dances present an authentic experience to the dancers since it is rich in emotions and complexity. The dancers participate in tango classes as they claim it resonates with many aspects of life, making them determined to pursue tango careers. Many tango dance enthusiasts have come up in China, increasing the rate of embracement in cities in China. The dance’s increased passion and bold expressiveness have led to an increased number of Chinese people who learn it. Many parents in China have become more rational, accepted the dance, and encouraged their children to learn the dance in order. Many people in China have been seen quitting their jobs and furthering their studies in Tango at the art institute in Argentina. Hou is an example of a passionate Chinese tango dancer who, after graduation from the National University of Art Institute in Argentina, decided to become a tango dance teacher at a local tango studio in Shanghai to promote the embracement of Tango in the Chinese society. Hou attracted many followers quickly, and there was a great potential market for tango in shanghai, and she opened a tango studio in 2018, which is thriving in terms of recruitment of dancers.
  • Central ideas / Bullet points 4
  • Tango dance and its perception in China– The Chinese residents who participate in Tango dance describe it as being expressive and bold in all aspects of life. They describe the dance as being about feeling the present as it offers an unhurried rhythm and experience, which some people argue that it brings them into a different world. Both tango music and dance are perceived to be rich and complex in emotions since the dance expresses how one feels inside.
  • Tango dance in China has been centered around sexual desire, seduction, and passion. In stereotyping the Chinese culture, Tango expresses women as erotic objects to allure men as the men crave sexual passion. In China, the research identifies that female tango dancers in contemporary tango clubs and parties in Shanghai often show sexual attraction besides personifying the role of a seductress. This contrasts with the original theme of Tango in Buenos, performed by the lower, middle-class citizens and upper-class Europeans. They performed to showcase their talent, ego, or to celebrate moments. The tango dance is performed in ballrooms, and there has been an increase in the number of tango dances in the open spaces in which the dancers are deeply invested in showcasing their bodies.
  • Tango dance has been associated with emotional attachment in China, and most couples in tango dance end up getting married. The dance involves a close interaction of a woman’s and the man’s body which increases sexual attraction n for both parties. The tango dance is highly flirtatious, unacceptable, and uncharacteristic for the Chinese culture. Tango dance involves two people, a woman, and a man, in a close embrace which has promoted the sexualization of the dance in many clubs in China. However, most people in China appreciate the dance’s social aspects, especially its quiet embrace.
  • Central ideas/bullet point 5
  • Tango and cultural exchange- Tango has increased cultural exchange in China and has increased their relationship with other countries that love Tango, especially Argentina. Many Chinese residents have moved to Buenos Aries to study tango. Tango dance has promoted intermarriages; most couples who danced the tango together started as friends and ended up getting married. An example of such intermarriage is described by Hou, who met his partner Berthier in UNA in Argentina, where they started dancing the tango together and ended up married. The advantage of the two cultures, the Chinese and the Argentinian culture, has increased dance classes for people living and traveling to Argentina. Most tango studios in China receive students from all over the world, increasing cultural exchange within China. The tango studios are not just about tango but rather it’s a place where the Chinese and Argentineans can meet new friends and share ideas and cultures that have united the two countries. The tango dance expresses the culture of Argentina, and through tango, the Chinese people have understood and embraced the culture of Argentineans.
  • The cultural interactions have led to cultural exchange programs in China, Latin America, and Caribbean countries. 2016 was declared as the year of cultural exchanges since hundreds of tango artists came together to display different art forms of the tango dance. Tango dance has promoted cultural exchange between countries since people have discovered the beauty of appreciating different cultures. The tango dance presents the importance of embracing each other, and it promotes a deep understanding of two peoples on their respective traditional cultures, which promotes friendship between countries.


keyword 1: Sensual

Explain: relating to the appreciation of the bodily senses in tango dance, especially in a sexual context. As partners dance, they evoke feelings from their body movements.

Keyword 2: culture

Explain; the customs and social behavior of the human society, and it involves arts and beliefs. In this context, the Chinese way of life and the traditional practices of tango.

Keyword 3: cultural exchange

Explain; this is the process in which two or more societies with different backgrounds share different traditions and ideas. The Chinese embrace the practices of the Argentinians through the dance.

keyword 4: sexism

Explain: To entail practices associated with sexual activity. Tango dance is often insinuated to stimulate sexual feelings.

keyword 5: passion

Explain: It is a strong emotion connected to an activity or a person in this case, passion for tango dance.

Two questions for the class to assess the comprehension of the presentation 1


  • How do different groups of Chinese residents embrace the tango dance?

The tango community in Shanghai has grown, and many skilled dancers are taking dance lessons. This has made Shanghai adopt tango’s rhythm into its culture, making tango dance a cultural icon.

Some Chinese residents in Beijing have started to create Chinese-style tango music.


  • What are the various reasons why people participate in tango dances?

Out of passion for the dance

As a career

Two questions


  • What are some of the impacts of cultural exchange from tango music and dance?

Tango dance has promoted intermarriages. An example of such intermarriage is described by Hou, who met his partner Berthier in UNA in Argentina, where they started dancing the tango.

Culture appreciation: The tango dance expresses the culture of Argentina, and through tango, the Chinese people have understood and embraced the culture of Argentineans.

  • Would you say the dogmatic style of tango is wrong or right?

People have various perceptions about tango dance. While some view it pervasive, others find an opportunity to learn. Therefore, whether tango is right or wrong is solely opinionated.