Texas Political and Disaster during The Pandemic Crisis

Texas Political and Disaster during The Pandemic Crisis

Politics in Texas has always been a hindrance to the provision of vaccines since politicians define Texas as a rural but not urban place. The government leaders including the senator and governor, have created major impacts on its citizens, especially during the on-going pandemic crisis. According to a report broadcast by the US news and world report, it explained that junior senators in Texas migrate during natural calamities to different towns as a way of escaping and hence leaving the integration with no food, water, and power.  On the other hand, governors thrive in ensuring the pandemic is well handled as vaccination is underway (Milligan 2021). Additionally, political themes have led to the increase of the pandemic crisis since health and human safety are no longer the first-line priority. The author also explained that people affected by natural disasters such as hurricanes have been abandoned due to political campaigns whereby, the presidents are monitored condemning the crisis and thus led people to divisibility among the democrats and republicans followers. Notably, the Texas governor continued to condemn the pandemic crisis by blaming its citizens and calling them “lazy” and that “it was gas and coal failures that led to the power outages.”  However, some politicians went ahead on various platforms of social media exclaiming that the power issue was intentionally purposely to enhance the government from being part of the issue. Effectively, former President Trump was observed taking advantage of the pandemic by enacting his political rally and thus, proclaiming the virus as false.