Why the Temple Would Be Destroyed: Alistair Begg’s Sermon

Why the Temple Would Be Destroyed

Begg’s sermon is expository because it uses biblical to form the sermon’s theme, the main points, and the minor points. The expository sermon begins with the Begg defining the sermon’s central theme, which is based on Mark 13: 1-8. The main theme revolves around Jesus destroying the temple (Begg). His explanations are also related to bible verses that support why the temple would have to be destroyed and what it represented. He keeps his claim using verses such as Psalms 46 and Mathew 27:51 to make it understandable what Jesus meant that the temple would be destroyed.

The message is perfect because it is synchronized, coherent, and flows from beginning to end. One thing that stands out is that he has done enough research relating to the verse and the people at that time and why destroying the temple at that time would be a big issue for the people. It reveals a good knowledge and the delivery is quite comprehensive. He begins by first letting the people understand why the temple was quite essential to the Jews. This forms a base to understand the significance of the temple. This was the same temple in which the glory of God had revealed itself to Isaiah. The people also had an adoring factor for temples because they believed God existed and resided. He also references the significance of the temple when he points out how Jesus ran from his mother Mary and Elizabeth, and he was found in the temple, and when they asked him why he ran from them, he said, “don’t you know I have to be in my father’s house.” This verse is in Mathew, and he also connects to the one in Psalms, which means that he had a deep understanding of the scripture and relating the content to support his theme.

Additionally, the ideas are also well represented from beginning to end. The thought of the text is well represented, and the interpretation of Mark 13:1-8 effortlessly reveals itself to the people without having to detail. Before Begg gave his stance, I could understand that the destruction of the temple was the destruction of the physicality that people had placed upon reaching our God. But he explains it so eminently without much overdo. Spiritually the presence of Jesus into the lives of the people is also revealed within this script which I could not have imagined itself reveal within this context (Hilgemann).  All along, Jesus was the provision of sin; there would be no necessity of the temple as a symbol as the people held it.

If I were given his topic to preach, I would clarify from the beginning what the primary preaching of the day is because, from the introduction, a listener thinks that he is only explaining Mark 13:1-8 vaguely as usual what it means. Still, the central question for the sermon is why the temple would be destroyed. The introduction focuses on Jesus destroying the temple. Therefore, one does not get to understand what the essence of the sermon is going to be regarding the destruction of the temple. Consequently, I would hint from time to time that the focus will be on why and insist on why the temple would be destroyed. It will ensure that the listeners remain attentive throughout so that they understand the essence of the temple from the beginning and follow up on the unfolding sequence of events of the sermon.

The most important lesson I can take from the sermon related to my preaching is that sometimes we are vulnerable to spiritual blindness. Conclusion This complicates our relations so much that we forget the barrier between our communications with God has been broken. There is no barrier to our relations with God, and it is only within our minds and our intentions that we complicate our relations with God. Jesus already undertook the heaviest cup of sin that we may be granted salvation through repentance.