Cloud Based Smart Application Management

Cloud computing environment

Cloud computing environment is an approach that is new for the provision of IT related services. This approach is particularly helpful for a group of entrepreneurs trying in getting all kinds of IT services in one place. The description of cloud computing environment in an organization or individual using a web based application is for all tasks rather than storing data or installing software on a computer. There is no commonness with respect to all cloud computing environment, although it is a move towards cloud capitalists and cloud computing enthusiasts in relation to their long term goal.  

Cloud based functional and nonfunctional requirements

Functional requirements

In using Internet of Things (IOT) for an application related to smart parking system, the cloud based service can be used in syncing all data to the cloud directly. Therefore, one of the cloud service providers are needed to be chosen in saving all data in relation to the smart parking system that includes area and slots number. Moreover, the best approach in managing smart parking system is via centralized server along with the provision of the key information such as parking availability. Also, to get the information about the slot available is achievable by the addition of the sensors in tracking all the slots available. Additionally, all these data is transportable via secured network and the provision of the encryption in eliminating any data leakage or unauthorized access. The smart parking also should be obtaining a database access storing information about the parking slots available.   

Non-functional requirements

The smart parking system must ensure the security of the system and its access will be restricted only to the authenticated user. To maintain confidentiality, all credential information such as payment method, password, and username must be protected. Further, availability and recoverability all time in the system must be available and in the time when the system is down, all users should be served by the backup that must be ready for it. Additionally, there should be provision for maintenance in case of hardware or software failures.

Cloud service providers

Provider one

The focus of this cloud service is centered on an online smart parking system in saving budget and time. In this system, there is provision of a flexible management system for both customers and parking owner with the receipt of all requests through online system and in getting an accurate result for all parking available and the location of it.

Provider two

A smart city having nine municipalities and all of them monitors quality of air. Each municipality is possessed with a set of servers in independently processing information and consisting of information systems to store and transmit data with other municipalities. The carbon footprint’s behavior is analyzed and a pattern is observed in each season.  The proposal of this project requires the usage of cloud based solution allowing the management and consolidation of the infrastructure in minimizing the cost maintenance and the consumption of electricity in reducing the carbon footprint that the city generates.

PaaS, SaaS or IaaS system

Provider one

The shaping of the temporary cloud has often been on demand and consisting of networking, under-utilized computing, and the car parking’s storage facilities. They have the intention of expanding the traditional cloud in extending the total cloud’s storing, processing, and computing capabilities. The temporary cloud has been supporting the PaaS, SaaS or IaaS system and hosting primarily the applications of extreme dynamic transportation that can be having problems to run on the traditional clouds. The smart parking system applications appropriately square measures the temporary cloud. The temporary that has application in the smart parking system has communication with the traditional clouds and between the two clouds the information is exchanged frequently. Heterogeneous IoT-related community technologies, network, devices, and cloud based services on the layers that are completely different has had the integration with the exchange data, sharing of resources and collaboration on the clouds.    

Provider two

The cloud application in the project of smart cities allows grouping of a number hardware types and merging them into a single entity for efficient and better management. Therefore, the working of the Cloud Computing has been in three service categories. Firstly, the system has IaaS, providing virtualization of the use of hardware resources and the offer of this category includes storage, sensors, and processing capacities on demand. Second is the PaaS, where the Web applications are run by the users without the complexity of running and maintaining the infrastructure associated with it. This is crucial for the service portal of the e-government.  Third is the SaaS where the critical software license used such as the ones in processes like analytics on demand.    

Challenges faced

Provider one

The highlight of this project is the weaknesses of the current parking system and collection of feedback from the current user. It was found from the results that there is lacking of capabilities in handling control parking system and the traffic. Further, in the system there is not much presence of flexibility and the availability of limited payment system. As a matter of fact there was rare use of the online payment. Additionally, the main complaint was about the difficulty to find the parking spot available in a limited time period.

Provider two

In this project, the historical pollution data helps in determining the events’ system that has its presence in the city in organizing and informing services for each zone. For instance, when there is high pollution level, the systems could be reporting to the citizenship via smart phones of this situation and suggesting changes in the routine. Therefore, a feedback processes is started where new routes can be suggested by the user in arriving his destination and not pass by the contaminated areas. 

Management of the application

Allocation and upgrade of resources like space, memory

The virtual machine (VM) and the cloud task scheduling resource allocation optimization is a challenging, important and core component in the Cloud computing systems and the cloud application services. The reference of scheduling in relation to the tasks’ appropriate assignment that has been for the available resources, such as storage, memory and CPU to enable the resources to be utilized to the maximum. There is necessity for the efficient scheduling for both cloud service providers and requesters.    

Update/amend host URL, hosting data center and program/code of the application

The DNS (Domain Name System) and server mapping the text URL (domain name) for some specific web resource to the system’s TCP-IP address or service deliverable of the resource to the client. The servers’ geographical distributed systems’ application can be minimizing the response time to serve the resources in the users that are geographically distributed. This ensures that the content is available highly with its provision to the users with minimum latency.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud computing

The advantages of Cloud computing including cost efficiency, high speed, excellent accessibility, back up and restoring data. The disadvantages include security issues, low bandwidth, incompatibility, and flexibility issues.


The services provided by the provider one is superior because of temporary cloud hosting for the first provider against the traditional cloud hosting of the second provider. The cloud hosting of the first provider is a low maintenance, cost efficient way of hosting the application.

For the first server, the storage may require expansion in the future as with increase in traffic, there can be sudden spike in the traffic. For the second provider, steps must be taken to minimize the chance of technical problems, because in that case it will affect everyone hosted on the server.


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