Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs


Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory that explains the basic requirement of human satisfaction. If the satisfaction is not met, then individuals will develop some anxiety or tension (Oved, 2017). These motivation theories explain that humans meet satisfaction at level one and then move to the next level. The needs highlighted affect the consumers’ behavior by showing their desire and wants, thus giving the salespeople an easy time identifying potential buyers.

Psychological needs

Psychological needs are the survival needs that are required by the body. If these needs are not met, then the body will fail, and eventually, the consumers will die (Chiung‐Yu, Chiu‐Ya, Mei‐Lun, etal., 2019). Examples of hierarchy needs include; water, food, air, sleep, and sex. For the other levels of satisfaction to be satisfied, these needs must be satisfied.

Safety needs

Consumers require safety needs for them to feel comfortable and secured. Some of the needs that must be satisfied include financial security and health(Chiung‐Yu, Chiu‐Ya, Mei‐Lun, etal., 2019). Individuals’ basic motivation is obtaining wealth, job securities, and health insurance at this hierarchy level. When these needs are fulfilled, people secure that there is still hope even if bad things happen.

Belonging need

Belonging needs is third on hierarchy and refers to the people’s relationship with each other. Human beings are social, and thus they need to feel a sense of belonging to a certain social group so that they will feel loved and will love in return (Oved, 2017). Individuals will be concerned by the love of their families, the health of their relationship. If this level is not well observed, it can overcome the psychological and safety needs through stresses caused by unhealthy relationships. For example, if one is depressed, the eating habits will change.

Esteem needs

During this level, individuals feel that they need to be recognized as they are useful and accomplished. These are needs for status, attention, self-respect, strength, and recognition. If this need is not fulfilled, the individuals tend to have low self-esteem, thus inferiority complex and other weaknesses (Chiung‐Yu, Chiu‐Ya, Mei‐Lun, etal., 2019). Marketers are also human beings and require self-respect so that they can convince the customers.

Self-actualization need

Self-actualization is the urge for the individual to realize their full potential and accomplish everything of their desire. For example are the desires to be the best athlete, footballer, or musician (Chiung‐Yu, Chiu‐Ya, Mei‐Lun, etal., 2019). Marketers need to be self-driven so that they can achieve their full potentials in the marketing field.