Women’s Rights Movement

The Women’s Rights Movement mimicked the Civil Rights Movement in the following ways. Firstly, women were the key strategists in the Civil Rights Movement. They played a crucial role in campaigning and advocating for the movement’s success. The Civil Rights Movement fought to abolish racial discrimination and segregation. It provided a model the Women’s Rights Movement used to achieve its success and further the concept of women’s leadership and gender equality. Both movements aimed to end women’s suffrage and push for equal rights, opportunities, and women’s freedom. Additionally, the Women’s Rights Movement borrowed Civil Rights tactics such as grassroots campaigns, sit-ins, consciousness-raising, and marches (US House of Representatives).

The Women’s Rights Movement successfully increased the number of women in the workforce and created access to various jobs. The movement increased the number of women who ran for political positions and increased the number who won political positions. Additionally, women’s study programs were initiated in universities and colleges. The movement created policies that barred employers from firing pregnant women. Moreover, divorce laws were liberalized as an impact of the movement. However, the movement had shortcomings, such as providing women with the desire to overpower the male gender. The movement also produced discrimination against minority groups and created radical feminism (US House of Representatives).

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is needed to support the ideologies of democracy guaranteed by the US Constitution and push for equal rights for women in the USA. It will ensure that women and girls are safeguarded and not weakened by political trends. It will ensure that women are empowered to challenge discriminatory laws (ERA). The Women’s Rights Movement was led by influential leaders such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B Antony, Mary Church Terrell, Ruth Hanna McCormick, and Alice Paul (US House of Representatives).