Issues Regarding on HR Training and Development

Determine the Issues Regarding on HR Training and Development


An organization’s human resource training and development programme is responsible for helping its workers improve their skills, knowledge, and talents in order to achieve its goals. Creating a knowledgeable, motivated, and high-performing staff that is prepared for future needs is the goal of human resource training. In addition, human resource training helps employees reach their full potential, resulting in increased production (Odina, 2019).

When it comes to allocating training resources, improving the efficacy of training programmes is usually the top goal for most businesses. Training that is designed to reduce time (and money) while delivering on all its learning promises is not unexpected.

In spite of this, many businesses discover that their training is ineffective (or just partly successful) in helping them achieve their objectives. A number of typical training and development issues are to blame for this. They vary from time-consuming and dispersed employees to cost containment while increasing engagement and taking various learning preferences into account (IceHrm, 2020).

Issues regarding on HR training and Development

Some of the major issues regarding on human resource training and development are:

  1. Inappropriate Training Programs

As a result of performance issues, training is usually the first step in solving the problem. It’s possible that training is not always the best option. Unfortunately, training is frequently provided as a quick fix for problems that don’t really exist, without first analyzing the underlying cause of the problem. It examines the difference between present and expected performance, identifies the underlying issues, and suggests solutions.

Providing workers with unsuitable training is one of the greatest challenges in training. It is possible that the business will offer general training that is irrelevant to the employee’s job or training that focuses too much on the employee’s strong abilities and not enough on the skills she needs to improve. Then, the employee still lacks some abilities, resulting in a skills gap for both her and the business.

This may include improving work processes, altering work environments, or expressing expectations. Training is not always the best option. There are a number of alternatives that may be used to solve issues in the classroom.

  1. Lack of Employee Interest

Company executives must also bear in mind that training is a two-way process in training. However, workers must be willing to participate in order for management to offer learning chances. As soon as employees absorb and apply new information to their duties, they have passed the true test of their learning. One of the most frequent and challenging training issues for companies is low employee engagement.

Employees who are unwilling to accept personal responsibility for their own growth are unlikely to benefit from training. Solicit comments, recommendations and ideas from the workers before any training takes place. Setting goals and recommending training based on individual requirements increases employee acceptability.

  1. Hectic Employee Schedules

When workers’ energy is depleted by job, family life, and a plethora of other obligations, there’s a danger that training may simply add to their stress. Furthermore, forcing workers to attend training classes on their own time is a guaranteed method to make them hate training.

  1. Lack of Engagement

It’s essential to engage on three levels: cognitive, emotional, and behavioral. As a result of poor information retention, passive learning, and lack of dedication, training and development becomes a problem.

More than that, it’s difficult to alter behavior without learning engagement. In addition, when training is seen as irrelevant or unneeded, most learners mentally and emotionally “drop out” and refuse to engage in it.

  1. Lack of Management Support

It is important to remember that training does not stop when you leave the classroom. There must be a learning environment in the company that encourages workers to gain new skills and improve themselves. A lack of assistance from management will demotivate employees from learning new abilities. Participants will be given time and resources, such as meals and travel allowances. It entails frequent follow-up after training. An important component of the performance evaluation must include employee development.

  1. Excessive Training Costs

Furthermore, some organizations are unwilling to pay for training since it is expensive. Training consultants and formal training programmes are often out of reach for small businesses. But because to technology, training has become more accessible. As a result of online courses, training has become more convenient and less expensive. Organizations may also utilise free training methods such as mentorship, on-the-job training, and shadowing to develop their employees’ skills.

Training is costly because of the animation, the equipment, the rental of the space, and the time expenses of the participants (these hours add up!).

Even though there is always a need for training, training expenditures tend to be small. The fact that travel and software expenses must be addressed when finances are limited adds to the difficulties of education and training.

  1. Low Return on Investment

Investing in training is a long-term commitment that must pay off. It’s not always easy to observe the effect of training. However, a participant’s responses are not recorded on an assessment form. Higher-ups need to see tangible results, such as an increase in productivity and sales figures. Additionally, training must reduce mistakes, customer complaints, accidents, and downtime. Only when it helps the bottom line does training become valuable. The HR department must be able to back up the training costs with data.

  1. Different Learning Habits

To avoid additional training problems, it’s crucial to consider student preferences and habits, regardless of whether you’re teaching 20 or 2000 people.

At least three generations are represented in the contemporary workforce, and each has a fundamentally different relationship with technology. Since everyone is expected to have the same degree of technology knowledge and learning patterns, your training is going to be less successful (Andriotis, 2018).


Increasing the efficacy of training programmes is the number one goal for most organizations when it comes to spending training budgets. Training that optimizes time (and money) savings while fulfilling all of its learning goals is not unexpected.

In spite of this, many businesses discover that their training is unsuccessful (or just partly effective) in accomplishing their objectives. In most cases, this is due to training and development problems. Some of the training issues include a time-strapped and often scattered workforce, reducing expenses while increasing engagement, and catering to different learning preferences.