Making Sense of the Society: The Sociological Imagination



I will discuss the family history of one of my closest friends, James Charles, in relation to gender and sexuality. Gender is the characteristics of males, females, girls, and boys built by society throughout the history of social connection (Lindsey, 2020). According to the community, the determination of the gender of an individual includes certain behaviors, norms, and the work or activities they do. Society categorizes James Charles as male because of his social practices. He grew up helping his father on the farm and doing work chores that society believes should be done by all male individuals. All male individuals did activities that included riding a bicycle, repairing broken furniture, farming, and handling heavy machinery. In contrast, female individuals were associated with work done by women, such as cooking, going to the market, cleaning, and taking care of babies. According to society, gender is determined by what an individual does (Lindsey, 2020).

Society’s perception of masculinity also differs from their perception of femininity in terms of dressing codes and grooming. To be identified as a male, an individual had to be in trousers, shorts, or suits, while a female had to be in dresses and skirts (Wang et al., 2022, p. 545). The males’ clothes are usually made of bold colors, while female garments are soft and shooting colors to show their femininity. Society identified James Charles as a male because his family used to dress him in trousers and shirts with very dull colors, unlike his other female siblings, who were dressed in shooting colors. The outward appearance of an individual also matters in society and social relations. Apart from dressing, the male gender is identified by short and well-kept hair, while the females are identified by long hair with different styles (Sa’ar and Simchai, 2022).

The society also identified the two central gender using biological features that are vivid in an individual when they reach adolescence.   Males are expected to have broad shoulders, beards, and deep voices (Sa’ar and Simchai, 2022). Women must have breasts and broadened hips and experience menstrual bleeding every month (Casper et al., 2020, p. 45). During his adolescent period, James Charles was among the first boys to develop a deep voice and have beards, making society consider his gender as male. When society terms one as a male or female, they have a combination of behavioral traits. Males expect them to be strong, tough, active, brave, and assertive, while females expect them to be gentle, caring, sensitive, and humble (Lai et al., 2020, p. 120).

Other stereotypes that differentiate males and females in today’s society are mainly significant in the attitude and behavior of the two genders. One of the assumptions is that women cry more often than men (Lai et al., 2020, p. 124). Sociology,defines gender by examining how society influences our perceptions and understanding of the difference between males and females (Lindsey, 2020). It focuses on what society perceives as the behavior, ability, and attitude of a woman and a man. The society I grew up in makes me perceive James Charles as a man.


According to sociology, sexuality is the sexual attraction, identity, and experiences that may or may not align with the gender of an individual (McKinney, 2022, p.103). Sexuality involves the sexual practices of an individual, the sexual feelings, and sexual behaviors that are reinforced or discouraged by society. Most society supports a man being attracted to a woman and vice versa (Heterosexuality). It condemns the attraction of similar gender where a man is attracted to a man, and a female is attracted to a female, homosexuality (Eisend et al., 2020, p.680). Sexuality of James Charles is bisexual, whereby he is attracted towards their gender and any other gender. The world today identifies the many forms of sexuality, and the inclusive one is the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual group (LGBTQIA) (Weeks, 2022). Different scholars have identified the different social approaches to sexuality, and sociology contrasts them with biological techniques, which frame sexual behavior and expression resulting from anatomy and hormones (McKinney, 2022, p.103).

According to society, heterosexuality is normal and needs no explanation. The other forms of sexuality, such as bisexuality and homosexuality, need to come out and publicly identify themselves because they are different from heterosexual people (Weeks, 2022). Coming out publicly will help them advocate for their rights and prove to society that they are normal despite their sexuality. Organizations and campaigns have been formed to support LGBTQIA people in receiving their rights (Fish et al., 2019, p.2418). Many heterosexual people also come out to support them hence the name allies. Homosexuality has existed, and up to date, there is no exact cause of sexual orientation because scientists and sociologists have theorized it to be caused by a complex interplay of genetic, environmental forces, and hormones (Reardon, 2021, p.17).

Some of the environmental forces that may cause sexual orientation, such as homosexuality, include; the parental environment, which influences the hormones of the developing fetus. The environment affects the fetus’s brain to begin developing in a female state. Maternal immune responses during fetal development can be exposed little masculinizing hormone (testosterone) in the brain region, causing male homosexuality and bisexuality (Reardon, 2021, p. 17). The other factor that leads to homosexuality is his family upbringing. Early childhood experiences lead to sexual orientation, whereby post-natal social environments affect the child’s brain. A parent who fails to confirm that their child is male end up dressing and upbringing them as female hence high chances of homosexuality (Vito, 2020). Gender nonconformity and homosexuality are commonly linked. James Charles’s sexuality was affected by his upbringing. He is the only boy in the family, and his upbringing is similar to that of his other sister. This made him copy most of the behaviors of the sisters hence his sexual orientation (Bailey et al., 2020, p.2464). Childhood molestation, sexual abuse, or early experience also causes sexual orientation (Vito, 2020). A girl or a boy can be abused at a very young age by the opposite sex, making them have the trauma of being sexually attracted to them when they grow up. This allows them to be homosexuals since they find peace by being attracted to the same gender. Sexuality and social relation are interconnected because we learn how and why people behave the way they do (Bailey et al., 2020, p.2464).

Structure and Agency

Despite James Charles’s sexuality being bisexual, structure and agency have been influential in his life. According to sociology, the structure is the patterned arrangements that influence individuals’ choices and opportunities. The structure is generally the social arrangement of institutions where human beings live together and interact (Harmon et al., 2019, p.464). The five main social structures include roles, statuses, society, social institutions, groups, and organizations. Agency is the ability of individuals to make their own decisions and choices and live independently (Harmon et al., 2019, p.464). Heterosexuals have a social structure where the man can lead the family or the relationship. Homosexual people are usually left out of society and have a structure that helps them live and make their own choices and decisions. For bisexuals, they are least underlooked, unlike gays and lesbians in any social structure (Lo et al., 2022, p. 10). This is what has made James Charles make his choices in life and society easier.

The LGBTQ have mainly focused on the structure of groups and organizations. In almost every country worldwide, some organizations support the rights and existence of LGBTQ by fighting discrimination and harassment and eliminating homophobia. (Fish et al., 2019, p.2418). The different organizations and group structures support the LGBTQ community in workplaces, public facilities, and even the government that do not conform to their presence in the country. The organization and groups help LGBTQ members decide whether they will work with a specific company that respects their rights, use public facilities or find other alternatives that do not judge their sexuality (Fish et al., 2019, p.2418).

Many LGBT individuals believe they have come a long way in achieving their goals and have more work to do before attaining “gay liberation .”Most of them have partnered with their government and society to ensure their rights are granted and other LGBTQ people are not harassed (Fish et al., 2019, p.2418). By doing this, they are creating a structure that supports their choices and decisions regardless of their sexuality. This structure gives homosexuals the freedom to express themselves. They can wear what they want without being judged and even do what other females do to get attracted to males. In most countries today, the structure of the LGBTQ is understood, and they are even allowed to form their political groups and service agencies that support their other queer members and the country at large.


Gender and sexuality are the vital aspects that shape our lives in society. It helps individuals know their bodies and minds and how to create boundaries that help them choose with available opportunities. Different sexualities should be embraced and respected in society because we cannot change how people behave and how they are sexually attracted. Sexual orientation can be influenced by parenting environment, upbringing, and sexual abuse and molestation. Structure and agencies are essential in helping an individual make their own choices. With structure, homosexuals can make decisions because they have organizations and groups that advocate for their rights in different places, such as workplaces. Heterosexuals have an excellent defined structure where the male is always the head of the relationship, making decisions and choices easy for them.