Original Pauline Epistles: Biblical Genre Module


1 Greetings to you Christians of the contemporary church, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I hope this epistle finds you well and that you are growing in your faith and knowledge of God’s love and grace. 2 However, bearing in mind that our Father is always looking after us, I am refilled and renewed with the hope that through the power of Jesus Christ, there is no insurmountable obstacle that we cannot overcome.

3 I implore you to remain steadfast in your spiritual anchorage. 4 The modern world is undoubtedly under trial as the technology of the modern world becomes more sophisticated. 4 It is becoming apparent that our daily lives are becoming increasingly reliant on modern technology, from how we communicate to how we work and finally to how we fulfill our entertainment needs. 5 However, let us exercise extreme caution and not allow technological advances and innovations to consume most of our time and arrest almost all our attention. 6 However, it would be in the best interest of evangelism that we tap into this technology and use it in a manner consistent with our faith as deeply rooted in our Almighty God.

7 It is very easy to get distracted in the vast world of distractions disposed of in the realm of technology, for example, the internet, the various social media platforms, and the modern entertainment hubs tempting to be forgetful of the things that truly matter- in this case, is our relationship with God and the harmonious co-existence in word and spirit with one another. 8 We must, therefore, exercise diligence in our daily use of technology, lest it leads astray through its powerful weaponry of distraction. Despite the usefulness of technology, we should thus strive to stay focused on the goal, which is the love for God and our neighbor.

9 Be wary of the unique challenges facing young people in the modern world. They are often bombarded and confronted with tempting messages seeking to undermine their faith in the Lord, leading them to Sheol. 10 It is for these reasons that it becomes crucial to equip them with the requisite and erudite Biblical knowledge and other tools they need to stay firmly rooted in faith and, like martyrs, be able to defend the faith and God when tested and when necessary.

11 To the old and those rich with Christian knowledge, kindly disseminate it to thee that are spiritually malnourished. Let us dare  “to teach [God’s Instructions and commands] in a diligent manner to our young ones and talk of them the time you sit in thy house, and when you walk by the way when you lie down and when you rise.” Our efforts to pass the truth onto the next generation should thus be intentional so that the young can stand firmly anchored in their faith and be a light to the world.

12 I also wish to encourage you, Brethren, to remain firm in your faith. The modern world we live in is marred with hostilities to the gospel, which is the truth and way of life. It has become very easy to be discouraged and easily dismayed to compromise our Christian doctrines and beliefs to fit in with the societal conditioning, but brethren, the spirit of the Lord is very explicit, do not be deceived!

13 To the whole church, I know our world today is full of struggles and challenges. “Therefore, my brothers and sisters, remain firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the Lord’s work, for you know any of your Labor in the Lord shall not be in vain.

14 I, therefore, encourage you, brethren, that you are not alone in this spiritual journey and the struggles you endure. We serve a loving, faithful, and living God, who is always our guide and with us every step of the way. He has promised never to leave you nor forsake you. Therefore, Brethren, let us make it a habit of going on our knees before Him daily to trust in His guidance as we maneuver through the challenges of the current world.

Blessings to you all,

[Student’s Name]

Commentary and Analysis on Pauline Epistles

Historical Context

The Epistles of Paul were written by Apostle Paul Himself. He wrote the epistles to address the various churches and the individuals of the early church community. These letters occupy a crucial biblical part of the New Testament, providing insight into how early Christian life developed and spread during the first century. The corpus of Pauline Epistles consists of 13 letters found in the New Testament: Galatians, 1st and 2nd Corinthians, Romans, Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians, 1st, and 2nd Thessalonians, 1st and 2nd Timothy, Titus and Philemon.

In the letters, Paul addresses the various issues anchored on Christian doctrines, the acceptable Christian Moral conduct, and the relationship between the Gentiles and the Jews within the Christian church. He guided the early church constitutive of early Christians, to which he penned epistles addressing the various concerns that arose from the challenges encountered at that time.

In modern times, the epistles of  Paul remain a crucial source of knowledge and understanding of the practices and beliefs of the early Christian church. It is from such a historical context that the modern church traces its evolution and development. Nonetheless, the epistles are read and construed conjunctively with other spiritual primary sources, for example, the gospels and other New Testament writings as notable in the quoted book of Matthew chapter 28, verse 20. More exposition into the meaning and context of the epistles is given by both the biblical and the historical commentaries, most notably, Ellen G White’s book the Acts of the Apostles.

Form analysis

The authorship of Pauline Epistles follows a rhetorical yet formal style as was common in ancient Roman and Greek Literature. The blended style followed a particular pattern and structure, beginning with an introductory statement, followed by the body, and eventually, the conclusion.

In the introductory statement, Paul usually begins with a greeting and either a blessing or a prayer to the recipients of the letter. Also, he sometimes supplies some background information regarding his situation or circumstances, purposing the epistle’s writing.

The epistle’s body constitutes either one or more themes or arguments developed by Paul. Their development is through illustrative examples that appeal to the authority of the scripture. Often in the epistles, Paul also includes reflections and anecdotes, accompanied by exhortations and instructions for the letter’s recipients.

In concluding his epistles, Paul usually restates the main themes addressed, or the arguments advanced before closing the epistle with either a prayer, a closing remark, a necessary instruction, or a blessing as structured in the first part.

Pauline’s epistles are not bereft of poetic devices. This justifies Paul’s use of parallelism, repetition, figurative language, and rhetorical devices. All these features give the epistles it is rhetoric persuasive impact crucial in emphasizing the key ideas pointed out. Therefore, the overall structure and pattern of the epistles reflect the letters’ persuasive rhetoric to exhort, apart from instructing the letters’ recipients in the Christian way of life and spiritual being.

Epistles’ literary analysis

The addressees of the epistles were various individuals and the early church; hence, they lack traditional literary elements, for example, setting and characters, as may be evident in the plays and novels. Nonetheless, it is possible to analyzed the epistles from the point of imagery and tone. The tone used varies from an epistle to an epistle. Thus the tone is tailored specifically to the audience to whom the letter is addressed. In some epistles, the tone of Paul is authoritative or instructional, for he seeks to either exhort or instruct the letter’s recipients. In other epistles, the tone is either reflective or personal, for example, when sharing his thoughts or experiences on various issues.

On the literary feature of imagery, the epistles of Paul make use of rhetorical devices and figurative speech to either illustrate key ideas or convey a particular message. For instance, Paul uses similes and metaphors in his description of Christian practice and doctrines. For example, in 1st Corinthians 12:12-27, Paul metaphorically uses the word to refer to it as the body.

Language Analysis

The vocabulary used in the Pauline Epistles reflects the first century’s culture and language. The vocabulary used is also specific to the circumstances and context under which the epistles were written. Paul wrote the epistles in Greek because it was the common language of the Eastern Roman Empire. He also used a wide array of vocabulary whose context was drawn from Greek culture and language.

Also, Paul uses proper names of specific individuals or groups in his epistles, for example, the churches he wrote to, such as the church of Corinth. Also, in a letter written to the Romans, Paul names specific persons, for example, Phoebe, Aquila, Prisca, and Andronicus. The reason behind the use stemmed from the familiarity of the name with the Roman and Greek empires. These equally helped shape and illuminate the letters’ socio-cultural contexts.

Overall, the textual commentary of Pauline Epistles is relevant to early Christianity as it is to modern Christianity because they provide valuable insight into the early church, their Christian beliefs, and the context surrounding their development. They also help enrich contemporary understanding of the doctrines and practices of modern Christianity.

Davina Russell – University of Notre Dame




Davina Russell was born and raised in Kingston Jamaica. She has a particular interest in a potential dual degree in Aerospace Engineering and Graphic Design.