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Professional Presentation Strengths and Weakness

Professional presentation techniques and skills are fundamental in nursing for various reasons. The presentation helps the nursing students relay their information and messages and convince health care stakeholders to carry out positive changes that will affect organizations and patients around the hospital fraternity. It involves a positive conversation engaging the targeted audience to apply nursing knowledge to improve patient’s outcome

Organization and thorough research are two of my professional presentation strengths. Preparing ahead of time and avoiding procrastination are two ways I may maintain this strength. This will give you plenty of time to edit and re-edit to improve your organization. One of my professional presentation difficulties is communicating my whole ideas clearly and concisely. Preparing and running through the presentation in advance, either recording or viewing it back or in front of colleagues to gain constructive critique that I can use to make modifications that will improve the delivery is one method to work on this. For initiatives like our class’s capstone project, being able to present professionally is crucial (James & Linte, 2014)

When it comes to formal presentations, one of my flaws is public speaking anxiety. At the hospital where I worked, I worked on this as part of our preparation for hospital designation. Some of the presentation preparedness information sessions were provided by me, and I organized skill training for the floor nurses. The most effective way for me to overcome this weakness was to practice the content in front of my friends or family multiple times before giving the presentation to the audience. The necessity of this is to effectively communicate the research or material with a professional presentation tone and reasonable speed. Confidence would be strength. It’s crucial to be confident when presenting information, and being confident in your subject matter encourages your audience to trust what you’re delivering (Wang & Chang, 2019). It helps to be well-versed, knowledgeable, and up to speed on the subject or materials being presented to prepare for this strength. Discuss one professional presenting skill and one professional presentation weakness you have.

To improve and promote adequate sustained quality of health care and improve patient outcomes, long-term adoption of evidence-based practice is essential. Despite the benefits of using evidence-based practice in the health care system, several obstacles stand in the way of its successful adoption. Challenges in adopting medical practice standards to improve treatment quality, problems in transferring research into practice settings, and dynamic changes in institutional culture are just a few of the obstacles(Cabin, 2009). Lack of motivation among nursing personnel and institutional impediments are potential impediments to reaching the desired outcomes in the implementation phase of my evidence-based practice. One of the most significant obstacles is a lack of motivation among nursing and other medical personnel. Lack of adequate nursing staff, which increases the strain for the existing care teams, is one factor that could contribute to poor motivation (DuBroy, 2020). Setting up a mutual agreement among the working nurses is one way to solve the lack of motivation, which would mean improved health care services provision.

The second impediment to achieving the desired transformation in the healthcare organization is an ineffective institutional culture that does not support the practice. Failure to demand the best training from nurses, failing to offer sufficient resources, and failure to give professional and educational growth opportunities for nurses to improve their abilities in evidence-based practice are all examples of inappropriate institutional culture. Involving the organization’s management as a key stakeholder during the implementation of evidence-based practice is crucial to overcoming this hurdle. Applying skilled mentors who are familiar with the institutional culture would also aid in bringing about the desired change to encourage evidence-based practice adoption (Nicholson, 2017).