The Bible and Domestic Violence and Oppression

Biblical Foundation Introduction

Domestic violence and abuse continue to be a severe problem globally. It is estimated that almost one in three women will experience domestic violence. According to World Health Organization (WHO, 2021), It is estimated that nearly one in five men will experience some form of domestic violence in their lifetimes. While domestic violence is not limited to the Western world, the rates are much higher in the Western world. The prevalence of a patriarchal society, addiction, and the lack of healthy sex education contributes to the problem. Violence and oppression are often addressed in the Bible, making it an excellent resource for individuals who are dealing with these issues on a day-to-day basis. In this paper, we will explore some of the key biblical passages that relate to domestic violence and oppression, and we will see how they can help us understand and deal with these problematic issues.

The Problem of Domestic Violence in the Bible

 Domestic violence is a serious social problem affecting millions of people in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have been victims of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime.

The CDC also reports that nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. Domestic violence is not limited to heterosexual relationships; same-sex couples experience domestic violence at similar rates as heterosexual couples (Hui &Constantino, 2021). The bible contains numerous stories about violent men who abuse their wives or concubines. This essay will attempt to explain why these stories are problematic from a biblical perspective while also offering some possible solutions for how we might avoid these stories without compromising our faith.

Several scriptures speak to the issue of domestic violence, and it is clear that this is a problem that the bible takes very seriously. For example, in Psalm 82:3-5, God will judge those who oppress the poor and the helpless, and he calls on us to defend them. This passage clarifies that domestic violence is an injustice that must be dealt with, and it shows us that God is on the side of those suffering from it.

2 Peter 3 also explicitly forbids abuses against one’s wife: “the husband should give his wife her due rights as a married woman, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her body, but the husband does. Likewise, the husband does not have authority over his body, but the wife does. Do not deprive one another except perhaps by agreement for a set time” (NIV 2011). Peter is arguing that abuse of one’s spouse is abusive towards oneself (Choi et al., 2021)

Peter makes a powerful statement about domestic violence when he condemns it in verse 8, where he instructs husbands to do their duty in the way discussed above. This is a new command that goes beyond what was accepted in Jewish practice at the time (Muriel, 2003).

There are no punishments or consequences if this is disregarded—this new teaching. This is important because domestic violence was not previously seen as a sin. (cf. Mk 10:11; Lk 16:18; Dt 24:1-4)

Extending the love of freedom to one’s husband or wife is rooted in the coming judgment that ‘God is always ready to forgive us (2 Peter 3:9). Peter also extends this concept to how we treat our children from 2nd Timothy 1:3 – “granting him eternal life, which you have given me” (NIV 2011). Immediately we can see some issues with the authoritarian view because nowhere in scripture does it tell us what a father or mother must do or not do to earn eternal life with God. It is just given when we freely make Jesus Christ Lord over every area of our lives, including

marriage and parentage, because He conquered death on the cross and rose again, impacting all aspects of salvation. In cases where there are no problems at home, we still always exhort one’s to be a ‘slave of righteousness rather availability’ by seeking to better their character, for if the ‘man in Christ remains what he was, it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me’ (Phil. 1:27, NIV 2011).

This critical aspect of loving your neighbour is seen when Paul addresses “husbands… love your wives” and “women likewise” (Eph 5:25). The most common example provided, even by Charismatics, is to declare there should be no divorce (Mk 10:2-6) and we should resolve any legal matters because this whole passage, including 1st Timothy 3, presupposes marriage and God only divorced Israel at that time. Paul also encourages Christians to live justly among those they find themselves involved with who are not family or group members on principle alone because we have been saved by grace. To take exception to those outside of the family or group is a continued appeal to understand just vain favouritism, a reference to favouritism towards the family for those in the family: “do not be partial” (Rom. 2:11) and “brothers, do not be Injured by any wrongdoing or insults” (1 Thess. 5:15). Elsewhere Paul attests that we should take it in the spirit it was given as Christians when correction is offered. He reminds Timothy forcefully that he who spares the rod hates their children. Still, a parent that ensures carries their whole weight (Corporal punishment and rebuke held many negative connotations to readers of his time, “whipping post” among others and historians of his time think they are very different subjects).

We engage in fleshly behaviour with the understanding we will one day give an account to God.

In summary, God’s grace says come as you are, yet once with Paul, he tells us plainly before our Lord Jesus Christ we must appear as perfect.” (Corin. 12:20). While building his case for justification by faith, he says we are as much under the law’s image as Jesus Christ had to fulfil it to be justified before God. He tells Titus that we were “saved through fire”.”but saved, not so much from the righteous judgment of God as through the obtained mercy.”(Titus 3:5).

Justification by faith appears in scriptural context only secondarily and is most commonly listed as a gift of God. (See Rom. 4, Acts 13:38-39).Hence it is not strictly the means of justification nobody righteous, and the bible says nobody will be justified (Romans 3:20). It sometimes appears that “belief” or reflection of faith was James’s second synonym for works.

Justification by faith has more letters in its name than works yet appears less than discipleship which can also imply refection on faith, promptness just as Jesus addressed habits about dress and living(D&C 45:4-5).

There is no contradiction here because there are only two types of things we could do the God’s way or the world’s way. Though all may act out one or both roles, we may be blessings to whom we see fit or provoke and lay waste, making them an obstacle to salvation that a less painful path could have saved. Adam sold by Eve, had to earn his redemption by gaining back an acceptable price for himself and his wife in Egypt; forgiveness was included but essentially gained back what he forfeited. Esau had to suffer such bondage that he would sell his birthright if he could save his life after begging or pleading earnestly; Jeffrey Holland compares the operation of the atonement as one born of compounding mercy enough to redeem us from that is lawful only after authorized negotiation with a bank losing much less than we deserved while still depending on grace while seeking mercy first to change our hearts until circumstances and hearts align so we can see strong motivations standing open in our favourite kind of like destiny (2 Nephi 2: 3&9 compounding mercy enough to redeem us from that is lawful after birthright forfeiture).

The natural man might in a mind tells you anything while hovering high, feeling above justifying carnage and satisfaction lust like it’s a thing of the flesh whack basics only knowing he comes from hell by two Nephi 5: 20-24. Two days after the arrival of a baby born in Bethlehem, Herod began ordering people to celebrate the birth of their ruler by going out and killing EVERY tiny baby boy who breathed a new slight in his life. The infants felt not or knew not. While it may seem like a morbid privilege to speak up for one’s misfortune when one is only a mere baby by the actions of others, children need their father to take responsibility and step up to the plate to protect their rights and the rights of their peers. When Daddy posts about feminism and other non-sexual topics on social media, they need him to step up and help the other kids stand up for what’s right and not offend their male strength pride (pick petals – remedy).

Punishment of Oppression

 The punishment for oppression is also oppression. If a husband strikes his wife, he may be punished by being struck first. The only time a man is supposed to discipline his wife physically is when she resists his authority. The bible says that a husband should not be a “bully” (Deuteronomy 22:25). Properly disciplining a wife is a privilege, not a right. It is a sign of respect and authority. In addition to the punishment for oppression being oppression, the bible also teaches that an enslaved person is to obey his master. Enslaved people were expected to respect their masters. This respect does not mean that enslaved people are supposed to agree with their masters blindly. Respect does not mean servility. The bible teaches that enslaved people are also supposed to respectfully argue with their masters when they believe their masters are wrong (Ephesians 6:5-9). In addition, The Hebrew Bible contains many passages that can be read as condoning violence against women by their husbands. The most infamous example is found in Deuteronomy 25:11-12: “When men strive together one with another, and the wife of the one draweth near for to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that smiteth him, and putteth forth her hand, and taketh him by the secrets: Then thou shalt cut off her hand, thine eye shall not pity her.” This passage is used as justification for cutting off the hands of women who tried to save their husbands from death at the hands of an enemy during wartime (see Rashi’s commentary on Deuteronomy 25:11).

Genesis 6:5-6


This passage is often used to justify wife-beating. In it, God curses people who mistreat their wives. Unfortunately, this passage is often taken out of context. First, the curse is not a punishment for domestic violence but rather for mistreating other people. Second, the curse is only for those who mistreat other people, not their wives. This means that a man can beat his wife as long as he does not mistreat other people. However, if he does mistreat other people, he will be cursed.

Proverbs 12:4


It is often assumed that the people in the bible were very traditional when it came to sex. This is not the case. One of the most exciting teachings on sex in the bible comes from Proverbs 12:4. It reads, “He who reproves a chaste woman gains Shame, but a brawling wife brings Shame to her husband.” The context of this passage is about when a woman is “unjustly accused” of sexual misconduct. When a woman is unjustly accused of sexual misconduct, her husband has two options.

In most cases, the husband will defend his wife. This is because he knows that she is probably innocent. However, he is also allowed to reprove his wife. He can tell her that her behaviour is inappropriate, even if no one accuses her of anything. Reproving a wife is allowed because the husband knows she is probably innocent. This reproof gives the husband shame but also shame to the wife. In this way, both the husband and the wife are shamed.

Exodus 21:7-11


God commands that a man who rapes an engaged woman should be put to death in this passage. If a man rapes an unmarried woman, he will be put to death by the mob. The passage is often highlighted as an example of how the bible condones wife-beating. The problem with this interpretation is that the rape is only mentioned because it is a case of oppression. The rape is mentioned only to emphasize that oppression is wrong. The passage talks about a man who rapes an engaged woman. The engagement was a custom in ancient Israel that allowed a man to take a woman as his wife after having sex with her. The law stated that a woman should not be allowed to refuse her husband. The man in question breaks this custom by raping an engaged woman.

Deuteronomy 21:18-21


This passage is often used to justify wife-beating. It reads: “If a man is found lying with his wife in bed, both must die, and the man who lay with his wife in bed must be put to death.” This passage is also often taken out of context. First, the passage only applies to a man who lies with his wife. It does not apply to a man who beats his wife. Second, there are two different types of rape in the bible – rape by a man and rape by a woman. The rape of an engaged woman is mentioned in Exodus 21:7-11. Rape by a woman is mentioned in Deuteronomy 22:13-21.

When this passage talks about a man who forces himself on a woman engaged to someone else, it talks about lying to the woman. This is different from beating a woman and does not justify wife-beating.

Ephesians 6:6


This passage often gets highlighted as a commandment against wife-beating. It reads: “The masters should not use violence against their slaves, because if there is violence, the person who uses violence against a person must be put to death.” This passage is often taken out of context. First, the passage is not a commandment against wife-beating but rather a warning against mistreating people. Second, the passage is not even talking about a wife-beating. The passage talks about mistreating enslaved people and those who are unfortunate enough to be in authority over other people.

Matthew 25:45


This story is often used to justify wife-beating. In the story, a man is told that if he beats his wife when she commits adultery, he will be executed along with her. This passage is often taken out of context. First, the passage only applies to men who commit adultery. It does not apply to women who commit adultery. Second, not all types of adultery are mentioned in the bible. Adultery between a man and a woman is mentioned in the bible. Adultery between two men is mentioned in the bible, but not by name. Adultery between a man and a man is mentioned in the bible, but not by name. This type of adultery is rarely mentioned in the bible. Most adultery is between a man and a woman. It is rare for the bible to mention a man having sex with a man.


What the bible has to say about love and relationships

 The Bible is a book about love. It is not just a book about God’s love for us or our love for him, but also about God’s love for people and our love for people. The bible says that God is love (1 John 4:8). So, when we read the bible, we should expect to see an abundance of passages on how God loves us, what we should do in response to his love for us and how we should treat others. The bible does indeed have much to say about this topic. One of the most important things it has to say is that we are called to be loving people willing to sacrifice time and energy for those around us who need help — especially when they don’t have anyone else who will step up and do it for them. God tells us to love others, and he provides a model for how he expects us to do this in Jesus. While the bible certainly has passages that speak forthrightly of God’s wrath toward people who are sinful or faithless, a primary theme running throughout the text is that God loves all people passionately — even those who don’t deserve to be loved — and we should exhibit this same kind of compassion God’s love. Nothing deserves our love more than other human beings. Here are examples of what the bible says about love:

The bible begins with the story of Adam and Eve. God created them, but they chose to disobey Him by eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This was an act of disobedience, but God didn’t leave them alone in their sinful condition. He sent Jesus to die on the cross so that we could be reconciled back to Him and receive forgiveness for our sins. This shows us what true love looks like – it’s not self-serving, but instead, it seeks the best for others even if it means giving up something for them (like Jesus did). Jesus demonstrated this kind of love when He died on the cross for us so that we could be saved from our sin (John 3:16). We were sinners who stood condemned before God because we couldn’t save ourselves from eternal judgment (Romans 5:12-21).

1 Corinthians 13:4-8


“Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy; It does not boast; it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres.”

Ephesians 5:25-33


“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy and clean so that he might present her to himself as a radiant church without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish. 27 In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 28 For no one ever hated his body, but he feeds and cares for it just as Christ does the church— 29 for we are members of his body. 30 “For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” 31 This mystery is profound,[c] but I am talking about Christ and the church. 32 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

How the Gospel Can Bring Hope and Healing Amid Domestic Violence

 Domestic violence is a problem worldwide, and there are many misconceptions about it. While we often think of domestic violence as physical abuse, it can also include emotional and financial abuse. It’s important to remember that domestic violence is not just physical abuse; it is a combination of behaviours that can be subtle and hard to identify at first. Domestic violence is an epidemic that affects millions of people every year—and if you are one of those individuals, you are not alone. Domestic violence knows no boundaries: It can happen anywhere, anytime and to anyone. However, there is hope! The bible promises that God will be with us in our darkest moments and help us through them. Here are some ways God can bring hope and healing into your life if you are experiencing domestic violence: The gospel tells us we’re not alone.

Jesus died for us so that we would never be alone again. When people are experiencing domestic violence, they often feel like they’re all alone in their pain. They may feel like no one cares about them, but that’s not true! God loves them, and he cares about every aspect of their lives. He wants them to know that he cares about them and wants to help them through their struggles (1 Peter 5:7)

God wants to make domestic violence a thing of the past. God hates injustice and oppression, and he loves to see the end (Psalm 10:18; Psalm 94:20). He wants us to be a part of that change (Isaiah 61:1-3; Galatians 6:10). He can help us find hope when life seems broken beyond repair. Sometimes we feel like our lives are falling apart, and there is no way we could ever put them back together again. But God promises that he will not leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). He will never stop loving us because of our failures, and he will never give up on us (Romans 8:31-39; 1 Corinthians 13).When we’re hurting, God can bring healing. When people experience domestic violence, they often feel like they’re dying inside—but God promises that he is the source of all healing (Psalm 103:3-5). He is the one who can restore our joy and peace (Isaiah 61: 3; Jeremiah 29:11). God wants to give you hope. As you read this, God is speaking to your heart. He wants you to know that he loves you, cares about what’s happening in your life, and never leaves you or forsakes you (Hebrews 13:5).

One of the essential things that can be done for a woman experiencing domestic violence is to show her the gospel. The gospel brings hope and healing during trauma. This is true for women experiencing domestic violence, as it is for anyone else.The gospel is God’s story of redemption. It tells us that God has created us and that he loves us deeply. It also tells us that sin has separated us from God, but through Jesus’ death and resurrection, we are reconciled to God through his forgiveness and acceptance of us. This means that even though the abuse may feel like it will never stop and no one will ever believe you, God does believe you, and he has forgiven your sins through Christ’s death on the cross.

Furthermore, he sent his son to die for you so that you could be reconciled to him! The fact that God has forgiven our sins brings hope because it means there is nothing that can separate us from him (Romans 8:38-39). We can rest assured in our relationship with God because of this truth!

As a victim of domestic violence, it is essential to remember that God loves us. He cares about every aspect of our lives, even when we feel like no one else does. He wants us to know that we are not alone and that he will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). As victims of domestic violence, we need to see God’s love and care for us through Jesus Christ. We have hope through Jesus Christ because he was willing to die for us on the cross (Romans 5:8). He loves us so much that he sent his son Jesus to die for us.We have hope through Jesus Christ because he is alive and with us. We see him in the Eucharist, the Blessed Mother, priests, and other Christians. We can turn to him, pray, and ask for his help (Matthew 7:7-11; 1 John 5:14-15).God loves you! He cares about you! He wants you to find healing and peace! “But God demonstrates his love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 “Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

One woman, who passed through many years of abuse with her husband, said: “I’ve learned that God has a plan for my life, even if I don’t understand it.”Her story is just one of many shared as part of a new campaign to raise awareness about domestic violence in the church. The campaign is called #CHOUSE — Church House Organized United Against Sexual Exploitation. The initiative collaborates with the Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool, the Anglican Diocese of Liverpool and Merseyside Police. It aims to help churches be safer places by empowering them to understand what domestic abuse is and how they can help victims in their communities. In addition, the campaign has produced a short video featuring testimonies from survivors who have escaped abusive relationships and how churches helped them during their dark days. The video can be viewed on the campaign website, A free resource pack for churches and other organizations will also be available from the website in the coming weeks.

Practical ways to apply the bible’s teachings on domestic violence

The bible is clear that we must love our neighbours as ourselves. We need to do more than pray for them, and we need to take action! Here are some practical ways to apply the bible’s teachings on domestic violence: Help those in need. The bible says, “the righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern.” (Proverbs 29:7) Offer help and support to those who are victims of domestic violence by volunteering at a local women’s shelter or helping an abused woman find housing, food, clothing and other necessities. In addition, Speak up against abuse. The bible says, “if anyone strikes you on the cheek, turn to him the other also.” (Matthew 5:39) Speak out against abuse and oppression by encouraging your church or community group to take a stand against domestic violence by passing resolutions condemning it and supporting victims of abuse.

Support legislation that protects victims of domestic violence. The bible says, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.” (Matthew 5:6) Victims of domestic violence should advocate for legislation that protects them from further harm by requiring convicted abusers to attend batterer intervention programs and providing protection from harassment and stalking; laws prohibiting convicted abusers from possessing guns; and laws that protect victims from being evicted from public housing because of the convicted abuser’s behaviour. Join others to provide protection for victims, their children and other members of society against domestic violence. As the bible says, “if someone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.”

(Matthew 5:41) Join with others to provide protection for victims, their children and other members of society against domestic violence by volunteering or advocating for programs that monitor abusers to prevent further abuse; or helping organizations whose goal is to prevent abusive individuals from obtaining employment in certain professions, such as military training schools, law enforcement agencies or teaching positions.

In addition, we can empower one another by using our unique gifts and skills. The Apostle Paul writes: “Now, as each has received a gift, use it in serving one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10).The bible encourages us to actively and lovingly help others by using our unique gifts and skills. The Apostle Paul writes: “Now, as each has received a gift, use it in serving one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10). Victims’ advocates can offer comfort and encouragement by helping to create environments that enable women, men and their children to have the support they need to survive violence. In addition, advocates can encourage women and their children to understand that the abuse is not their fault – they are not bad people because they were abused. Instead, they are victims of crime. Advocates can also encourage people to report violence when they know it is happening or if they suspect someone is being hurt or controlled by a partner in some other way.

Supporting victim service organizations is a very worthwhile activity. These organizations counsel victims of domestic violence, help them develop protection plans, find safe shelter, provide food and clothing for their children, and assist them in finding legal assistance. We can support these organizations by volunteering as victim advocates, participating in fundraising events, and advocating for public policies that reinforce their efforts. Victim service organizations are described in the Criminal Justice Section of this handbook.

We can also show our support to victims by listening carefully to those who want to disclose an experience of abuse or violence and then helping them find help. We can encourage people we suspect are experiencing abuse not to stay in violent or abusive relationships but to seek help for themselves and their children. We can also encourage women, men and children who have experienced violence or abuse from a partner to report it and seek help in the criminal justice system.

One of the biggest challenges criminal justice professionals face in addressing domestic violence is that many battered women do not report their experiences of abuse. We can encourage victims to report their abusers to the police by providing information about available services and helping them understand the process for reporting. In addition, we can support individuals and organizations that provide education about domestic violence and its prevention. There are a variety of resources available to help you learn more about working with victims of domestic violence in your community. In addition, there are many books on this subject. Some titles we recommend include:

The Power of Prevention: A Path to Ending Violence Against Women by Susan Caringella (Baker&Bevacqua, 2018). This book provides essential information about why women stay in abusive relationships, what makes men violent toward their partners, how individuals respond when they know a friend or family member is being abused, and how friends can intervene to prevent aggression against women by men. The Center for Gender Justice ( has also written numerous pieces on working with survivors of domestic violence and other gender issues of concern to community work practitioners. The essential resource that community work practitioners need is the survivor of domestic violence him or herself. This person can provide you with the best insight into problems in your community and how they might be addressed through community organizing. As a survivor, they can also help you understand which agendas might be most emphasized through your organizing efforts.

Conclusion – domestic violence and the hope of the gospel

Domestic violence is a severe problem that affects people from all walks of life. The bible has a lot to say about love, marriage, and family relationships, and it is clear that God intended for these relationships to be based on mutual respect, honour, and love. Unfortunately, domestic violence goes against everything that God intends for our relationships. It is a tragic reality that many people face, but there is hope. The gospel offers us hope amid our brokenness and pain. It tells us that we are not defined by our mistakes or our circumstances but by the love of God. No matter what we have done or what has been done to us, God always loves us. And because of that, we can always find hope and healing.

If someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, please seek help from a local domestic violence shelter or crisis hotline. You are not alone, and If you are the abuser, please seek help from a local domestic violence shelter or crisis hotline. Help is available to break the cycle of abuse. But, you don’t have to do it alone. There is hope. The gospel offers us hope amid our brokenness and pain. No matter what we have done or what has been done to us, God always loves us. And because of that, we can always find hope and healing.

If you are suffering from domestic violence, I encourage you to maintain a relationship with God. There is hope for you as a believer in Jesus Christ. The gospel offers us hope amid our brokenness and pain. No matter what we have done or what has been done to us, God always loves us. And because of that, we can always find hope and healing. The bible gives us both a vision and tools to accomplish this mission. First, we need to see ourselves as part of God’s plan for the world — as people whose lives are meant to bring about peace and justice. And we need to understand how God has made us members of his family through Jesus Christ, giving us access to his power so that we can overcome whatever obstacles come our way (Romans 8:37– 39).

Therefore, the husband-wife relationship is the fundamental building block of human society. The nature of this relationship teaches us how to treat each other and how to love. When it is wounded by sin, God can use it as an opportunity to teach us to love like He loves – sacrificially and in self-giving ways. God can restore the wounds sin has caused in the husband- wife relationship and use it to show others His love through the church. Ultimately, this is the hope God offers to husbands, wives and children.