Staff Trauma Desensitization and Compassion Fatigue to Patient Success in Medication Assisted Treatment

Annotated Bibliography

The Relation of Staff Trauma Desensitization and Compassion Fatigue to Patient Success in Medication Assisted Treatment

Anglade, D. (2014) Patient safety culture, compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction: impact   on nurse sensitive patient outcomes. University of Miami. R

The aim of the study is to explore the relationship between nurse compassion fatigue, patient safety culture and nurse compassion. The Bronfenbrenner’s model was used in the study. This included the use of quantitative research design that use both primary and secondary methods of data collection. The studied population were 127 nurses from a hospital in South Florida. The data was collected from the nurses through a set of questions included in a survey that was delivered by mail. Significant correlation was found between compassion fatigue and patient safety culture. The study emphasizes on improving the quality and safety of care to save lives, increase patient confidence. The study also found out that there was a strong positive correlation between secondary traumatic stress and patient outcomes.

The graphical illustration about the causes of compassion fatigue is something that is easy to recall. The diagram representation helps one to observe the interaction between the different variables. Form this paper I plan to borrow the bio-ecological method of research for my study. The bio-ecological approach will allow me to evaluate the interconnected relationship of my variables. As recent paper, this research can be used by other scholars to further expand the existing knowledge of the relationship between compassion fatigue and medicated assisted treatment.

Fahy, A. (2007) The unbearable fatigue of compassion: notes from a substance abuse counselor   who dreams of working at Starbuck’s. Clinical Social Work Journal, 35(3), 199-2005.

Previous research has established that a big percent of counsellors and social workers are affected by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder when working with traumatized clients. However, this research focuses on specific traumas such as child welfare cases, sexual assault but little has been done to investigate PTSD related to working with substance abuse disorder patients. This study thus investigates the compassion trauma and special stress associated with substance abuse. The research concludes that there is a strong positive correlation between working with substance abuse patients and having PTSD and compassion fatigue. According to the study, people who worked with substance abuse victims had a higher chance of having PTSD and compassion fatigue. The compassion fatigue may be as a result of patients breaking promise and going back to abusing drugs,

During the study, data from social workers and counsellors was collected as a means of data. Being aware that she is not self-sufficient, the author has used other sources to back up her arguments. This books and articles have served as the secondary sources of the work. Seeing how there is not much information relating to the effect of substance abuse victims on their healthcare providers, this article will be used as a basis for further studies. The part I find most relevant and plan to use in my research is the discussion of compassion trauma and vicarious trauma issues discussed in the paper.


Machtinger, E. L., Cuca, Y. P., Khanna, N., Rose, C. D., & Kimberg, L. S. (2015). From treatment to healing: The promise of trauma-informed primary care. WHI Journal, 25(3),          193-197.

This study was motivated by the growing body of research that revealed that people from different back grounds came to care with common health problems that can be traced back to trauma whether current or past trauma. These common health problems often do not react to treatment because the aspect of stress is not addressed in treatment. The purpose of this strategy is to review trauma and link it to heath issues in order to provide a practical guidance to researcher, policy makers and clinicians. This study is focused on women but there is no reason that this results cannot be used on males because the health problems and trauma issues mentioned are not unique to women. The results of this study are meant to advocate for the adoption of TIPC.

The data collected in this study belongs to a woman by the belonging to one woman. This perhaps may be the one limitation of this study. The results of this research are generalize to fits a bigger population while only depending on the study results of a single person. Another shortcoming of the article is the fact that it is not peer reviewed and thus the results could be biased. Secondary sources in the form of literature review are also used in the study to provide back up to the authors’ claims. The authors are aware that their work could have shortcomings and they have made up for it with literature review. The part I find most valuable in this report is the section that links trauma to poor health because it explains the extent to which undiagnosed trauma can have impacts on an individual. As a recent publication, this study could be used to further research on the same. The report also shows that there is a correlation between trauma and outcomes of a patient.

Rousaki, E., Tsounis, A., Malliarou, M., Lahana, L., Bamidis, P., Niakas, D. & Papastavrou, E.    (2016). The impact of occupational stress on nurses’ caring behaviors and their health related quality of life. BMC Nursing, 15(1), 56.

The aim of this study was to find out the correlation among occupational stress, caring behavior and quality of life. The authors identified a research gap in the relationship between stress and caring behaviors. The research hypothesis supports that occupational stress results in deterioration of a nurse’s mental and physical health status which in turn affects the quality of healthcare by that nurse. 246 nurses were studies in a correlational study all of whom worked in privates and public units. The study was carried out in 2013 thus the study results are not outdated. Three research instruments were used including the ENSS-expanded nursing stress scale, Health Survey SF-12 and the CBI-caring behavior inventory. The results from the study included contact with patient and families, contact with death, uncertainty about treatment effect.

The author conclude that occupational stress affects the health of nurses and can be considered to have an effect on a patient’s outcomes. Strong positive correlation was found between the occupational stress and caring behaviors. The findings from these studies could be used to mitigate stressors related to caring for a patient with a serious illness. The most important part for me are the listed psychological effects listed in relation to occupational stressors. This help one to understand the extent to which psychological stressors affect an individual’s. The part of this research that I will keep for my research is the findings and conclusion part because they will guide and add to my research.

Sanchez-Reilly, S., Morrison, L. J., Carey, E., Bernacki, R., O’Neill, L., Kapo, J., Periyakoil, V. S., & Thomas, J. (2013). Caring for oneself to care for others: Physicians and their self- care. J support Oncol, 11(2), 75-81.

The study was done to emphasize on the importance of self-awareness and self-care by healthcare providers to increase self-care and maximize patient care while caring for a patient. The researcher has identified that there exist negative outcomes associated with caring for seriously ill patients and thus noted there is need to develop strategies to help professionals cope with compassionate fatigue. Secondary methods of data collection were used with the researchers citing previous authors on the same topic and using other secondary sources to back up claim.

The authors conclude that healthcare providers who care for very ill patients are at the risk of developing compassion fatigue. The author further notes that there is lack of self-care training and provisions are seriously lacking in hospitals. Therefore, the author recommends various strategies with the effect of mitigating a burnout. The study has also found that there is strong positive correlation between compassion fatigue and patient success in treating serious illness. The authors also note that benefits of physician self-care could be carried on to the next generation and recommends that self-care be integrated into healthcare training. This article is recent thus it is a current source of information. The fact that the article is peer reviewed makes it’s a credible source of information. The most outstanding part of this article are the strategies for self-care that are recommended by the author. These strategies can be used by institutions to foster good self-care among healthcare providers in order to increase patient outcomes.