The Use of Branding to Fight Depression

 1.      Chapter one: Introduction

Depression is the availability to cope with stress, and stressors by individual and mental illnesses are the inability to deal with the stress that one faces. Mental illnesses are caused by biological causes, which are not changeable or by experiences that one goes through in life. There are detrimental effects of mental illnesses, and therefore there is a need for the concerned parties to seek ways through which they can identify, prevent, manage, or cure the complications.

1.0.The use of Branding to Fight Depression

1.1.The Society and Mental Illness

WHO (2003) defines Depression as more than just the lack of mental illnesses in an individual, but rather as a state of complete mental of well-being, as well as the absence of infirmity in the Depression of an individual. Therefore, Depression contains aspects of well-being that are subjective to the interpretation of the interpreting party, self-efficacy, as perceived by the defining parties as well as the individual in question, the ability to be autonomous, competent, and intergenerationally dependent while recognizing their emotional and intellectual potentials. Depression is characterized by the ability to handle stress as well as the stressors that one faces every day.

Approximately 140 million people worldwide suffer from Depression disorders as well as behavioral ones. WHO (2003) attribute 33% of the diseases to mental disorders, and a further 2.1% to self-harming tendencies that come with mental disorders. Out of 6 causes of diseases and disabilities, 4 of the same are due to neuropsychiatric disorders such as depression, bipolar disease, schizophrenia, as well as the diseases brought about by alcohol abuse. Depression is, therefore, directly linked to the physical and social well-being of the people involved. Consequently, the Depression of the people in society must be looked out for, especially that of  society.

The transition from adolescence to adulthood is a juncture in life whereby individuals experience changes that are far-reaching, so much so that their socio-cultural and economic roles, attitudes and opinions are brought under scrutiny as they start questioning the previously-held beliefs and embracing different views from those they held in their previous stages of life. There have been various theories to explain this phenomenon, with the life course theory describing this stage as a process which everyone must go through, and that those who adapt well will be the ones to survive and move into the next steps and those who do not change well failing in their attempts of transitioning into the other stages of life[1]. The world has approximately 1.8 billion  society of between 18-24 years, and they make almost a quarter of the world’s population[2]. Although a cliché, it is indeed true that the youth are the future of the days to come. It is therefore essential to ensure that the Depression of the  society is taken care of since they are needed to improve the productivity of the society, as well as ensuring that the future generations will have an assurance of socioeconomic prosperity due to the mental stability of the people living in that time. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the causes of mental illnesses in  society, the effects of mental sicknesses in  society, as well as providing solutions to the problems experienced.

1.2 Objectives of the Study

1.2.1 General Objectives

The general objective of this study is to provide the society with a working solution to the social issue that is depression. Therefore, since the available psychiatric and medical solutions are not working, this study seeks to provide solutions to the problems that those facing depression suffer from.

1.2.2 Specific Objectives

To specifically address the issue of depression in the society and in providing workable solutions to the problem, by using a mobile application named Liberate. Therefore, this thesis will look into the causes of depression and the effects of depression; and through this information, the Liberate mobile application will be develop in order to help in prevention of the causes of depression, as well as providing a solution to prevent those who are already experiencing depression from experiencing the detrimental effects of the problem.

1.3 Research Questions

. What is depression?

.What are the causes of depression?

. What are the effects of depression?

.How can the use of graphic design, colors and technology be used to prevent depression from affecting the society?

. How does the Liberate mobile application work?


1.4 Justification of the Study

Depression is a worldwide problem that affects people from all walks of life. The cause of depression has not been narrowed down to one source, and there are different methods of treatment suggested by the people in the psychiatry field, and these methods’ effectiveness vary from one user to another. Therefore, the Liberate mobile app seeks to use some of the already established solutions to the issues, by providing including the use of branding, colors and graphic design to formulate a mobile application that will not only help people facing depression to overcome the issue, but also help them in tracking down the stressing environments and helping them find ways around the issues.

1.5 Scope of the Study

This thesis will seek an alternative solution to the depression experienced by people in the society. Therefore, this study will look into the causes of depression and the effects of depression; and through this information, the Liberate mobile application will be develop in order to help in prevention of the causes of depression, as well as providing a solution to prevent those who are already experiencing depression from experiencing the detrimental effects of the problem.

1.6 Limitations of the Study

First, the study only covers the people who are willing to sign up for the application. This means that the people who are fighting depression in silence will be left out of the intended help. Additionally, people who do not have access to smartphones or those who do not know how to access, download, or use the application will be left out. Secondly, there are financial limitations to the study, due to the amount of money needed to develop the application and have it in operation. Considering that the pioneers of the application are young members of society who do not have a steady flow of income, the application’s development is a hard task to complete[3]. Considering that the usage of the application is free, then there are even more financial burdens laid on the developers. There is a competition that the application faces from other developed apps and environmental consulting services, and therefore the application’s limited finances and being a new entrant into the market will mean that there is a lot of competition to fight off before becoming recognized.

1.7 Hypothesis of the study

1) That there is depression in the society

2) That there are causes of depression, which lead to negative effects suffered.

3) That graphic design, colors and branding can help in fighting depression

4) That people will sign up to use the application


2.      Chapter two: Literature Review

2.1.The Causes of Mental Illnesses in the Society

Early adulthood presents challenges to society in the phase physically, mentally, and emotionally. Due to the changes, the onset of mental illnesses and disorders can occur, tormenting the young adult for years, and if the conditions go unchecked, then it becomes a lifetime issue. However, it should also be noted that depressed individuals tend to be generally moody, rebellious, and angry even without the effects of mental disorders, so the two should not be confused[4]. This reality of the changes in moods and perceptions is the main reason why it is hard to detect the mental illnesses as they creep in, only being tracked down when the damage is too much and, at times, irreparable. The common mental disorders experienced by  society include depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

The first cause of the mental disorder is experiencing a traumatic childhood, most of which are known only to the suffering parties. It is therefore vital that depressed individuals be treated with love, care, and attention, as well as the reassurance that they are loved, so that they may open up on the traumatic event that they experienced and get as much help as they can to get over the event. Secondly, social isolation and loneliness for whatever reason is a cause for mental illnesses in depressed individuals. When isolated, people experience anxiety and panic attacks as well as over-thinking situations, and therefore the mental sicknesses creep in at that particular time. Discrimination and stigma for a lifestyle choice, race, or religion is another cause of the mental illnesses experienced. Young adulthood is a phase in life where depressed individuals want to be accepted in the social circles that they wish to join. Therefore, when they reject them, they develop Depression issues that may develop into serious health risks if they go unchecked.

Moreover, being at a social disadvantage in society will create mental illnesses in the individuals involved. For example, when one comes from a financially-challenged, or if they have a physical disability, they will experience Depression issues due to the disadvantage that they find themselves in, compared to their peers. Loss of people that they were close to, for example, family or friends is also another onset of Depression issues, with the  society suffering from them experiencing grief that causes them to isolate themselves from others, leading to a downward spiral emotionally, finally ending in mental illnesses for the individual grieving[5]. Finally, being under constant stress is a way through which  society can develop mental illnesses. The pressure to balance a social life with the educational requirements that they need to fulfill is a stressor, with the need for intimate relationships with their family members, friends, and romantic relationships, causing further stress to the  society. Social media has not helped the situation since they find themselves needing to keep up with trends in the social media platforms, ending up feeling inadequate if they are unable to reach these standards that their peers set.

2.2.Effects of Depression on Society

First, depressed individuals experience reduced performance in the areas that they are concerned with, for example, in school or workplaces. This is mainly because they become preoccupied with the most misleading thoughts, and they neglect the most important things that they should be working on, in this case, their academics as well as their jobs if they undertake any form of employment. Additionally, mental illnesses can lead to the people suffering from them becoming socially aloof and unable to interact with the people around them, mostly because of the distancing effect that mental illnesses have on the victims. When they isolate themselves from the public, the depressed individuals lose out on the social interactions that are important in the stage of life that they are in, turning them into socially-awkward individuals with poor people-skills and inability to establish or maintain social interactions or relationships. This situation piles further to the loneliness that they feel, leading to elevated levels of mental illnesses, bringing more negative effects on society.

Moreover, when societies suffer from mental illnesses, they engage in risky behaviors and tendencies due to the carefree attitudes that they develop. When suffering from mental illnesses,  society seek coping mechanisms, such as drug and substance abuse, to help them go through the day and feel numb to the pain that they think and are unable to express[6]. Additionally,  society engage in other risky behaviors such as engaging in hazardous sexual activities and abusive relationships, posing a further threat to their mental stability and health. Finally, mental sicknesses have ended up in self-harming, attempts to suicide, and also successful suicides whenever the victims feel that they cannot take any more suffering. Suicide is the third largest cause of death among depressed individuals aged between 10 and 24, with 60% of the recorded cases having a known fact of depression or any other form of mental illness at the time of death.

Oner and Ustun (2013) categorize the source of stress in society into several categories. First, the stress can be classified as clinical. Clinical factors include the stresses emanating from the judgment and attitudes of the society. The fear of underperforming, warnings for underperforming and disciplinary issues, and the anxiety from patient care plans are the leading causes of clinical stress[7]. In the course of carrying out the patient care plans is stressing to  society. The issues relating to the handling of patients, and the stress associated with handling severe patients and cases causes the stress levels in members of society to increase.

Secondly, another source of stress is the theoretical training that the members of society go through in the course of their studies. The teaching skills of the trainers in the colleges affect both the motivation and performance of the learners, in turn escalating the stress levels in  society. There are heavy workloads related to the course, the fear of not being able to be competent in grasping the knowledge being passed to the members of society, low motivations in the class, the complication of the course and its requirements, and the anxiety that comes with tests. Therefore, the academic needs of the nursing course are a cause of stress to the society.

Thirdly, there is the stress that comes from the social life of the society. There are stresses on the issue of accommodation, how to maneuvered through their college life, and the problems arising from their family lives. This category is even more severe due to the coincidence of the members of society being society, the requirements of the course, the social factors that come with their family and personal lives make the members of society who are unable to cope with the stress to become socially awkward and suffer even more.

Finally, the members of society’ traits will play a role in determining their stress levels. The ability of the members of society to manage their time, ability to remain self-confident, ability to control their emotions and the continuous making of mistakes will increase the possibility of the members of society being stressed. Additionally, the inability to express oneself adequately in speech and emotionally will make the members of society experience excessive stress levels. When one is unable to manage their time, the members of society will be under stress to catch up with the lessons that they have missed out on and then further stress to pass their exams.

The effects of stress on society go beyond physical, emotional, and behavioral outcomes. There are long-term effects associated with stress in society. Some include issues with memory retention and concentration in class and their careers in the future, chest complications and pains due to the increased heart rates when one experiences stress, unhappiness, bad mood, and depression[8]. Finally, the members of society have a disrupted sleep pattern that leads to burnout if unchecked.

There are physical effects associated with stress. According to Gomathi and colleagues (2017), there is a possibility of a student experiencing a pounding heart due to the perception of stress or a stressful environment by the student[9]. Secondly, stressed members of society experience increased blood pressure due to increased heartbeats. Additionally, the stress experienced can cause stressed members of society to experience sweating spasms, which are a cause for embarrassment and further anxiety. Moreover, due to overthinking and lack of sleep, the members of society experience headaches and migraines that can lead to further health complications.

Furthermore, stress causes chest pains, nausea, and abdominal cramps due to the state of unease that the members of society experience when they are around stress triggers. Due to lack of sleep and the consistent state of worry that the members of society are in, they experience a continuous state of tiredness that is not an ideal condition to be in for their studies and future careers. Finally, due to stress and the effects of stress on the physical well-being of the members of society makes the members of society susceptible to minor illnesses that would not affect people who have reduced stress levels.

Secondly, there are psychological implications brought about by the excessive stress that members of society experience. First, the attention span of the members of society is reduced due to stress and stressors. Secondly, they experience reduced levels of self-esteem and self-belief due to the failures they suffered from stressful situations and conditions they find themselves in. Worse still, the members of society get disorganization of thoughts due to their stressed states of mind that they find themselves in. When one is under stress, they are unable to organize their thought processes, and therefore they do not make sensible choices and rational decisions. When under pressure, the members of society experience failure, and consequently, they have a reduced value of self and meaning of their lives since they do not see that they are worthy of the future or present. Finally, the members of society experiencing stress lose perspective of life. They, therefore, have negative attitudes and perceptions of themselves due to the difficulties they experience in coping with their environments and situations.

Finally, stressed members of society experience emotional change that makes them undergo behavioral changes to help them cope with the stressful experiences they find themselves in. It is common for stressed society to show signs of irritability, anger, depression, jealousy, restlessness, anxiety, hyper-alertness, guilt, panic, and unpredictable mood swings, expressed through the inability to control their emotions. The feelings listed above are mostly due to the helplessness, feelings of inferiority, and the expectations laid on the members of society by themselves and other parties. To cope, society has been found to go for detrimental behaviors to help them cope with their stress and hiding the negative emotional changes experienced. They will become withdrawn from others, in a bid to avoid losing themselves and displaying the newly-acquired negative emotions. Secondly, due to stress, the members of society will take to alcohol and drug abuse to help them forget their worries, albeit for a while. Sadly, many  society end up leading lives of addiction to be able to cope.

2.3 The Use of Branding and Graphics in Reducing Depression and its Effects

A brand is described as tangible and intangible features that are meant to make the population aware of the product, an identity for the product, as well as building the name of the provider of the goods or services. Branding is reliant on the innovative and marketing abilities of the organization in question. The main aim of branding is to create a differentiation of the product in question, so much so that the product to the point that it can stay above its competition, as well as reducing the number or need for substitutes in the industry. An organization’s efforts in product and brand development determine the success or failure of the product[10]. Therefore, the organizations must concentrate on developing brands that stand out and elp in marketing the product in question. An organization can choose the method of branding such as association, whereby the organization associates itself with the existing brands in the society and offers itself as a substitute to the current products, or it can also offer differentiated products from those available in the market, aiming to beat off their competition in market domination. Branding also needs brand protection, whereby the brand’s products and names are protected by law, using methods such as copyrights and trademarks.

2.4  Importance of Branding to an Organization

Branding is vital to an organization’s success, in that, branding creates trust in the organization’s products since consumers’ ability to recognize a brand’s availability in the market, as well as the brand’s quality, will make them more likely to purchase the organization’s products due to the trust that their branding efforts will have had on them. Secondly, branding helps in making recognition of the product more comfortable, with branding being responsible for differentiating the organization’s products to the public by their unique packaging. Therefore, branding should aim at making the methods of branding used to influence the consumers’ feelings, attitudes, and decisions, and thus giving the organization the power to change the consumers’ decision-making and choice of the organization’s products over the others available in the market. Additionally, branding helps in an organization’s marketing efforts and strategies, since when the brand is recognizable to the public, it will be easier to market the organization’s products without the need for as much aggressive marketing campaigns as the organizations whose products have not gained brand recognition and loyalty.

Additionally, branding is vital in providing employee motivation and the organization’s recruitment efforts, whereby strong brands can hire and retain the employees that they feel to be the most talented, due to their strong brand presence. Skilled workforces will help an organization to address further their efforts towards achieving prosperity in their efforts since they will offer innovative solutions and ways of doing things, hence reducing the organization’s worry on how to win over more consumers for their products. Furthermore, branding improves the financial value of an organization, since companies with stronger branding are rated better in the financial markets, compared to those whose brand presence is not felt as much. Additionally, strong brand presence by the organizations in the market helps them in their efforts to get funding from financial institutions, with the strong brand presence coming in handy in the organization’s efforts to acquire the financing of their projects and getting the desired amounts.

2.5  How Branding Affects the Consumers’ Choice of an Organization’s Products

First, branding helps in providing the consumers’ brains with new information concerning the organization’s products. For example, on the entry of a new organization into the market, the organization’s ability to create branding will help the organization to make an impact on the consumers as fast as possible through providing information on the brand to the consumers through the organization’s choice of language, symbols, and colors, making the consumers subconsciously recognize the brand. Secondly, visual branding makes the information to stick with the target markets, since their brains will retain the collected data, at times influencing the consumer’s choice of the product subconsciously. Branding is also a manifestation of the human spirit. It attempts to stand out and make an impact on the target population through their attempts to make the people who experience their branding campaigns to remember the product even when they are not thinking of the product actively, or even when the product’s advertisement campaign is not being aired.

Through branding, an organization can allow the consumers to buy into the product, in that they enable the consumers to understand the motivation behind the organization’s brand, the story behind the brand and the organization, therefore making them emotionally invested in the product hence creating brand loyalty from the market segment that they manage to impact. Colors and logos play an important role in persuading the consumers into buying the products since the colors, logos, and brand names act as a persuading factor for the product.

Brands also help in providing the involved organization with a competitive advantage over the other competitors in the market to ensure that the organization is equipped with factors that help them to stay ahead of the other firms that provide the same services that they offer. There are four components associated with branding. First is the reputation value, whereby the brands are viewed as containers of a reputation for the product and the organization that produces them. Products have specific benefits that help in promoting the brand, as well as providing the organization with the opportunity to satisfy the needs and specifications of the organization. Relationship value relates to the benefits that the organization has and how these values affect the relationship between the firm and the consumers and how this relationship affects the perception of the consumers as relates to the possibility of buying the said product. Experiential value means that the products provide the organization with the opportunity to have their psychological needs satisfied by the products through the brands that they buy. Experiential aspects relate to the need for consumers to feel safe and that the products are reliable and can satisfy their needs. Through brands, the products sold provide symbolic values, whereby the products offer value or identity to the consumers, hence providing them with the ability to feel like they are a part of the brand and the organization that they buy the products from.

2.6 The Use of Colors to Help in the Fight Against Depression

The use of color therapy has been suggested to help in fighting depression, and therefore Liberate mobile application will involve the use of colors that help fight depression, and in the process, help the users of the application. The main expectation of color therapy is that when the user is exposed to some colors, their moods, attitudes, and perceptions will be affected positively (Amber, 1980). When the feelings, views, and opinions are altered, it is possible to use these positive changes to change the Depression of the individual. Color therapy is easy to use and can be applied anywhere, from a therapist’s office, to in a group setting, and as in Liberate’s aspect, in a mobile application.

The generally used colors to help evoke positive mood changes are orange, blue, indigo, and violet. Orange is used to symbolize the sun and the ability to burn off the negative energy as well as providing the warmth that others require. Therefore, the color orange is used to increase alertness and concentration in the users, leading to the reduction of incidences of ADHD, and improving the effectiveness of the individuals in the respective areas where their focus is needed. Blue is the commonly used color in color therapy, and it is used in the reduction of tension throughout the body of the people seeking the mental help that they require. It is therefore used in providing solutions to stress, anxiety and mental depression, through the reduction of tension and improvement of the sleep cycle of the individuals seeking their use due to the color’s calming effect (Sembian and Aathi, 2015). Indigo has an equally calming effect that helps the users to reduce tension mentally and physically, and therefore it is used in the treatment of depression and anxiety attacks. On the other hand, violet also has a calming effect on those that it is exposed to, and therefore it is used in the treatment of depression, anxiety, and tension that the user may be going through. It has also been suggested that indigo’s calming effect is essential in relaxing the muscles of the users, as well as encouraging meditation in the user.

Chromotherapy, as light therapy is also known, has been used for centuries before, with evidence of its use being found in Egyptian, Indian, and Chinese healing techniques.  Color therapy is effective in changing the moods of users. The method uses the colors associated with the improvement of feelings as well as a balance of lights to create positive moods in the people using the therapy. When this process is carried out continuously, it helps the users to continually be in the attitude that they are in whenever they are exposed to colors and light. They are tuned to be positive and in a good mood, even when the situations that they are presented with the dictate that they react otherwise (Amber, 1980). Through blending the use of colors and light, the mood-altering effect that the therapy has is vital in stabilizing the user’s psychophysical state, which in turn helps in increasing their ability to withstand stress, perform effectively in the tasks that they are supposed to fulfill, as well as improving the communication skills of the people involved since the colors help them in expressing themselves as well as providing them with the opportunity to be positive enough to accept the feedback, as well as criticism from the other parties that they interact with.

Psychologists have suggested that those fighting depression wear brightly-colored clothes to help them fight depression. This has been backed by a scientific study whose findings concluded that when one looks at bright colors, there occurs a process that results in a change of moods in the parties concerned. This fact can be interpreted as a direct attack on the preference of dark colors by the people experiencing depression as a way of expressing how they are feeling inside. When they wear brightly-colored clothes, the positivity that the colors bring with them will help them to achieve improved moods, more positive attitudes perceptions. When practiced over a long period, the feelings and emotions will permanently affect the Depression of the individuals positively.

Given the findings above, the Liberate Mobile Application will use the colors associated with the improvement of moods in its themes, and in the process, alter the feelings of the users. The mood altering-effects of the application through the use of themes that contain the colors that help in achieving the goal can also be made more effective by promoting the requirement that the application’s users upload pictures of themselves daily. The automated mood analyzer will analyze the colors of the users’ clothes to determine their moods, and in case of any red flags, then the application will take the required course of action.

2.7 The Impact of Graphic Design in the Branding of Liberate Application and how it will be Used in Fighting Depression

Graphic design is in the society, either put there intentionally or unintentionally, and the use of design has helped in shaping the community and how the society does things. The impacts of graphic design can be seen in the photography and filming industry, website designs, advertisement, among many other activities undertaken in the daily life of people. While the presence and appreciation of graphic design go unappreciated in the society due to the subtle nature of the process, the use of graphic design is essential, with its effects influencing the parties that experience them to greater lengths. Given that graphic design is artistic, the impact of the graphic designs is subject to the subject’s interpretation, and therefore the subjects, when positively reinforced, the users will use the graphic designs that they experience to become the help that they need in fighting the depression that they may be experiencing. Graphics plays a key role in the daily lives of the individuals who experience it by grabbing the attention of the user, through presenting the ideas that one plans to set across uniquely and excitingly, in the process grabbing the attention of the people involved in the process.

Secondly, graphic design can help in drawing crowds into the cause that the designer intends to bring attention to. When done correctly, graphic design will attract the attention of the people being targeted, and in the process, the attention will make the people join the cause that the brand wants them to, thus helping the developers of the design to achieve the goals that they intended when launching the project (Sembian and Aathi, 2015). Graphic design can also be used to invoke emotions to the users, since the designers can use their knowledge in the use and effects of color therapy in stabilizing emotions and improving moods, hence improving an individual’s Depression. When the purpose of mood-improving colors is used as subtly as the use of graphic design is, the users will be drawn to use the products associated with the products subconsciously, in the process helping the organizations involved to achieve the goals that they intended the product to deliver.

Additionally, humor can be achieved with the use of graphic design since the developers can use creative doodles to aid the users in attaining the desired goals, which is, fighting depression. When an individual is a humorous side is invoked, it is possible for them to experience changes in moods, and in the process bring a healing effect on their Depression too. Graphic design can also be used to instill trust in the user towards the brand involved. For example, with the subtle and also overt use of graphic design, the developers of Liberate app plan to develop an application whose logos, themes, colors used and even the fonts used in the application will be associated with safety by the users, hence making it possible for the users to log in to the applications whenever they feel overwhelmed by their current situations. Therefore, through the use of graphic design, the developers of Liberate mobile app plan to create a feeling of trust and safety towards the application by the users, enabling them to express how they feel, and making it possible for the team of professionals involved to effect the needed therapeutic and preventive measures to help the users fight depression.

Liberate mobile app will use graphic design and color therapy in its design and running when it is launched, and this will help in providing the user with the opportunity to experience the liberation they require mentally, emotionally, and behaviorally. The developers of the Liberate app will use both complex and simple designs to help in changing the moods of the users immediately they log in to the application. When the users continually log into the app, the positivity that the developers had in mind during the development will start rubbing off on the user, and in the process, reduce the rates of depression in the users. It is, therefore, with this knowledge that the developers of the Liberate Mobile app will analyze the user’s ability and preference of either complex or simple designs and, in the process, decide on the methods to use in addressing the effects of depression that they are experiencing.

2.8  The use of Liberate Mobile Application to Combat Depression

Given the adverse effects that society and individuals suffer from depression, the organizations in the community must seek innovative ways of tackling the problem. It is for this reason that I have pushed for the creation of a mobile application that will help in curbing the harmful effects of depression on individuals and society. The mobile application’s name is Liberate, and just as the name suggests, it has liberating effects and goals to help in liberating the people suffering from depression and assisting them in fighting the pandemic and reducing its effects the minimum. The application seeks to help the people accessing the application to find tailor-made solutions to their problems. The application allows the users to express themselves and their feelings, as well as providing automated responses that are relevant to the user’s issues. Additionally, when the case is too sensitive and severe, the application will send in a report to a team of psychiatrists who will contact the user promptly and see how to avail the personal services to them for free and avert the dangers that the individuals may be in or at risk of getting themselves in should they go unchecked.

The application will also help the user in providing group therapy for the users, whereby the users will answer a survey question upon signing up for the application, and their answers will be used to categorize them into groups according to the severity of the user’s Depression. The group therapy is essential in helping the users to form an anonymous support group where the users help each other psychologically and mentally. When they are in crisis, they can contact the fellow chatmates and the moderators in case of severe incidences. It will also act as a mood tracker, whereby the application can track the users’ moods daily, and any variations are treated accordingly. The moods are tracked through the use of personal notes that help the application to follow the individual’s Depression journey and helping them to fight depression and becoming beacons of hope to those that face the same issue. The notes also help the users to stay positive by providing the users with positive messages and images that will help them in their quest for achieving their mental freedom.

Additionally, Liberate will help in providing the users with the opportunity to contact psychiatrists on call to assist in providing them with the needed psychological help, with a video chat and voice message option. Once the psychiatrists on request determine the severity of the situation at hand, they have the opportunity to track the user’s phone number and location to get the immediate help that they may need from the first respondents like the police, firefighters and the emergency evacuation personnel. The application’s constant monitoring will help in tracking the moods and stress levels in the users and acting accordingly. The option of accessing the gratitude option of the application offers the users the opportunity to write down the things that they are thankful for, as well as daily meditation routines that will help them in managing their moods and stress levels, as well as assisting them in building the mental strength and capacity to beat the Depression issues that they experience, thus being able to beat the reality of depression that has affected the society today. To avoid the spamming and signing up of malicious people in the chat rooms that the application seeks to include in its operations, the developers will require the users to sign up using their official identification documents and provide their addresses, so that when they experience issues, they can be contacted and helped out of the situation. Also, spammers will be tracked down and brought to justice for their harmful effects on the users.

3.0.Chapter three: Research Methodology

3.1.Liberate Mobile Application

Igwenagu (2016) describes methodology as the systematic and theoretical analysis of the applied methods. The methodology involves theoretical study and analysis of the methods and principles used in finding information on a particular branch of knowledge[11]. Therefore, factors such as paradigm, models of the theory, and the techniques involved, either qualitative or quantitative.

Research, on the other hand, is the process of tools of experience and reasoning to answer questions that they experience daily. Research is involved in hypothesizing of formulation of a conclusion by using the knowledge and reasoning of the person undertaking the research. Therefore, research is a proven way of getting the truth, especially in the field of natural sciences.

This chapter presents a breakdown of the factors related to acquiring data and information on this research paper. Therefore, through this chapter, the process of acquiring data, verifying the sources, and putting the data to use is addressed.

3.2.Research Design

To design is to draw out an outline of the planned outcome. It also involves planning details on the path to take in the process of research[12]. It consists of arriving at decisions and preparing strategies that will aid in conducting the research. Therefore, this research design will cover detailed information on the research topic, objectives to be achieved, concepts and definitions, variables to be included in the study, and the methods of data collection and data processing.

The design of this research paper covers the target population and sources of the information presented in the article, the sample, and sampling design, explaining the criteria used in deciding on the exact data source. Additionally, the procedure for collecting the data findings of the study will be described. A pilot study of the conclusions of this research paper will be explained, and the findings validated by backing data. The data collected in the survey will be analyzed to arrive at the precise results, and the variables used in the course of the study will be measured and operationalized. Finally, the ethical issues involved in the study will be mentioned and explained.

3.3.Target Population

A target population, also known as a population of interest, has been defined by Majid (2018) as the targeted population that the study seeks to study and provide treatment. A small sample of the total population is selected, and the small sample is meant to represent the entire population covered. Through the use of eligibility criteria, the eligibility of an individual to participate in the provision of information to a study is confirmed[13]. Also, the eligibility criteria are used to ensure that the participants of the study do not hold any negative opinions on the subject matter and that they will provide relevant information to the survey.

3.4.Sample and Sampling Design

Sampling is the process of choosing a sample from which the population’s characteristics can be gotten[14]. Sampling is meant to help researchers in several ways, including saving time and other resources, enabling the comprehensive collection of data, enabling more accurate measurement of data, and providing an estimation of an error of margin. Also, sampling is more effective when the population contains more members than time, and other resources would allow for the data to be collected.

In the course of this research project, the data was collected through random sampling of the data collected and verifying it against several sources. Data provided by the relevant authorities was sought for by the research team, and the available data were used in preparing this research paper. Random is the random selection of a sample to be used in the research process. The use of random generation processes provides every subject in the total population an equal chance of being selected for sampling[15]. Therefore, simple random sampling, whereby the sources of data were selected based on the availability of data, was used to provide data for this research document.

3.5.Data Collection Procedure

Data collection procedures are the methods employed to gather information on a particular subject matter. There are two methods of data collection: quantitative and qualitative data collection methods[16]. Quantitative methods of data collection rely on random data sampling and methods of data collection that fit into different experiences. Also, the qualitative approach provides results that are simple in summarization, comparison, and generalization.

Qualitative data, on the other hand, emphasize the use of measurements, mathematics, and analysis of collected data, by asking the target population for their opinion and inputs on the subject matter. Since the research proposal did not provide for the orthodox methods of data collection, then the researchers opted for purely theoretical methods of data collection, with online and physical library sources used to provide the required data on the matter under investigation.

4.0.Chapter four: Discussion, analysis and interpretation of the project

4.1.Pilot Study

A pilot study is an essential part of a research proposal. A pilot study is achieved through conducting tests on the protocols of research, the instruments of data collection, strategies of collecting data, in conjunction with other techniques of investigation[17] Pilot studies are undertaken in preparation for more extensive studies in the course of preparing research findings. There are three steps involved in conducting a pilot study. First, the definition of the feasibility of a research protocol is held. Secondly, the subjects are recruited. Subjects are selected to represent the whole population, and in the process, assumptions for the entire community can be made. Finally, the measurement instruments are chosen, with the responses gotten from the subjects analyzed and put to the test[18]. After these three steps, data will be entered into the relevant and required places to conclude the matter.

For this research proposal, the already conducted researches were used as pilot studies. This is because, in the assumptions made in the introductory part of this research, it was assumed that the findings of the investigations conducted in the past were accurate and the results reliable in nature. Therefore, there was no need to do further pilot studies on the subject matter. Additionally, the decision not to conduct the pilot studies on this research were also informed by the goal of saving time and resources that would have been spent in search of the data that was already available. Finally, the research team also saw that the library sources available on the subject matter provided more reliable and verified data that covered all the angles and aspects of the subject matter compared to if the researchers of this study set out to find out the facts on their own.

4.2.The validity of the Collected Data

Measurement of reliability and validity of data is vital in evaluating the measurement tools and instruments used in conducting research. Mohajan (2017) stresses the importance of validating and testing the reliability of data collected by mentioning the importance of having this stage in a research proposal. First, transparency is achieved through validity and reliability testing[19]. Through verification of the legality and reliability, the bias and negative attitudes held by the researcher are scrapped off. Also, through validation of data, the researcher can interpret the findings of their research.

There are, however, threats to validating the research findings. First, carelessness is the most common threat to verification. Negligence from the researcher, the resource people, and the methods of data collection applied. Secondly, errors in measurement affect the validity of a research finding, in that the data might be inaccurate due to false data being handed to the final user of the data. Finally, the lack of clear instructions on the data being collected may remove credibility from the subject matter.

During the search for data sources on this research paper, library sources found were heavily relied on. Therefore, there was a need to verify the correctness of the information provided in each source. The data provided was verified by comparing it to other data sources on the same subject matter to ensure that the sources settled on were correct and reliable. Also, only academic and official documents were used in the course of this research to ensure that only real information was used, not ones from online sources that are made to alarm the public or gain popularity, views, or subscription by posting fake news to the public.

4.3.Data Analysis

Dspace (2020) describes data analysis as a process of adding order, more meaning, and making the data collected have more mass. Although it is usually found to be a messy, equivocal, and lengthy procedure, data analysis is a creative process that brings excitement and contentment to the person undertaking the system[20]. Data analysis also involves the application of logic, whether deductive or inductive, into the research process.

Through data analysis, the basis for interpretation and analysis of data is achieved. This is because, as Dspace (2020) puts it, the process offers room for analysis, processing, and interpretation of the data collected into the specific area of study that the researcher is seeking information.

4.4.Operationalization/Measurement of Variables

A variable is a measurement that takes on two or more values. Variables are of different kinds. First, there are qualitative and quantitative variables. While qualitative data comes in various types, quantitative data comes in varying amounts of measurement. In simpler terms, qualitative terms answer the `what kind’ questions, while quantitative variables answer the `what amount’ questions[21]. Secondly, there are discrete and continuous variables. Discrete variables offer specific numbers on the subject matter.

In contrast, continuous variables offer infinite numbers, i.e., it provides a continuing number that cannot be tracked down in one research proposal. Furthermore, there are dependent and independent variables. Independent variables are ones that are considered casual in their use in an experiment, while dependent ones are the ones that have presumed effects on the subject matter.Additionally, some variables are considered to be constructs. These types of variables are the underlying characteristics not directly inferred or mentioned in the course of the study. Still, they are assumed to be available in the course of the study. Finally, mediator variables are the ones that provide a causal link between the quantitative and qualitative variables.

4.5.Ethical Issues

Akaranga&Makau (2016) describe research ethics is an essential aspect of the carrying out of research activities since it requires that researchers protect and uphold the dignity of the subjects involved in the study, and ensure that they publish well-researched information to ensure that they do not provide misleading information. Through research ethics, the ends arrived at by the researchers are justified using acquiring data employed by the researchers[22]. While deontological researchers argue this fact, they provide room for considerations of the case at hand and whether or not the end justifies the means.  It is, however, agreed that the researchers should not use deception and underhanded methods of data acquisition in pursuit of their findings.

This research paper has passed the test for the requirements of an ethical essay. First, there is academic freedom in the paper, in that the researchers did not let their personal beliefs and stands to get in the way of writing up a bias-free essay. Additionally, the paper is open-minded and is respectful to all the intellectual properties used in this paper. Secondly, this paper is free from falsified and fabricated facts. This has been arrived at by ensuring that the data presented is verified and valid to the subject matter to the best of the researchers’ knowledge. Therefore, the data and sources used in this paper are accurate and verified, while the research used to build up this paper has been peer-reviewed to ensure that the data provided is accurate and meets academic standards.

4.6.Data Analysis and Findings

After the collection of accurate and reliable data, the next step is to extract useful and relevant data for the research. There is usually valuable data buried under a massive amount of irrelevant data. Therefore, the researcher is tasked with the duty to manipulate the data and interpret it according to the research’s requirement. Data analysis is the process of calculating and evaluating retrieved data to get relevant information (Ibrahim 2015). While simple data requires simple calculations and organization, complex data requires proper and more extended processing.

Ibrahim (2015) describes analysis as operations performed to summarize the data collected and present it in a way that answers the questions that the research proposal seeks to answer[23]. Therefore, the study deals with making data relevant to the topic in question by extracting and presenting the information in a manner that makes it possible.

Data can be categorized into two categories, according to (Labani, Wadhwa, & Asthana 2017). First, data can be categorized into numerical or quantitative form. This category is classified further into discrete and continuous types. Categorical data is one that can be presented into groups in which all the factors have been put in place[24]. When data has been analyzed, it is then shown in different forms, for example, tabulation, graphing, or merely presenting the data in numerical ways. The facts above being so, the need for analyzing the data collected in terms of the factors affecting the exportation of weapons between the US and Saudi Arabia is essential so that the information can be relevant and easy to interpret for people seeking information on the same.

Through the findings of the study, the developers of the application found out that depression is indeed an issue in society, with the people who undertook an anonymous survey admitting to having experienced depression in the recent past or recently. Those who did not acknowledge their mental illnesses displayed characteristics of the same in the tests conducted through simple questions in the anonymous study. Additionally, it was established that the people who experience depression have access to mobile phones and the internet, and therefore they can be able to access the Liberate app should it be launched. Furthermore, the respondents expressed their preference for anonymous help, since they expressed their fear for stigma if they admitted their Depression situation to the societies they are currently in. finally, the respondents expressed eagerness to access the services if it was free of charge, citing expenses accrued in their attempts to improve their Depression as a reason for their inability to access the psychiatric services.

5.0.Chapter five: Conclusion

5.1.Limitations to the Study

First, the study only covers the people who are willing to sign up for the application. This means that the people who are fighting depression in silence will be left out of the intended help. Additionally, people who do not have access to smartphones or those who do not know how to access, download, or use the application will be left out. Secondly, there are financial limitations to the study, due to the amount of money needed to develop the application and have it in operation. Considering that the pioneers of the application are young members of society who do not have a steady flow of income, the application’s development is a hard task to complete[25]. Considering that the usage of the application is free, then there are even more financial burdens laid on the developers. There is a competition that the application faces from other developed apps and environmental consulting services, and therefore the application’s limited finances and being a new entrant into the market will mean that there is a lot of competition to fight off before becoming recognized.