Employee Satisfaction Survey and Plan

Employee Satisfaction Survey and Plan

Part A: Survey Questionnaire

In the instance of ITFast, staff satisfaction survey questionnaire was developed using the Hierarchy of Needs theory. Even though it is well-known in human motivation, Maslow’s needs hierarchy theory was one of the first to analyze the significant factors contributing to work satisfaction (Hopper, 2020). According to the idea, human wants are classified into a five-tier hierarchy (see Figure 1), such as physiological requirements, safety, belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization. As per Guo et al. (2019), Maslow’s needs hierarchy postulates that basic requirements (including safety and physiological needs) must be satisfied before more sophisticated needs may be met (including esteem and belonging).

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs was created to help understand human motivation in general. Nevertheless, its basic tenets apply to the workplace and have been employed to account for job satisfaction (Guo et al., 2019). For example, in ITFast, financial remuneration and healthcare are two perks that would assist workers in meeting their fundamental physiological requirements. In addition, ITFast’s safety requirements will be met via workers feeling physically secure in their work setting and job security, and appropriate organizational structures and regulations.

When this is achieved, ITFast workers will concentrate on having a sense of belonging at work. This will manifest itself in the shape of good connections with coworkers and managers on the job and a sense of belonging to the organization (Hopper, 2020). When fulfilled, the staff will need to feel valued and respected by their coworkers and employer. The last stage is where the worker of the ITFast Company pursues self-actualization; it is where they must develop and grow to become all they are potential of being (Hopper, 2020). Although they may seem distinct, the transformations from one stage to the next all contribute to the self-actualization process inside the ITFast Company. As a result, ITFast organizations seeking to increase employee work satisfaction should prioritize meeting employees’ fundamental requirements before addressing higher-order demands.

However, the questionnaire is divided into five sections to achieve the intended goal of the survey. For example, the first set of questions looks at the requirements of the individual employee in terms of self-actualization (see appendix I). As a result, this collection of questions is concerned with attaining an individual’s potential, self-fulfillment, the pursuit of personal development, and the attainment of apex experiences. Depending on the individual, they may sense or concentrate on this desire quite precisely. For instance, one person may have a great urge to be the perfect parent for their children. In another, the urge may be manifested through economic, intellectual, or athletic endeavors. Others may choose to express themselves artistically through paintings, drawings, or innovations.

The second series of questions, participants are asked about their feelings of self-worth. When evaluating employee self-esteem, we look for self-worth, achievement, and respect (see appendix II). According to Strenitzerová & Achimský (2019), Maslow divided esteem requirements into two subgroups: esteem for oneself (self-respect, accomplishment, mastery, individualism) and the desire for recognition by others (dignity, accomplishment, prowess, and autonomy) (for instance, status, and prestige). The third section of the questionnaire was designed to look at the requirements of workers at ITFast for love and belongingness, respectively (see appendix III). According to Yaneva (2018), the third dimension of human wants is social and consists of sensations of belongingness and togetherness. Participating in activities that foster interpersonal relationships, affiliating with others, connecting with others, and being a part of a community may help people feel more at home in their workplace environment (Wheatley, 2017). Friendship, closeness, trust, acceptance, and getting and offering affection and love are examples of belongingness requirements that are being tested in this part of the study.

The forth section of the questionnaire assesses individual workers’ requirements regarding safety at the ITFast Company. The need for safety and security becomes more apparent. In addition, people desire to feel in control of their life and to have order, certainty, and predictability. These requirements may be met by the relatives and by society as a whole. Consider the following: emotional stability, economic freedom (for example, job and social welfare), good governance, safety and freedom, social cohesion, personal possessions, health, and overall well-being (see appendix IV). Finally, the fifth section was designed to determine whether or not the physiological requirements of ITFast workers were being fulfilled (see appendix V). These are biological necessities for human existence, such as air, meals, drink, habitat, clothes, warmth, romance, and sleep, to name a few examples (Islami et al., 2018). If these requirements are not met, the human body will be unable to operate correctly. Physiological requirements, according to Maslow, were the most essential, with all other wants falling into second place until these wants were satisfied.

Part B: Employee Engagement Program and Policies

Uphold the Core Values

ITFast’s fundamental principles should be essential to the company’s culture and should be communicated explicitly to each worker from day one. The business’s core principles should communicate what is essential to the ITFast team and the concepts that the organization will maintain as it grows (Burnett & Lisk, 2019). Personnel must develop a feeling of belonging to the organization to be genuinely engaged, and having a set of values to adhere to will assist them in doing so. By constantly communicating ITFast’s fundamental principles across the business, they can create a coherent, pleasant work culture and inspire workers to develop an emotional attachment to the company.

Carve Out Career Paths and Provide Opportunities for Growth

According to Baig et al. (2021), 94 percent of workers said they would stay longer at their current job if they thought their employer was genuinely engaged in their development. Offering chances for workers to develop their set of skills makes them engaged, and having a goal keeps them motivated. Additionally, training and growth efforts will show that ITFast values its workers as humans and prefers to invest in them instead of replacing them with applicants that possess the capabilities ITFast wants.

Recognize the Top Performers 

Workers are engaged when they believe their job is essential to the business and contributes to achieving the company’s long objectives. Demonstrating to workers regularly that ITFast recognizes and values their contributions is a little gesture that goes a long way toward making them feel appreciated. Additionally, ITFast should recognize top achievers with a monetary award, a paid day off, a gift voucher to their favorite lunch place, a massage gift voucher, or anything else appropriate for the workforce and fits with the guiding principles (Meng & Berger, 2019).Moreover, ITFast should provide an opportunity for personnel to recognize their colleagues; employees who feel valued and acknowledged by their coworkers will be more engaged.

Promote Transparency

ITFast should include workers as often as possible since it is a very successful approach for workforce engagement. If the staff is unaware of what is going on behind the scenes, they will not correctly devote their time and energy to the business. Additionally, if they get the impression that they are purposefully kept out of the loop, they may mistrust leadership and lose faith in governance. Of course, ITFast is well within its rights to maintain secrecy when events develop or priorities shift. However, they should strive to tell team members as quickly as possible about choices that directly impact them.

Allow for Honest Feedback

This approach is twofold for the ITFast Company. The first approach is to develop a system or platform that allows workers to express their perspectives and pose pertinent questions to the appropriate individuals. This will almost certainly be the human resources division. However, C-Suite leaders should likewise be available to all workers, even if just for a few days each quarter and by appointment. The second stage is to apply the input from the workforce. Nothing can irritate and alienate workers more than a sense that their time is wasted discussing essential issues. Therefore, ITFast leadership should pay attention to what staff members have to say and act on it.

Hold Employees Accountable

While engaged workers are ready to go the additional mile, this does not imply they will always function at an above-average pace. They are not the sole member of the team, therefore ensuring they are not left in charge and asked to work on their colleagues’ behalf (Paais&Pattiruhu, 2020). Reliance on the efforts of the highly engaged workers alone will almost certainly result in staff burnout.

Hold Management Accountable

ITFast corporations should ensure that managers, human resource directors, and leaders set an example. Because it seems that ITFast workers believe that office regulations apply just to a selected few or only when it is appropriate for management, they developed a mistrust for leadership. According to Yi et al. (2019), even a hint of suspicion amongst team members is a dangerous path that may result in toxic work culture. Hostile work culture and environment may alienate workers and drive them to seek other employment.

Implement Workplace Policies

ITFast employment practices have a significant impact on employee culture. For instance, rigid regulations stifle innovation and originality, thus stifling development. Adopting rules that prioritize pleasure above compliance, ITFast can enhance both the work atmosphere and bottom line. The following are a few practical policies that could contribute to ITFast’s workers’ happiness.

Implement a Flexible Work Schedule

Workers want freedom, and ITFast desires productivity; the two are inextricably linked. Thus, for example, when a firm empowers its workers to work when convenient for them, workers are free to perform at their best. Indeed, businesses designated as Best Places to Work by Largest Business Group are considerably more likely to provide flexible work hours and telework than employers that applied but were not acknowledged.

When developing the policy for ITFast Company, the management should ensure that they create rules that stress a sense of liberty and accountability. That is, workers of ITFast are free to select the optimal work schedule that allows them to fulfill all of their workplace obligations (Nishadi & Weerakkody, 2019). Furthermore, a company may recruit and keep qualified workers from a wider geographic area by providing a relaxed working atmosphere. Additionally, improved employee involvement and satisfaction result in increased company development and success.

Hold Interactive Meetings

The majority of companies have meetings. They are utilized for cross-departmental communication and collaboration in work teams. However, the majority of us have been too dull meetings that lack engagement. As a leader or manager, you understand the need for staff meetings, yet how can ITFast make this time relevant and inspiring? The company should experiment with alternatives to traditional meeting formats that involve minutes, lengthy agendas, and a talking-head. Rather than that, convene collaborative sessions focused on action, context exchange, and issue resolution. Some pointers on how to make the business meeting more engaging:

  • ITFast should begin with a burst of energy. Attract team members’ attention by presenting a pertinent video clip, soliciting a show of hands, conducting an employee poll, and discussing the findings.
  • The ITFast company should get up and running. When workers are apprehensive about attending a mandatory meeting, they could arrive exhausted. Maintain their interest by dividing them into group discussions or requiring them to sit or stand in reaction to group queries.
  • ITFast’s organizational structure must be inclusive. According to Johnd (2016), many people find standing out in front of a group frightening, particularly when they do not feel represented. ITFast should guarantee that all meeting activities and discussions are open to all attendees. Encourage individuals who are less outspoken to express their views.

Appendix I

Kindly estimate your agreement with the given statements:

Completely disagree Strongly Disagree Somehow Disagree I don’t disagree or agree. Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Agree Completely
Is your job interesting to you?
Is your employment in line with your long-term professional goals?
Do you believe your views are valued at work?
Do you feel acknowledged when you contribute to the achievement of the institution?
Do the institution’s top executives exhibit integrity?


Appendix II

Kindly estimate your agreement with the given statements:

Completely disagree Strongly Disagree Somehow Disagree I don’t disagree or agree. Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Agree Completely
How best do you like ITFast?
What is your opinion of your work-life balance?
Will you continue to work for ITFast in the next two years?
Do you like being a part of your team?
Do you believe you go above and beyond to complete a task?

Appendix III

Kindly estimate your agreement with the given statements:

Completely disagree Strongly Disagree Somehow Disagree I don’t disagree or agree. Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Agree Completely
Would you recommend ITFast as an excellent workplace?
Are your bosses excellent role models for their employees?
Are ITFast’s executives keeping employees aware of current events?
Do you have access to the tools necessary to do your work effectively?
Is there anything that ITFast does exceptionally well?


Appendix IV

Kindly estimate your agreement with the given statements:

Completely disagree Strongly Disagree Somehow Disagree I don’t disagree or agree. Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Agree Completely
How probable are you to suggest ITFast to your colleagues based on your encounter with workplace safety?
Are you familiar with your building’s exit route?
Is there surveillance devices placed on the facility?
Workers may simply express any issues they have about security.
Are cabs available to take you home if you work until late in the night?


Appendix V

Kindly estimate your agreement with the given statements:

Completely disagree Strongly Disagree Somehow Disagree I don’t disagree or agree. Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Agree Completely
The workload that is required of me is fair.
I feel underused in my current position.
I have received the expertise necessary to do my work.
My coworkers are generally friendly.
My department’s morale is excellent.