How to Reduce Staff Turnover: Hong Kong Bright Hospital Case Study



The healthcare sector is facing a shortage of medical staff due to the turnover rates experienced around Hong Kong and the world. Many of the healthcare professionals work in two or more hospitals to help reduce the turnover gap. The impacts of employee turnover is affecting the operations of most healthcare providers, including Hong Kong Bright Hospital. Elite Management Consultants, an experienced consultancy firm, prepared this proposal for the study on the Hospital’s medical staff to understand the causes of staff turnover and recommend ways to reduce the numbers and solve the situation. The proposal highlights the background of the healthcare system, the hospital and the consult company. It provides the study objectives and the research methods that will be applied. Further, the timescale and resources required for the study are also explained. Elite Management consults looks forward in helping the Hospital reduce the employee turnover rates.

1.0 Background

The Healthcare system in Hong Kong is mostly influenced by the United Kingdom and is well dominated by public hospitals. Medical policy in place aims to provide access to medical services to all people regardless of financial status. Just like many places around the world, Hong Kong faces a shortage of medical staff in both private and public hospitals. Further, the ones available are mostly overwhelmed by the medical attention needed by the patients. Recently, many healthcare professionals work in two or more hospitals and medical centers by taking up different shifts to fill the staff gaps left by the shortage (Hung & Lam 2020, p. 3834).

Hong Kong Bright Hospital is among the leading private Hospitals in the City. The healthcare center provides one-stop medical services that include physical examinations, computer scans, 24-hour emergency services, surgery, and various specialist medical services. Given its strategic position and wide range of medical services, the hospital is always busy with patients. To this end, it is crucial for the hospital to retain its currents employees to maintain a balance between staff and patients’ service provision. Between 2010 and 2018, the hospital has seen many employee turnovers, making it difficult to maintain a good and experienced medical workforce (Private hospitals Organization 2019). The company requires a professional company to help mitigate the turnover risks it is facing.

Elite management Consultant is a management consultant company with over thirty years of experience. Founded in 1985, the company bases its values on Integrity, Professionalism, Efficiency, and Service. The company is operated by professional and experienced elite partners with a consultancy management background. The company has successfully revamped employee turnover rates in group-type medical centers and hospitals in the philosophical areas of Human Resources, Manpower Management, and Consultancy. In addition, the firm offers management in solving topics related with performance, value creation and growth maximization. It uses its business expertise to offer objective consultation that helps establishments to develop any lacking specialist skills. These are the company’s services to offer to Hong Kong Bright Hospital (Klarberg 2020, p. 7).


2.0 Research Question and Objectives

Research Question

The study by Elite Management Consultant will purpose to understand the causes of staff turnover and offer possible ways to reduce them in Hong Kong Bright Hospital. In addition, the consultancy will develop ways to avoid similar management crises in the future.

Research Objectives 

The research objectifies the main causes of employee turnover, which will help the company form its base for formulating and conducting the study.

The study will learn and identify all medical staff’s various working hours and shift changes. This objective will allow the study to identify the hours each member’s department staff work and how the shifts are turnover. Further, it will provide a flat area for comparison with other departments to create a lean system.

  • Growth and Development Criteria

This objective will look to access the criteria used in providing growth and development for the medical staff. The standards used will provide information on whether the staff is aligned with them or feel dissatisfied with the criteria.

  • Employee Selection Models

To access the models used by the hospital management in staff selection will help identify the effectiveness and considerations taken into place during the process. This will help in understanding and creating a standardized and neutral selection process.

  • Decision making and autonomy

To identify the staff management style in the hospital. This objective will help Elite Consultancy Management to learn the level of autonomy the medical staff is given and the level and involvement in decision making.

  • Feedback and recognition System

The objective will study the various ways used by the hospital in recognizing employees’ good work and skills. It will further examine the various instruments of offering feedback to employee concerns, complaints, and recommendations. This will help understand and create a working and effective recognition and feedback system.



3.0 Research methods

3.1 Research Design

Elite Consultancy Management will carry out the research, which requires data collection, data processing, analysis, and interpretation.

3.2 Data Collection

The data collection methods that will be used are qualitative. Qualitative methods collect and analyze non-numerical data to understand the opinions and experiences (Moen & Middelthon 2015, pp. 321-378). The data collection methods that will be used are interviews, questionnaires, and focus groups.

The interviews will be done from a sampled population of the medical staff. The process will be open to allow the participants to express their opinions openly. They will be done in closed-door sessions for privacy and discretion for employees to feel free and not exposed. The questionnaires used will involve formulating questions in line with the various departments. There will be two parts, multiple-choice questions/ yes/no, and the sections that will require a sentence for an explanation. Focus group discussions will provide extensive information on collective action that needs to be taken on the topic study (Holloway 2021, pp.611-616).

3.3 Data Analysis

The data collected will be cleaned and analyzed for a specific period. After the data analysis process, the data will be interpreted to create meaningful results for presentation to the hospital management.



4.0 Timescale

The whole process, from data collection to results and recommendations, requires a timeline for their implementation. Elite Consultancy Management has prepared the timescale by using the Gantt chart below to show the specific time required by each process (Brčić & Mlinarić 2018, pp.179-192).




Week 1


Week 2


Week 3


Week 4


Week 1


Week 2

Literature Review
Reviewing Literature
Questionnaire Design
Literature Review
Select Questionnaires
Design Departmental Questionnaires
Data Collection
Selecting Samples
Questionnaires Filling
Conducting Interviews
Discussions in Focus Groups
Final Collective Meeting
Data Cleaning
Data Separation
Data Categorization
Data Analysis
Data sorting and further cleaning
Final Categorization
Results  Presentation
Results and Recommendations


5.0 Resources

The process of achieving the set objectives requires personnel, technical and financial resources for its effectiveness (Holloway 2021, pp.611-616). The process will require the following resources stipulated in the table below


Item Price (HKD)
Questionnaires designing 1,000
Transportation for personnel 6,000
Stationary for printing and recording 5,000
Computers for data recording and analysis 30,000
Personnel allowances (per week for five people) 30,000
Total 72,000