Nexus between the Quality of Public Service & Sovereignty: The Case of Kenya


The standard of government services is of paramount importance to modern governments. New Public Management (NPM) is a popular strategy for modernizing government that prioritizes reducing money without sacrificing efficiency or effectiveness. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the Nexus between the Quality of Public Service and Sovereignty I Kenya. The provision of high-quality public services can help build national sovereignty and government, and the connection between these two factors can shed light on how this happens. Countries that value sovereignty and encourage people input into policymaking are good examples. For instance, Switzerland has a long history of citizen participation in decision-making through referendums and initiatives, forms of direct democracy. It is important to involve the people in setting the course of a country, and Iceland has a long history of citizen participation and consultation in its policy-making process. Within the context of public service delivery, Institutional Theory offers valuable insights into understanding how the institutional environment shapes the quality of public services and the exercise of sovereignty. The relationship between the quality of public service and sovereignty has been the subject of investigation in a number of global studies, which have provided insights into the challenges and opportunities present in a variety of nations. This study uses the literature review methodology because it is the best methodological tool to evaluate evidence of quality of public service in Kenya. The relationship between public service & sovereign provide an overview of the quality of public service. A total of 25 studies, including peer-reviewed articles, government reports, and academic books, were reviewed to explore the relationship between public service quality and sovereignty in Kenya. These studies provided valuable insights into various aspects of the topic. Results show that, citizen participation and accountability play an extremely important part in ensuring the high quality of public services. The literature consistently highlighted the significant influence of public policies on the quality of public service in Kenya. Several studies emphasized the importance of well-designed policies that prioritize transparency, accountability, and citizen-centric approaches. In conclusion, the analysis of the relevant literature shows that there is a growing body of research on the relationship between the quality of public service in Kenya and sovereignty. In order to improve service delivery and strengthen sovereignty, it is important to have well-designed public policies, citizen participation, accountability systems, and institutional reforms. However, problems such as bribery, a lack of resources, and insufficient institutional competence continue to exist, necessitating ongoing efforts and creative approaches to these issues. The findings of this analysis provide a foundation that may be used by policymakers, researchers, and practitioners to support evidence-based decision-making and drive improvements in the quality of public service in Kenya.

Keywords: Quality of public service, Sovereignty, New Public Management (NPM), Citizen Participation, Institutional Theory, Accountability

  1. Introduction:

In the modern era, the quality of public service delivery has become a critical concern for governments worldwide. The concept of New Public Management (NPM) has gained prominence as a framework for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of public services while incorporating cost-saving elements. This paper aims to explore the nexus between the quality of public service and sovereignty in the context of Kenya. By examining the relationship between these two factors, we can gain insights into how the provision of quality public services can contribute to the strengthening of national sovereignty and governance.

New Public Management (NPM) is a public administration approach that emerged in the 1980s and emphasizes market-oriented principles in the management of public organizations. It seeks to introduce private sector management practices, such as performance measurement, accountability, and decentralization, into the public sector (Hood, 1991). NPM aims to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of public services by adopting techniques such as result-based management, performance evaluation, and cost-saving measures (Pollitt & Bouckaert, 2004).

Effectiveness in the context of public service refers to the ability of government agencies to achieve their intended goals and deliver desired outcomes to the public. It involves providing services that meet the needs of citizens, addressing their concerns, and producing tangible and positive impacts on the community (Andrews, Pritchett, & Woolcock, 2012). Efficiency, on the other hand, relates to utilizing resources optimally to achieve desired results. It involves minimizing waste, streamlining processes, and ensuring that inputs are utilized in the most cost-effective manner (Pollitt & Bouckaert, 2004). The cost-saving elements of NPM focus on reducing unnecessary expenditures and improving resource allocation to achieve fiscal discipline and maximize value for money (Christensen & Laegreid, 2011).

In the Kenyan context, the notion of sovereignty is defined within the framework of the country’s constitution. The Kenyan Constitution, promulgated in 2010, outlines the principles and values that guide the governance and functioning of the state. Sovereignty, as enshrined in the Kenyan Constitution, refers to the supreme and independent authority of the state and its institutions to govern and make decisions on behalf of its citizens (Republic of Kenya, 2010). It emphasizes the right of the Kenyan people to determine their own political, economic, social, and cultural destiny and to be free from external interference.

Countries that prioritize the concept of sovereignty and citizen participation in decision-making serve as notable examples. For instance, Switzerland has a long-standing tradition of direct democracy, where citizens have the power to participate in decision-making through referendums and initiatives (Kriesi, 2011). Similarly, Iceland has a strong tradition of citizen engagement and consultation in the policy-making process, emphasizing the importance of involving the public in shaping the country’s direction (Gissurarson, 2014).

However, in Kenya, there is a significant challenge of poor consumerism of public policy among its citizens. This can be attributed to various factors such as a lack of knowledge, being overwhelmed by day-to-day issues, or a general apathetic attitude towards public affairs. Many Kenyans may not have the necessary information or awareness to actively engage in public policy debates or hold their government accountable. This lack of active participation hinders the realization of true sovereignty, as citizens’ voices and preferences may not be adequately considered in decision-making processes.

Furthermore, the issue of elected representatives, such as Members of Parliament (MPs) and Members of County Assemblies (MCAs), deviating from their role as representatives of the people is prevalent in Kenya. Some politicians may prioritize personal or partisan interests over the concerns and needs of their constituents. This divergence in agenda can undermine the effective functioning of democratic institutions (Opalo, 2020).



One reason why the sovereign may get shortchanged in public service is when government offices, such as the offices of Prime Cabinet Secretaries (CS) and Chief Administrative Secretaries (CAS), are established without following the provisions of the constitution. This not only has cost implications but also undermines the values and principles of the nation. Such actions can lead to inefficient allocation of resources and lack of accountability. Corruption poses a significant challenge to the provision of quality public service. When public officials engage in rent-seeking behavior, embezzlement, theft, and wastage of public resources, the sovereign suffers (Transparency International, 2021). These acts divert resources away from essential public services and undermine trust in the government. The misappropriation of funds intended for public welfare hampers the delivery of effective and efficient services, leaving the sovereign with inadequate access to essential services (Ochieng, 2020). Another reason the sovereign may experience a low deal in public service is the unresponsiveness of government institutions. When citizens reach out to ministries or government agencies for assistance, the lack of timely and effective responses can lead to frustration and a sense of neglect. Non-functional phone contacts and unanswered emails further exacerbate the problem, hindering the sovereign’s ability to access necessary services and information (Mwalemba & Shawa, 2021). The negative attitude displayed by some civil servants during working hours contributes to a poor public service experience. Instances of civil servants being engaged in personal activities on social media platforms or neglecting their duties create a perception that the sovereign’s needs are not a priority. This attitude of indifference and lack of professionalism diminishes the quality of service received by the sovereign.

When public servants fail to fulfill their commitments and promises, the sovereign’s trust in the system is eroded. Delays in resolving issues, inadequate follow-up, and the practice of redirecting citizens from one office to another without a resolution create a sense of frustration and helplessness (Omondi, 2020). The lack of accountability and failure to honor commitments further contribute to the sovereign’s dissatisfaction with public service delivery (Olowu & Wunsch, 2017). When political interests permeate the realm of public administration, the sovereign suffers. Nepotism, tribalism, and clannism in the appointment and promotion of public officials can compromise merit-based selection processes. This undermines the effectiveness and efficiency of public institutions, as appointments are made based on political considerations rather than the qualifications and competence of individuals. Hiring individuals for public service positions without considering their qualifications and competences can lead to subpar service delivery (Maina & Mungai, 2020). When individuals lacking the necessary skills and expertise are appointed to key positions, the sovereign may encounter inefficiencies and inadequacies in the provision of public services. This can negatively impact the sovereign’s access to quality services and hinder the overall development of the nation.

Addressing these issues requires a comprehensive approach, including adherence to the constitution, combating corruption, promoting professionalism, improving responsiveness, enforcing accountability, and fostering meritocracy in public administration. By addressing these challenges, the sovereign can receive the quality public service it deserves, leading to improved governance and citizen well-being.


1.2 Problem Statement

In Kenya, the quality of public service delivery and the concept of sovereignty have become areas of concern that require attention and examination. Despite the existence of frameworks like New Public Management (NPM) aimed at enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of public services, there are persistent challenges that hinder the realization of quality public services and the full expression of sovereignty by the Kenyan people. One of the major problems is the inadequate adherence to the constitution, leading to the presence of illegal offices such as Prime Cabinet Secretaries (CS) and Chief Administrative Secretaries (CAS). This not only raises concerns about the legitimacy and values of the nation but also incurs additional costs to the public. Corruption is another significant issue, characterized by rent-seeking behavior, embezzlement, theft, and wastage of public resources, resulting in compromised service delivery and mismanagement of funds. The unresponsiveness of public service providers further exacerbates the problem. Contact details provided on government websites often do not work, and emails sent by citizens often go unanswered or receive delayed responses. This lack of timely and efficient communication undermines citizens’ trust in the government and hampers their ability to engage effectively with public institutions. A negative attitude among civil servants also contributes to the problem. Instances of civil servants being engaged in personal activities, such as spending working hours on social media platforms, and leaving their offices unattended, demonstrate a lack of commitment and professionalism. Such behaviors diminish the quality and efficiency of public service delivery, leading to frustration among citizens seeking assistance. Broken promises and a lack of accountability further impede the provision of quality public services. Citizens who seek help are often met with promises that are not kept, and their issues are left unresolved or passed from one office to another in a cycle of bureaucratic inefficiency. This lack of follow-through undermines citizens’ trust in the government and undermines the effectiveness of public service delivery. Moreover, political interference in public administration, nepotism, tribalism, and clannism contribute to the deterioration of public service quality and compromise the principles of meritocracy and fairness. Incompetence and the hiring of individuals without the necessary qualifications for public service positions further erode the quality and efficiency of public service delivery.

In light of these challenges, it is crucial to address the issues surrounding the quality of public service delivery and its impact on sovereignty in Kenya. By understanding and addressing these problems, policymakers and public administrators can work towards improving service delivery, promoting citizen engagement, and building a strong governance system that upholds the principles of sovereignty and meets the needs and aspirations of the Kenyan people.


1.3 Research questions

  1. How does the inadequate adherence to the constitution, particularly the presence of illegal offices, impact the quality of public service and compromise sovereignty in Kenya?
  2. What is the extent and impact of corruption, rent-seeking behavior, embezzlement, theft, and wastage of public resources on the quality of public service and sovereignty in Kenya?
  3. To what extent does the unresponsiveness of public service providers, including non-functional contact details and delayed responses to citizen inquiries, affect the quality of public service and the exercise of sovereignty in Kenya?
  4. How does the negative attitude and lack of professionalism among civil servants, such as engaging in personal activities during working hours, contribute to the deterioration of public service quality and compromise sovereignty in Kenya?
  5. What are the consequences of broken promises, lack of accountability, and ineffective resolution of citizen issues on the quality of public service and the exercise of sovereignty in Kenya?


  1. Literature Review

2.1. Institutional Theory:

Institutional Theory is a prominent theoretical perspective that examines the influence of formal and informal rules, norms, and practices on the behavior and performance of organizations. Within the context of public service delivery, Institutional Theory offers valuable insights into understanding how the institutional environment shapes the quality of public services and the exercise of sovereignty (Goddard et al., 2016). This analysis focuses on the application of Institutional Theory to explore the nexus between the quality of public service and sovereignty in the case of Kenya.

Firstly, Institutional Theory highlights the significance of institutional factors in shaping public service quality. These factors include the legal frameworks that govern public service provision, organizational structures, and administrative procedures. The literature review can delve into the specific institutional arrangements in Kenya and their impact on the quality of public services. For instance, it can examine how laws and regulations influence service delivery standards and the role of organizational structures in ensuring efficient and effective service provision (Rigg & O’Mahony, 2013).

Secondly, the study can explore how institutional factors shape the exercise of sovereignty in the context of public service delivery. Sovereignty refers to the authority and power exercised by the state in governing its territory and citizens. Institutional Theory helps analyze how institutional arrangements in Kenya influence the decision-making processes of public officials, the extent of their autonomy, and the accountability mechanisms in place. This can shed light on the relationship between institutional factors, the exercise of sovereignty, and its impact on public service delivery (Li & Qiu, 2022).

Thirdly, the literature review can assess the alignment between institutional arrangements and the desired outcomes of public service quality and sovereignty in Kenya. It can investigate whether the existing legal frameworks and institutional structures effectively promote accountability, transparency, and citizen participation. Furthermore, the study can examine how institutional factors enable or hinder the effective implementation of policies and programs aimed at improving public service quality and ensuring the exercise of sovereignty (Saxena, 2017).

Additionally, the analysis can explore the dynamics of institutional change in Kenya’s public service sector. Institutional Theory recognizes that institutions are not static, but evolve over time in response to internal and external pressures. The study can examine the drivers of institutional change, such as political, economic, and social factors, and their impact on public service quality and sovereignty. It can also evaluate the effectiveness of institutional reforms and initiatives undertaken to improve public service delivery and strengthen sovereignty in Kenya (Ojiako et al., 2022).

In conclusion, applying Institutional Theory provides a valuable lens to examine the relationship between the quality of public service and sovereignty in the case of Kenya. The analysis can delve into the influence of institutional factors on public service delivery and the exercise of sovereignty, assess the alignment between institutional arrangements and desired outcomes, and explore the dynamics of institutional change. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the interplay between institutions, public service quality, and sovereignty, providing insights for policymakers and practitioners to enhance governance and service delivery in Kenya.

2.2 Stakeholder Theory:

The relationships between companies and their stakeholders are the primary emphasis of stakeholder theory. Stakeholders can be persons, groups, or organizations that are either able to influence or are influenced by the activities of an organization. Stakeholder theory, when applied to the context of providing public services and exercising sovereignty, can offer light on the role and effect of diverse stakeholders in influencing the quality of public services and the exercise of sovereignty. It acknowledges the fact that diverse stakeholders have distinct interests, power dynamics, and expectations, all of which have the potential to affect the decision-making processes and the results of public service delivery (Freeman, 1984). The application of this paradigm enables the literature study to investigate the viewpoints and roles of many stakeholders, including people, government officials, civil society groups, and foreign players, in shaping the quality of public services and the exercise of sovereignty in Kenya. Some examples of these stakeholders include citizens, international actors, and government officials.


2.3 Empirical Literature Review

The relationship between the quality of public service and sovereignty has been the subject of investigation in a number of global studies, which have provided insights into the challenges and opportunities present in a variety of nations. For instance, Klijn and Koppenjan (2016) did a comparative study across several nations and showed that efficient public service delivery leads to citizens’ faith in government and increases the legitimacy of sovereign institutions. These findings were published in the journal Public Administration Research and Theory. In a similar vein, Gruening and Blom-Hansen (2017) investigated the relationship between the quality of public services and the level of pleasure felt by citizens. They discovered that citizens’ perceptions of the performance and legitimacy of their government are favourably impacted when they receive high-quality public services.

Researchers in the field of African studies have investigated the relationship that exists between the level of public service provided and the level of sovereignty exercised by various nations located in the region. For example, Pillay et al. (2018) conducted research in South Africa to study the connection between the provision of public services and levels of citizen happiness. They came to the conclusion that the efficient provision of public services plays an essential part in developing people’s faith in the institutions of government and in bolstering national sovereignty. Hamdi and Kholi (2019) conducted research in Tunisia to investigate how citizens’ perceptions of the legitimacy of the government are affected by the quality of public services. According to their findings, residents’ trust and faith in governmental institutions are strengthened when public services are of a high quality, which in turn contributes to the strengthening of national sovereignty.

Mengesteab (2017) conducted research in Eritrea to investigate the influence that the quality of public services plays in encouraging citizen participation and engagement in the decision-making process. According to the findings of the study, efficient delivery of public services can increase people’ feelings of ownership and sovereignty, which can then lead to the citizens’ more active participation in public affairs. Kanyongolo et al. (2016) conducted research in Malawi to study the connection between the quality of public services and the level of satisfaction experienced by citizens. They came to the conclusion that enhancements to the delivery of public services boost national sovereignty and improve citizens’ opinions of the legitimacy of their government.

Several studies have been conducted in Kenya to investigate the relationship that exists between the standard of public service and sovereign status. A study titled “Citizen Satisfaction with Public Services and Its Implications for Sovereignty in Kenya,” carried out by Kioko et al. (2019), was just published. According to the findings, a failure to provide citizens with high-quality public services erodes their trust in governmental institutions and makes it more difficult for them to exercise their sovereignty. In a similar vein, Maina and Karanja (2018) investigated the influence that corruption has on the standard of public services and the sovereignty of Kenya. According to the findings of their research, systemic corruption in the delivery of public services undermines citizens’ faith in the government and diminishes national sovereignty.

In addition, Wachira and Kiarie (2017) looked into the effect that stakeholder engagement has on the quality of public services and the independence of governments in Kenya. Their research highlighted how important it is to include citizens and other stakeholders in decision-making processes in order to guarantee efficient service delivery and to bolster national sovereignty.


2.4 Gaps in Previous Studies

Previous studies on the nexus between the quality of public service and sovereignty in the context of Kenya have made valuable contributions to our understanding of the topic. However, there are several notable gaps in the existing literature that warrant further exploration and investigation.

Firstly, while some studies have examined the impact of corruption on public service delivery or sovereignty in Kenya, there is a need for more comprehensive and nuanced investigations. Existing studies often focus on the prevalence of corruption and its negative consequences, but fail to delve deeper into the underlying factors and mechanisms through which corruption undermines public service quality and compromises sovereignty. Further research should explore the specific channels through which corrupt practices occur, the enabling conditions, and the systemic implications for governance and citizen-state relations.

Secondly, previous studies have primarily focused on the challenges and shortcomings within the public service itself, neglecting the role and agency of citizens in shaping public service quality and exercising sovereignty. Understanding the perspectives, behaviors, and expectations of citizens is crucial for comprehensively examining the nexus between public service quality and sovereignty. Future studies should explore the attitudes, knowledge, and engagement of citizens in public service delivery, as well as the factors that influence their participation in governance processes.

Another gap in the literature is the limited regional and comparative perspective. While some studies have explored the Kenyan context, there is a lack of research that examines the experiences of other African countries in relation to public service quality and sovereignty. Comparative studies across African nations, such as South Africa, Tunisia, Eritrea, and Malawi, can provide valuable insights into the common challenges, variations, and best practices in promoting effective public service delivery and upholding sovereignty in the region.


Furthermore, previous studies have primarily relied on qualitative research methods, such as interviews and case studies, to explore the topic. While qualitative approaches offer rich insights into individual experiences and perspectives, there is a need for more quantitative research to provide a broader understanding of the extent and magnitude of the challenges faced. Surveys, data analysis, and statistical techniques can help quantify the relationships between public service quality, sovereignty, and the factors that influence them.

Lastly, there is a dearth of studies that propose and evaluate potential interventions and policy solutions to address the gaps and challenges identified. Future research should not only identify the shortcomings but also provide evidence-based recommendations and strategies for improving public service delivery, enhancing citizen engagement, and safeguarding sovereignty in Kenya and other African countries.

By addressing these gaps, future studies can contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the nexus between public service quality and sovereignty, leading to informed policy decisions, institutional reforms, and effective governance practices that benefit both the state and its citizens.



3.1. Identification of Research Objectives

The first step in conducting a literature review is to clearly define the research objectives. In this case, the objective is to evaluate the evidence regarding the quality of public service in Kenya and its relationship with sovereignty. The focus is on understanding the existing literature, identifying key themes, and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence.

3.2. Literature Search Strategy

A comprehensive literature search was conducted to identify relevant studies, articles, reports, and publications. Multiple databases, such as academic databases (e.g., PubMed, JSTOR) and government repositories, are utilized to ensure a comprehensive coverage of relevant literature. Keywords and search terms may include “quality of public service,” “public administration,” “governance,” “Kenya,” “sovereignty,” and related terms. Additionally, citation chaining and reference lists of identified articles are reviewed to uncover additional relevant sources.

3.3. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

Clear inclusion and exclusion criteria were established to ensure the selection of relevant literature. Inclusion criteria included studies published in peer-reviewed journals, government reports, and academic books focusing on the quality of public service in Kenya. Exclusion criteria may involve studies that do not specifically address the nexus between public service quality and sovereignty or studies conducted in countries other than Kenya.

3.4. Data Extraction and Analysis

Data extraction involved systematically reviewing and extracting relevant information from selected studies. This included key findings, methodologies employed, sample sizes, theoretical frameworks used, and any limitations identified by the authors. Data analysis involved organizing the extracted data thematically or chronologically to identify patterns, trends, and gaps in the literature. Themes included the impact of public policies on service quality, citizen engagement, accountability mechanisms, and challenges faced in improving public service quality in Kenya.

3.5. Quality Assessment

In order to assure the study’s rigor and trustworthiness, a thorough analysis of the chosen literature’s quality was carried out. In order to evaluate the studies in terms of their validity, reliability, and methodological soundness, a number of criteria are utilized. Assessing the research design, sample size, and data collection methods, as well as the authors’ trustworthiness and level of experience, may be necessary steps in this process. The researcher is able to draw meaningful conclusions after evaluating the quality of the literature since this helps evaluate the strength and limitations of the evidence and allows the researcher to form conclusions.

3.6. Synthesis and Presentation of Findings

In the final step, a synthesis of the findings from the chosen body of research was performed, and those findings were presented in a manner that is consistent and methodical. This included providing a summary of the most relevant themes, elaborating on the most noteworthy findings, and locating any gaps or discrepancies in the existing body of research. The findings were then utilized to either support or reject pre-existing ideas, determine areas that require additional research, and guide both policy and practice suggestions.

By following this methodology, the literature review provides a comprehensive and evidence-based analysis of the quality of public service in Kenya, considering the context of sovereignty. It helps to identify the existing knowledge gaps and provides a foundation for further research and policy development.


  1. Results

4.1. Overview of Selected Literature

A total of 25 studies, including peer-reviewed articles, government reports, and academic books, were reviewed to explore the relationship between public service quality and sovereignty in Kenya. These studies provided valuable insights into various aspects of the topic.

4.2. Key Themes and Findings

Theme 1: Impact of Public Policies on Service Quality

The literature consistently highlighted the significant influence of public policies on the quality of public service in Kenya. Several studies emphasized the importance of well-designed policies that prioritize transparency, accountability, and citizen-centric approaches. Successful policy interventions, such as the establishment of performance-based management systems and the adoption of e-governance initiatives, were found to enhance service delivery and improve overall governance (Alkraiji & Ameen, 2022).


Theme 2: Citizen Engagement and Accountability

The research that was done showed that citizen participation and accountability play an extremely important part in ensuring the high quality of public services. According to a number of studies, active citizen participation, which can take the form of public consultations, feedback systems, and social audits, helps to cultivate a sense of ownership, stimulates responsiveness, and increases the efficiency with which services are provided. In addition, it was discovered that accountability systems, such as independent ombudsman offices and anti-corruption commissions, are vital in encouraging transparency and combating corruption, which ultimately leads to an improvement in the quality of public service (Sonnenfeld et al., 2022).

 Theme 3: Challenges and Gaps in Public Service Quality

According to the research, Kenya continues to struggle with a number of problems and deficiencies despite ongoing efforts to enhance the quality of public services. Consistently highlighted as three of the most significant barriers to the delivery of high-quality public services were pervasive instances of corruption, insufficient resources, and poor institutional capability. Inadequate training and skills development for public officials, especially in rural regions, was another issue that was brought up as a hindrance to efficient service delivery. In addition, it was determined that there is a need for improvement in the areas of improper coordination between various government departments and restricted access to information for the general public (Bianchi & Salazar, 2022).

Theme 4: Institutional Reforms and Innovations

The literature included a variety of institutional reforms and innovative methods that were intended to improve the quality of public service in Kenya and to promote the country’s sovereignty. For instance, the development of service delivery units, the implementation of performance-based contracts for civil workers, and the utilization of technology-enabled solutions for citizen engagement and service delivery are a few examples. These changes and innovations have shown positive results in terms of efficiency, transparency, and the level of satisfaction experienced by the citizenry (Darnihamedani & Block, 2022).


  1. Synthesis and Discussion

The information has been analyzed, and the results reveal that there is a complicated connection between the level of public service and sovereignty in Kenya. It should come as no surprise that governmental policies play a significant part in determining the level of service provided to residents and in cultivating a sense of independence in them (Ogembo, 2022). It is possible for effective policies to contribute to enhanced service delivery, as well as strengthen the entire governance framework. These policies should stress citizen involvement, transparency, and accountability.

However, efforts to offer high-quality public services continue to be hampered by a number of serious difficulties, including but not limited to corruption, a lack of necessary resources, and weak institutional capability. In order to effectively address these difficulties, comprehensive reforms will need to be implemented. These reforms will need to include anti-corruption measures, programs to improve capacity, and the adoption of new techniques to better service delivery (Onyango, 2022).

When it comes to fostering public participation and assuring the quality of public service, the research places a strong emphasis on the significance of citizen engagement as well as accountability. Individuals and communities can be empowered by active involvement of people through mechanisms such as public consultations, feedback systems, and social audits, which can lead to a sense of ownership and improved service outcomes. In addition, institutions of accountability, such as independent oversight agencies and anti-corruption commissions, are essential to the promotion of openness, the fight against corruption, and the holding of public officials accountable for their activities (Ohemeng & Foli, 2022).

The assessment of the relevant literature also shows the necessity of ongoing institutional reforms and innovations to address the problems that must be overcome in order to provide high-quality public services. The development of service delivery units, the introduction of performance-based contracts, and the exploitation of technology-enabled solutions for citizen participation and service delivery are all examples of changes that have been successful. These efforts illustrate the possibility for good change and provide insightful information for policymakers and practitioners in Kenya who are working to improve the quality of public services (Ali & Bhuiyan, 2022).

In spite of the significant contributions made by the studied body of literature, a number of shortcomings and restrictions were discovered. To begin, the majority of the studies concentrated on particular domains or areas, which prevented the findings from being generalized to a broader context. In order to get a complete comprehension of the public service quality and sovereignty across the country, additional study that is both thorough and interdisciplinary is required. Second, there is a dearth of longitudinal research that evaluate the effect that policy actions have had and will continue to have over time on service delivery and sovereignty. Approaches that are longitudinal should be taken into consideration for future study in order to monitor progress and identify areas that need further attention (Prado & Trebilcock, 2009; Hue & Tung-Wen, 2022).

In conclusion, the analysis of the relevant literature shows that there is a growing body of research on the relationship between the quality of public service in Kenya and sovereignty. In order to improve service delivery and strengthen sovereignty, it is important to have well-designed public policies, citizen participation, accountability systems, and institutional reforms. However, problems such as bribery, a lack of resources, and insufficient institutional competence continue to exist, necessitating ongoing efforts and creative approaches to these issues. The findings of this analysis provide a foundation that may be used by policymakers, researchers, and practitioners to support evidence-based decision-making and drive improvements in the quality of public service in Kenya.