The Making of “Mahatma” In South Africa; History Thesis

History Thesis

The Making of “Mahatma” In South Africa


The dissertation involves an individual who was born in the merchant community of the Indian villages. He was raised through the normal system and grew up to become a political martyr in the search for independence. He attended a London institution to pursue a law degree, where he managed to attain a good score and take knowledge home. He did not practice law in India as he got a Muslim client who they moved together with to the South African region. His activities in the region turned out to be political rather than legal, as his career depicted. He found out that the Indian community in the region was treated as part of the minority individuals. He knew human rights and could not overlook mistreatment.

The journey began from creating a united Indian and minority community, after which he was able to create awareness of the necessity of justice. The imperial leadership used fore to ensure that all the individuals abided by their strict rules and principles. They could use the court system in the possible situation, but the government could still interfere with the decisions. He decided to grow the spirit of resistance in a nonviolent way. He held movements that championed the liberty of the community through justice and peace. The African began to see potential in his guidance and joined his quest to ensure equality was a factor in the region. He took at least twenty years before shifting to his nation, where he pushed the independence agenda. The British had colonized their region, but he had former experience with the imperial government. He held positions in the congress where he channeled the issues of his citizens. He fought for the unity of the Muslim community of Pakistan and the Hindus. He finally became a martyr through assassination and did not enjoy the fruits of his work before independence.

Background Information

Mahatma Gandhi was one of the political martyrs in the Indian administrative system who was assassinated on liberation. At the beginning of his life journey in the village high schools, he was a young and intelligent youth. He managed to go through the system and joined higher education in London, where he trained as a lawyer. He ensured most of his academic ambitions were not left unturned as he was a man of vision and action. Through his college life, he identified the positive oppression hidden in the small services offered by the colonial government[1]. He was fresh in politics as he was respecting the administration for educating him to such a level. So there was no way that he could fight the same administration.

His fighter mentality began to grow and develop when he worked as a lawyer to a Muslim in South Africa. He was wise enough to evaluate as he had earned the necessary educational knowledge. He pushed for the community’s transformation from the dependency on the imperial government on their projects. He motivated self-drive and hard work even before the push for democracy and independence. He was aware that any activism’s fundamental driver is creating any occurrence beginning with the small individual achievements.

Gandhi was making peace with every community in South Africa as it had converted into a different man. At the train station, his first victimization occurred, and he got ejected out of the first class of the train to the regular level. He tried to resist, but it turned him more mentally aware than physically damaging[2]. He was able to get the concept of ine[3]quality from a first and basis. As he went for his career in South Africa, he was well dressed like it was in western culture, but South Africa’s situation became a whole making of a new personality. A rigid Indian with a solid religious stand was manufactured within 20 years. He felt what his community in the foreign country was going through. He did not stand to watch, but he reacted against the forces by creating a united Indian community[4]. His leadership capabilities began to be visible as he organized peaceful demonstrations and boycotts for t imperial governments.

He had to be absorbed in the congress to represent the Indian community, where he did not hesitate to make the much change he could. He ensured that all the Indian’s interests were presented despite their continued victimization. He made the whole world aware of the evil acts of the imperial government and the South African citizens. He was able to convince the Africans of the importance of maintaining a peaceful and harmonious environment. He ensured that he took care of all the community’s interests as he had the will to make sure all the minorities were taken care of by the imperial and senior black officials in the government ranks. He could communicate to the other leaders in the community and made them aware of the replications of becoming patriots to the imperial government and enemy to the ordinary citizens who had faith in them. The colonial activities in South Africa were tougher than it was in the Indian region. The Indians were a combined force of the Muslims and the Hindus, making them a massive population to control.

The arrival of Mahatma in India was an excellent message to the Indian community in the homeland as they had heard of his liberation moves in South Africa. He continued with the chase for independence by ensuring the Indians were healthy organizers and stopped depending on the whites. His original community was referred to as hardworking, which had a true meaning as they could generate their products and great leaders like the upcoming Mahatma. The Pakistan region’s Muslim community had its leader, an educated lawyer like his counterpart Gandhi. The law society got modeled into personalities that could see the leadership systems’ faultiness and dared to confront them[5]. They were the community support system and spokesmen at the national level as the imperial government could treat individuals in the st countries as illiterate.

Major Occurrences

Moving to South Africa was a game-changing event as it shaped a leader who converted Indians’ fear into strengths and left them at the safest point. Gandhi was an educated individual who valued activism as his career path suggested. He was a law student in the 19th century, offering his remarkable willingness to change society, and education was a mere commodity in the developing countries[6]. India was a developing country with a considerable population, making it a challenge to survive. Leaders and other individuals with a similar calling as Gandhi pursued education to make a change[7]. He got a channel to move to South Africa as an active legal representative, where he had the opportunity to live in the colonial period of South Africa. The Dutch were colonizing the more significant section, but still, the British had the Cape Town region under their control.

He had a taste of the British and Dutch rule as he operated in South Africa. The most relevant issues were the skills imparted to him through South Africa’s streets through the rough times. The level of victimization was not comparable to what was taking place in India. They also had vocal leaders pursuing their justice and freedom, but they lacked unity and one voice. They did not trust their leaders as they collaborated with the colonial governments to benefit their interests[8]. The impunity that the ordinary citizens went through made them change their notion of liberty, making them struggle for their well-being to join the better and favored community class. Gandhi learned from the consequences of selfishness and division, creating a swift reaction to save his nation from the same spirit.

Having a voice was developed in the frequent litigations in the justice system of South Africans. Gandhi noticed that he could represent an individual and win a case. He decided to take the activism strength in his home ground to liberate his people. Gandhi had not initially noticed that a single individual’s voice would represent a whole nation’s interest. The cases he challenged in South Africa involved large parties, and he could manage to convince the courts through his legal knowledge and voice. The South African political system was shielded in the protectorate’s arms as they had not established independent leadership flow. They collaborated with the colonizers’ leadership and were given lower positions in the chain of direction, making the leaders sideline their needs for the small benefits.

Becoming the people’s choice was motivated by his determination to educate the citizens on a common goal. The achievements of the first stage of uniting and educating the citizens led to the British government’s awareness, making them determined to ruin his motives. At that time, he was influential enough to make public meetings that would attract followers. He continued pushing through the negotiation benches and gave his citizens an easier time with the oppressors. They were able to get plenty of rights during the colonial rule instead of South Africa who had to suffer a lot during their colonial period. He builds other leaders and gave them a voice in the community as he was not selfish. After his assassination, they continued pushing the agenda.

Implication of family

Family can model or destroy the leadership qualities of an individual. Mahatma’s nuclear family was very supportive, and his parents knew the importance of education as they ensured their young one was educated to the level of competence and ability. His childhood character could depict a leader and a change factor in society. He was very vocal throughout his academic life, making him a leader as he was still in school. He did not allow distractors such as their family background to come against his success factor. His mind focused on making a change as he knew poverty would not be his forever portion. He also knew that his knowledge would benefit society as he was a product of the same community family.

He married at a young age, where he developed a sense of responsibility through taking care of a family. He did not fail as he ensured even through his higher education, he was in touch with the family. Leadership begins at home, and becoming an international icon is modeled at the bottom of the curve. His family modeled him into a humble being who would be kind enough and human to relate to other people’s problems. He did not experience a smooth run; hence he knew it would be difficult for other individuals going through similar family challenges as he was going through.

Mahatma was able to take care of his four children and wide from an early age despite his busy schedules and involvement in active politics. He could not involve family matters in his quest for liberty as he treated his family as the citizens of the entire nation. In his stay in South Africa, he could treat the individuals as part of his family and could not victimize any society. He believed in humanity is one and should not be split through any form of borderlines. He could take care of his parents, too, as it was evident his father passed as he was observing him. They communicated as he was on his death bed, leading to a good connection as he was given enough information about life and cautioned on what to champion.

The interrelation between the different communities

Mahatma was a unique individual who had lived with more than one community in his lifetime. His first interaction was with the Indian community, where he developed the character of resilience as he grew through a challenging and poor community. It did not limit his academic excellence as he continued pursuing education to the university level. Such effort can only be compared to a genius and very able brain, considering his country was developing with many people. The cultural practices and influence of the local peers did not alter his thirst for education as he was able to balance between the relationship with the local friends and w to attain his goals.

Gandhi attended the London school of law to acquire the relevant educational skills required to practice as a lawyer. He was among the few educated individuals of that century in his country. However, he still became the most outstanding through his push for a change in how the British administration carried out their activities[9]. He created a good relationship with the whites in London and did not shy away from its outstanding performance. He established a cooperative and casual interaction that yielded his support when he got to the point of pushing the Indian agenda of changing the country’s look and the administration of the colonies.

He had a working relationship in South Africa, where he got the opportunity to interact with Africans and individuals from other races in an African country[10]. He was a peacemaker as most of his activities involved embracing peace in the community. Most of the leaders were inspired by his actions, especially the Africans. They had the tendency to influence him towards the collaboration side, but he did not buy their policies; instead, he helped change their mentalities.  He could even control the actions of the colonial government through arbitration and other peacemaking methods.

The rule of South Africa

The Indian community in South Africa was part of the achievement of Mahatma. They were facing a lot of opposition from the imperial government and most other races in South Africa. Indians had a poor background which made them focus on trading seriously to achieve their comfort and get some cash to support their families back in India. Others were part of the tourist and missionary group. They had the role of ensuring the gospel had spread in the specific interior regions. The South African territory was affluent in natural resources. Hence, the colonizers had fought against themselves as they all wanted the rich environments. Most of the natives were displaced in the most developed regions and chased to the interiors with lesser resources. Most of the individuals living in the developed areas worked as servants to the white men who had occupied vast chunks of land. They got paid very few pennies while under stringent rules within the territories. There were places that they could not visit as they were treated like animals or lesser humans within their community.

Government policies were to assimilate and convert the most resistant individuals’ ideologies by giving them some advantage other the rest. They could easily spot individuals who could lead the population into a change and ensure they got placed under better conditions. Those who could still stand firm could be touched or silenced through treats. Some leaders’ level of influence could not get comprised as most of their people had known they were a threat to the imperial leaders. They could only take lesser action or have a sitting with them. Mahatma had positioned his influence at a highly skilled level to get considered in the elective positions of representing the Indians. His ambition was to become a national leader even in his community. He could not succumb to the community’s pressure where they were forcing some split within the leadership.

Minority tribes were treated as the laborer of the white colonial leaders and community. They lacked a voice and representation in the national face of the country. Most of the foreign organizations were treated as minorities as their numbers were lower. The continuous slave trade also continued in the imperial leadership, where persons were forced and taken to foreign countries. They could get traded to individuals who could make good use of their labor. Such activities were against the human code of conduct and rights, but stopping them could not be easy[11]. Most of the African’s education level was low; hence, they could not realize their rights unless they had taught representatives who would speak up for their needs.

Racism was one of the most prevailing crises up to today in the southern African region. It led to the divisions among heavy and unresolvable lines where the native South Africans were the most discriminated together in the Middle East region. The hatred has been carried long to the present world, where we are still fighting racism even in today’s America. Gandhi was visionary and had warned of the effects of having a division on skin color and origin. The blacks were viewed as individuals who could not have a voice or right, but their strong leaders defended their rights living the imperial government with the option of considering some of their pleas.

Class Wars

South Africans were facing class wars among the colonizers and the citizens. Living among such a community sharpens an individual’s skills to enable them to identify how to avoid it in their home setting. The knowledge that Gandhi acquired in the foreign country helped his fight against the British protectorate. He did not allow them to frustrate his citizens, like observing the Dutch and the British in the Cape Province. The colonizers utilized the conflict among different individuals within the same community. They could give positions to several individuals and pay them well. Those black leaders were also allowed to t better services than the ordinary citizens. It developed hatred among them as they could not stop feeling the unfairness factor in such an act.

The favored individuals would also felt like better blacks, but they did not have similar rights to the whites. They were still victimized through the back leaders as they were of a lower class. Different regions were designated for particular individuals related to a given class; the social amenities for the rich individuals were added from the farmworkers as they were treated as lower living individuals in the community. It sparked litigations, and Gandhi would not fail to unite the people of the different classes in his country.

He strategically used the South African resistance leadership faults to drive forward his plan in the Indian community. Most of the citizens had faith in him as they found out his worldly recognized potential. He influenced other countries; hence his organization had to trust him more. Individuals who had travel out of the country during the colonial ages were regarded as the top cream of the community, especially those in the quest for a career. It motivated the Indians, making it difficult for the British rule to place them in class wars.


Most colonizers had to invest in the just system to benefit their citizens and countries from their harvest in the colonization process. Using their people as laborers becomes difficult as their population in the new region is limited. It made them develop a tendency to use the host country’s population as part of their workforce. They are given livelihood after working and being exploited for more resources. The citizens of Indians were lucky to have an individual who had experienced the weakness of a foreign country that was being colonized to split. He did not motivate his citizens to pursue justice through force. He encouraged a civil system where they used their ability to unite and fought against the British colonial protectorate’s rules. They ensure that different justice systems were placed even before the colonizers intruded.

Being an educated lawyer, Gandhi was aware of human rights, and he bestowed responsibility for his actions towards ensuring his fellow citizens’ safety. It was difficult to make his citizens believe in his transformative agenda. Most of the initial leaders were up for their benefits. They became servers of the British government through minor ranks. Gandhi had to come out strongly by opposing some major injustices for the citizens to buy his ideology. He ensured his driving power was the peoples’ will and incorporated them through private training to make them aware of the possibilities. He would then send his trainees to make the citizens aware hence leading to a more vigorous resistance.

Personal Attitude

Personal attitude is a development that is inborn or cultivated by the urge to promote a particular way of living. Different societies and families tend to have similarities, but there are remarkable differences if well outlined. The mahatma personality got developed over the 21 years spent in South Africa as he took care of his career as a lawyer. They had to approach a different setting with a form of leadership that was frustrating the foreigners. The country was very far from attaining its independence as it attended over forty years later after Gandhi’s death. The personality of any lawyer I build of grounds of overcoming and winning. It is not easy to win through a process; hence, he had to be strong enough to stand the political and administrative policies’ rough waves.

The ability to maintain a given personality through tribulations and suffering depicts a strong character. Gandhi went through many griefs before the final assassination but never relented through what he had to achieve. In his imprisonment moments, he did not fear the hand of the foreign rule as he stood with the transformative justice. Gandhi held different interviews with the American journalists who were impressed and attracted by his country’s resistance under a different protectorate. He is well-known in a large region, making his words and pieces of advice vital as he could bring huge populations into harmony. The capabilities of united citizens got feared; hence his personality had to be dealt with through toucher and instilling fear.


Mahatma Philosophies

Non Violence

Most political movements get modeled around threats and wars as a mechanism of liberating individuals and a whole nation. Contrary to that, India experienced the most peaceful liberation movement. It focused on ensuring that independence got attained without demolition of property or killing of life. It was an ideology of a single man who developed peaceful thoughts in the minds of Indian citizens. Gandhi was a peace-loving individual who worked for the interest of the Indians and the world as a whole as he still did not want the British individuals to get hurt despite the havoc and suffering they are the Indians to go through.

Political and liberation temperature rose, and the main factor was Gandhi as the representative of the Indians. He did not set back the fire as he continued to ensure the British colony felt the ordinary citizens’ power in their land. He also played a nonviolent role in the South African conflicts. Despite being a foreign citizen who had a low voice in his advocacy he championed the unity and social justice of the South-African and other minority citizens who were treated as slaves by the colonies’ governments. Any leader’s active responsibility is to ensure the circle around and under their umbrella felt their influence. Gandhi qualifies to be an international leader as h also considered individuals beyond his umbrella. He championed general human rights without taking sides or favoring some individuals.

Fight against Oppression

Living in a community setting with less fortunate and fortunate human beings due to their economic capabilities got very saddening for the young lawyer with a degree from London. He could not observe in silence without reacting against what was taking place against human rights. The blacks were against the blacks, and the whites were against the blacks. Some individuals had to suffer double tragedy due to their inferior nature. It was not uncommon to find individuals who were rich and well p still using the poor individuals as their laborers for a few pennies or food only. The level of oppression in South Africa was motivated by the silence among the leadership. The white men give the selfish interests of the Africans priories and tokens. The Indian lawyer found it odd and decided to stand up for the oppressed Africans.

The court system was not fair enough as the oppressed individuals would hunt for justice and never get it through the justice system. It was corrupt and favored the superiors. The poor individuals could not have the ability to hire lawyers who would represent them in their hearings. They would get to the courts, which would not even place a favorable environment for them. Gandhi used his legal knowledge to litigate on behalf of the poor oppressed South Africans as he still educated them on the relevance of unity. He tried to enlighten Africans’ well-being who thought they had attained their optimum goals by opening up their minds. He could give them details of the benefits of liberating the whole community as they got entrusted with that responsibility.

Participation in the In World War

The First World War took place while the Indian community was still under colonial rule. They were against the British protectorate as they needed their independence. Due to the huge numbers of the Indian population, the British government took advantage and trained them as part of their solider. The intentions of the imperial government were not to help the Indians but to use them by sparing some of their soldiers on the battlefields. Most of them were placed in the front grounds to shield the British soldier, where they ended up at greater risk. Most of them were used and never returned alive to their families. Some were not even are of the dangerous weapons that were used against them. The learned Mahatma realized how their soldiers were used and decided to use the forest that came back as part of his enforcement troops. He educated them on the intentions of the colonial government, which hurt them a lot.

Mahatma learned the importance of having unity through the South Africa military troops. The British and Dutch governments were not able to coordinate soldiers from the as they were united and aware of the evil acts of the government. They were able to resist the trading and took advantage of the world war moment to destabilize the government. The concentration of the British government was on the world war, making it easy to give in to some internal demands. The role of Mahatma in his community was to make them aware of the ongoing wars and create measures of ensuring they were not hurt during the war.

Natural Factors

The South African region’s nature trained Mahatma to become stronger and harder as I was different from that in London and his home area. The climatic conditions were tough for the Indian individuals as their position in the globe was more favored by the equator. He was struggling in a foreign country with harsh weather and an environment that did not support the growth of most of his staple food. Together with the other Indian immigrants, he focused on his achievements without having to get affected by the uncontrollable standard. The scotching is a natural factor that encouraged his mode of dressing while the windy condition cooled down the temperatures. The environment shaped him into the character that acted differently from the rest of the leaders in the Indian community.


Economic Factors

Every country gets run by different economic policies that act as representations of living ways among the community[12]. The Indians in South Africa had to follow the colonizers’ rule as they were part of the interior individuals.


The foreign government used different formulas to tax the community but offered fewer services than tax. Mahatma acted out of being driven by the rights of getting the correct value of every charge they got within the system. It was evident how he used peaceful methods to ensure that conflict did not arise from the demand for their rights.

Ideology (Criticism of Western Culture)

South Africa had a mixed population of both blacks and whites from different regions in the earth. Most of the individuals who were whites had hailed from the west. Individuals from the Middle East and Indian region had different views of life from those of the western community. Gandhi found out that most of the westerner were imparting their culture to the Africans and the Indians. He was against such traps and would not like the same to happen in his parent country[13]. Gandhi strategically came up against the western culture to ensure his citizens were not trapped despite how sweet it seemed. He had foreseen how the small culture thing had blinded the South African protectorate people. It made them but the colonizers’ idea and fall into the trap of staying colonized for long.

Gandhi did all the possible to ensure that his citizens had no space for the western culture. He was the example through the different activities that he carries out. His ideologies were supporting the native Indian culture and were very against the British way of living. Through feeding, he communicated with the message of maintaining a stronger Indian community that could resist the British man’s rules even if it was to go haywire. The individuals’ ability to maintain their culture made it difficult for the British colonizers to act hard on the Indians like it was in the South Africa region. Most of the South Africans had the tendency of dressing and feeding like the whites hence making them assimilated and influenced by their actions.

Vegetarian (Ideology)

Feeding habits were very important in different communities. When Gandhi was in South Africa, he ensured his home habits continued, but the available options limited them. He had to transform into a survival ideology that did not allow him to advocate for the British feeding styles. The Indians did not appreciate a lot of wheat products as compared to the British. Most South Africans working in the colonial units were similarly fed; hence, the colonizers would make a slow impact on their livelihood without notice. The Indian community resisted generalized modes of feeding and appreciated their traditional modes of eating. They did not eradicate their subsistence food as they had smaller potions where they practiced agriculture and for their feeding purpose.

Animals and Food

The colonizers had a different perception of animals from that of the Indians. Some animals are valued so much in the Indian community due to their importance in society believes. The British colonizers were not respecting the beliefs of the Indians as they could not treat animals in the same way. They could feed like it was in their foreign land, forcing the same to happen to the Indians. It developed a conflict that led to the enforcement of the colonizer’s rules as they had power over the Indians. Gandhi’s ideology was to instill strength in the community by sparking the value of religion and customs in their community. The Indians rose against the act in the shield of their faith, which was their backbone. In the conflicting process, they could limit the foreign leaders’ powers as they created a gap in some things that could not go the British way. The Indian’s way of resolution did not involve a lot of coercion and rubbing of shoulders; it involved street demands and strikes.

The 358-Kilometer South March

Mahatma led his movement into a three hundred and fifty-eight kilometers walk towards the southern region. It was a sign of unity that brought a stronger bond among the followers and the whole nation. It sent a message to the British protectorate. The walk became one of Mahatma’s most winning moments after realizing that South African would use nonviolent methods and capture the attention of the imperial government. The walk did not involve any form of distraction as their leader was peaceful and campaigned for the change of notion. The walk created a conflict between the Muslim leader and Mahatma as he felt like he was transforming the whole community[14]. The recognition of his leadership skills was overshadowing the impact of the Muslim leaders.

The walk involved talks of harmony and unity while they planned how they would make a more significant impact on their move towards independence. Mahatma was very experienced, and he gave them guidance and hope of how things would turn out. The courage he imparted was the initial point of the continuity with the fight for independence, even in their leader’s absence. He did not think about his success because he was getting old, and then in his seventies, he could still help in charting the way forward[15]. He was an example to the upcoming leaders by giving them a voice and challenging them to take care of the whole community. The Muslim leaders learned a lot from the walk and were calmed down into uniting with the Hindus. They were are with that the differences in religion were becoming a weakness that they could no longer contain if it persisted for a longer period.

Chapter 3

Methods of Solving the Conflicts


Negotiations are part of the formula that the Indian activist developed to ensure he was taking care of his people properly. He confirmed that the British government could not feel entitled to take any action that thought like taking against the Indian locals. Despite the vast population and the poverty level, the Indian was united by an individual’s voice who had proved his ability to use a mechanism for his people’s justice. Gandhi was motivated by his well-equipped brain that could recognize the different means of problem-solving. The chief leaders were amazed by the supper ability that remained a threat until his death. The power to negotiate is also vested in an individual’s ability to remain strict to their goals and have the citizen’s interests at his heart.

Personal ability to win or benefit from a negotiation is dependent on the interest of the negotiators and the level of knowledge. Any form of negotiations allowed the individuals to air their view to the colliding parties, and they would get a way out of the existing problem. The strengthening factor was his influence among the Indian community as he was listed and considered a lot than any other Indian leader. The form of influence that he had mounted had not been witnessed before in the Indian region. He was strategic and acted like the liberal South African movements. The South Africans were facing dozen of issues that motivated the spirit of liberation in Gandhi. He had noticed the lack of bargaining power among the South Africans, making it difficult for them to convince their colonizers of what they wanted.

Gandhi had initially worked on improving his bargaining power through capitalizing on his control ability. It is an art that requires an individual to manipulate the citizens’ mindsets and give them the worst picture of what oud happen if they accepted defeat. He portrayed the true picture of the level of frustration that had gotten to the South African individuals. The art also requires an individual to win up their county without fear of what could occur as they condemn any form of inflicted frustration. Control began when he was able to stop the continued intensification of the claimed properties and infringed rules. He began to pressurize until some set authorities to make the recovery process visible to the citizens. It motivated the continued push for any slightest freedom as they were aware of the power of unity. He worked harder to ensure that the developing splits were stopped as they would lead to other colonial activities damaging their hope for freedom.


The traditional Indian way of solving conflicts in the community involved peace talks and other nonviolent methods. According to the nature of the British model of response to the issue, it would be very inappropriate to use the means as it requires two parties who are willing to agree. In the case where the individuals are no ready to agree to the rules of the other party, resistance becomes a way of solving conflict. The forces of resistance are always destructive. It depends on the ability of individuals as resistance involves coercion. Some parties use their knowledge to strengthen their abilities as they might not meet the required strength to win.

The brilliance of Mahatma enabled him to capture the various resistance models practiced in the South African region. The African were creative, and they could resist through invisible means to avoid being massacred by the white men. They could strategically launch an attack when it was less expected with the most impact to ensure the enemy felt the effect.

Gandhi device nonviolent resistance by bringing huge masses together and asking them to resist working for the colonizers. They could also be directed on the activities like walks that could create the attention of eth whole world to symbolize the strength and unity of the Indian people. Such moves would intimidate the protectorate government, making them give in to some demands that are placed on the table. Most of the rights that were practiced in the Indian region were a result of the influence of Mahatma on the government. It was impossible for the government to directly attack Mahatma as he did not confront nonfactual issues. He could only handle issues that he had enough evidence and was sure that they would impact some change in a wider region.

Trade and Economic Resistance

The use of cotton as one of the major clothes in the Indian community has been appreciated even today. It began when Mahatma came from South Africa and designed differently shaped rollers that could make cloth out of the raw material. The materials were in plenty as the country is an agricultural-based nation. It led to the ditching of the European imported clothes, making it harder for the British government to succeed through the clothing trade[16]. Despite the fact that the aesthetic value of Europe made clothes, they were taught the importance of appreciating their culture[17]. Through the continuous processing of the clothes, they would make money from other parties in different regions and could also trade the materials outside India. They were assured of their safety by Mahatma as he was in more than one country.


The country attained the actual thrive for independence during the struggle of Mahatma. He left the other Politian’s soft time of dealing with the colonial administration as he had covered most of the challenging situations in the struggle for their independence. He did not live to witness the day of change of power, but he still played the best role. He is forever recalled as independent.


The first major conflict in the struggle for independence was between the Indian nationalists and the Muslims. It was after the walk that took place in 1930 led by Mahatma for three weeks. The conflict was based on the ideologies of the different groups. Muslims had been the minority group as the Hindus population was more than half of the total population, but with time it was growing to a considerable population[18]. Their leader also had similar principles as the Hindu national leader Gandhi. He treated favors as bribes and was not up for the patron ship ideology as he considered it as one of the most deceitful ideologies in the Muslim culture. He had to stand strong for his population by ensuring that their interests were taken care of without any form of neglect.

In the process of trying to unite both communities, the Hindu nationalists believed that they were the majority. They would not like to share power with other individuals as they treated it as a minority activity. They became resistant, and the nationalists took action against them. Mahatma was not able to control the conflict as they failed to listen to his pleas and went on with the massacre. It became ugly as there were casualties who died and other individuals who were hurt in the process. He decided to take areligious action where he said he would fast until the conflict was over. His action led to the end of the conflict.

The Muslims were not contented with peace talks as most of their individuals were massacred. They planned a war against the Indians. It was the joy of the imperial government as the split weakened their unity. Most of the expectations were ruined then it delayed their action against the government. Such coercions also delayed the independence of the nations as it developed wider splits which would take time to heal. Most of the national leaders, including the party that led to democracy, were championing the unity of the whole community. After the revenge, which involved a lot of destruction, the imperial government was able to control most of the activities and delay their freedom. The Indian congress deliberated upon the issues, but the white men were not supporting their unity as it would lead to more action against the imperial government.

The conflict between the followers of the mahatma movement and the British imperial government wee fostered by the completion of the walk. They were very successful in their act, but the government decided to punish them in an attempt to avoid more action. They ensured that the leaders were taken into detention while the citizens were punished through other means. In one year, Mahatma Gandhi was arrested more than four times as he was the main activist and organizer of all the events that took place. He did not appreciate the give up for the independence of his people as he knew the importance of democracy in a population.



Symbolism and Contradiction

Symbolism has been portrayed by the way Gandhi dresses. He communicates to his people and the whites how he treats dressing. Unlike his counterpart in the party, who is the exact opposite of Mahatma, he does value the western culture. He communicates through the half-naked way of dressing as it implies a symbol of distinction. He shows his native people that despite having exposure to western culture, he appreciates the home culture more. He could not take part in most of the western feeding styles as he associated it with the lesser ability and compromising his traditions. The merchant community was hardworking and strong in character. The posed extra ability made him the successful individual he was for his term of activism.

He also dresses differently from the Muslims and the Hindus. The unique way shows his nationality rather than religion or tribe. He represents all the fields in the divides along as they were patriots. He developed his model of dressing while he was in South Africa, where he was modeled and shaped by the community and government. Different forms of oppression led to the adjustment of his way of doing things until he became hard enough to withstand any form of conflict. He was encouraged by the response of the community toward his symbolism. He continued creating a culture that could unite the whole community and made them focus on improving their capabilities despite the daily challenges in the fields.

Prayerful politicians are rare in any community as politics is related to dirt. The evolution of the current political structures in most countries has not reached the standards set by the capabilities of Mahatma in the twentieth century. He had used contradiction in that he was an activist fighting for the rights of the Indians but could still take part in fasting. His religious nature made him politically martyred when he was murdered through assassination. He did not take part in any form of resistance as his political ideology embraced peace and harmony among the citizens. His holy nature did not limit him from taking necessary actions against individuals who went against his will. He could use the people’s power to maneuver through his political interest but still with the people’s needs in his mind. He was not selfish as he could directly engage his equals and involve them in the liberation process without fear of being overthrown.

Fear of Assassination

Any individual of the top political class or a status stands the risk of assassination at any point in their career. They have very many enemies, including the fellow political class who want to acquire their roles. Despite Gandhi’s effort, some individuals could still not love and appreciate him. His security was the followers who protected him and his holy nature, which means he had protection from his maker[19]. He did not fear death as he interacted freely with the rest of the population without any worries[20]. Gandhi ensured that he was at peace even with those who considered him as an enemy as he did not want any form of confrontation. He could avoid issues that could risk his life, but he could not limit his ability. He continued to man over despite knowing well that his enemies were seeking his life.



He died at the hands of an assassin who decided to take the assignment after his brother failed to accomplish it. He died of three bullets that could be a symbol of his strong fight and push for democracy despite being threatened by death; he did not fear as he did, knowing that he had done his required role. The assassin was jailed and did not regret it at all, as he conferred through an interview in his jail term. He died at the age of 73 after serving his country and the people of the whole world on different levels. He bears a great chapter in the history of the world as one of the champions for equality.


Indians’ culture of cremation of individuals after their death had to act on the diplomatic father. The icon he left could not miss being celebrated in a memorial service. The political divides could feel the vacuum left by the Mahatma even if they quarrel sometimes. The British imperial government also recognized the death of the political martyr by taking part in his memorial. Despite the struggle for independence and the many conflicts with the government, he still respected and followed their rule. In fact, the whole world at then was mourning the death of an important pillar in the practice of unity among the conflicting times. The approach of politics was commemorated in his memorial service, where most of the leaders could not afford to say any form of offensive words against him. The South African individuals were also part of the community that shared great memories of an individual they had created.

A museum for his accomplishment has been created to inform the current generation of the famous father of the Indian community. The area is decorated and contains the ashes of his remains which are situated at a pillared location in the outside with the shape and picture of a graveyard. Inside the main museum, there are some of his common items and a gallery of his photos that represents the life of a champion. The area earns India some income as very many individuals travel from all parts of the world to view and memorize the life well lived. He did not deserve such a murder as he was the community’s pillar. The British governed still recognizes him as one of the most unique and civilized leaders who ensured his country never suffered the treats of conflicts when he could do something.

The South African government recognized the efforts of Mahatma in their country. After the South African leadership acquired their independence, they did not fail to recognize its importance. They erected a statue of Mahatma with his famous half-naked dressing code. It is a symbol of memory to the whole community and country. It reminds them how the outsider fought for their liberty and helps them in defending some of the frustrating leadership charges. The South African leaders were also inspired by his nature which became a role model to their quest and searched for independence.

Discussion of His Primary Role


Leaders are individuals with super ability as they are God has chosen and action on behalf of a huge population. They are recognized in the religious perspective as they are meant to serve all individuals. The ability of a leader is the measure of his success. Leaders who are able to transform a society from one status to another are treated as assets of the community. They are liked by most of the lower class individuals as they are part of their support. They champion the right of the most oppressed individuals as the fortunate individuals are sometimes part of the government support[21]. In the colonial era, the stable individuals were given roles by the imperial government through which they steered different activities of the government. They took part in frustrating the ordinary citizens to impress the white men for more favors.

Mahatma had enough education to get some good role in the colonial era, but he was not selfish as he could recall his background. He was part of the merchant community that has suffered in the hands of poverty before redeeming himself through the education system. As a leader, he shared a lot of knowledge to ensure most of the individuals were aware of the personal moves that can make them develop into admirable characters. Transformation involves a wide bracket of change which includes the health and educational standards of different regions. The impact of Gandhi in the congress led to the building of more schools and other regional facilities that would help the local Indians in their daily activities.

The Central Theme through His Life (Religion)

The life of the Indian-born lawyer reflected the authentic server leadership that is bestowed by a supreme being. All his ways of counter-attacking the colonial government were admirable and vested in true religion[22]. He had a strong belief as he protected other individuals’ lives without any intentions of benefiting from the actions. He became a significant leader recognized by the whole world for his approach to a political system. Most of the political systems involve conflicts with casualties who suffer out of the system coercion. The ability to maintain a clean ground within a dirty environment can only be supported by committed political leaders who are willing to serve and uplift humble individuals.

The religious perspective is depicted in a leader’s humility and diligence to ensure they serve the community interest before their personal goals. They also practice honesty where they cannot allow corruption to lure their intention for liberating the nation. Gandhi got bribed through very many British leadership options, but he decided to pursue his goals. As a leader, he did not witness independence, but he was the most celebrated individual as he was a product of his effort. He did not expose the community’s weaknesses for favors, and he also educated other potential leaders to avoid such traps. Most of the individuals followed his character due to the aesthetic value he had channeled to its picture.

Muslim versus the Hindu

The Indian protectorate under the British was made up of the Muslims and the Hindus, who were two different religious forms. They contradicted in some way, but they all had strong leaders. The absence of Mahatma in India had led to the disruption of peace. The formation of religious lines as most of the individuals believed in the truth fullness of their leaders. The Pakistan region had the most significant percentage of Muslims led by a law graduate who was strong as Mahatma. Gandhi decided to go back and save his home community from the chains of the white men who had infiltrated their cities and made them servants. He came up with a national face of handling issues. He could prove to the Muslim community that despite his Hindu religion, he was an Indian.

Mahatma created the “Indian” notion to eliminate the religious boundaries that hindered India’s unity. He knew that the British leaders would champion a broken relationship between the Indian Muslims and Hindus. It would lead to a weaker opposition that could not challenge the forces of the colonial governed. They worked around the clock to engage the Pakistan leaders, who got easily managed because they knew the policies of Gandhi could not be compromised. The Muslim community’s larger population learned the mahatma perspectives and decided to work in line as a general ideas community. It was difficult to separate religion from such individuals, but he managed to manipulate the same tool as bait. It was not for the self-benefit purpose but for the whole society. The Muslim community leaders realized the importance of unity when they felt they could not withstand the British wrath alone.

Gandhi tried to use the promise way to lure the leaders into creating a general religious phase. He could promise the Muslim leader that once they get independence, he would be the prime minister as their population was close to a quarter of the Indian people. Their voice was treated equally to the Mumbai population. The Calcutta settlement was where the Indian Muslims settled, but the Hindus leader mahatma announced himself as the general Indian leader. He educated them on the essence of having one joint stand, which would affect most of their wishes. He convinced them that he had their interests at his heart as he could not betray them because he was a national leader. The larger society felt his impact, and his words were trusted as there was evidence that in his stay in South Africa, he fought for the rights of the oppressed individuals.


Gandhi believed that he was meant to change the community or any place that he could live in; he worked towards ensuring the society’s general needs were accomplished even during difficult situations. He could make it part of his dreams to contribute to the livelihood of the poor citizens. He could be contented with the amount of salary he received in the law practices, but he was out after money. He had enough dame to make him relax and better opportunities to suit him good positions in the British protectorate offices. He did not consider them as opportunities but as ties and restrictions of making a better community than, he found. His heart was full of the willingness to do good to society. He could not even hide his intention as they were visible even by the enemy.

In his interview with the American journalist, he confirmed the reason for his passionate chase of freedom. During his studies in the London region, he enjoyed what it meant to be free and rule yourself. He derived the notion of freedom from the livelihood of the whites in England where he school. He could not afford to fail his community as he wanted them to have such unity and democracy. The development of eth society would be better when Indian natives would lead the country. He believed that he could transform the country from a developing nation to a first-world country. Gandhi has a vision that is visible in today’s Indian changes. India’s population is large, but they can sustain most of their activities through their evolved industrial and manufacturing sectors.

Recognition of the Role of Women

Women were very important in the making of Mahatma Gandhi. Her wife was one of the key players in his make as she supported him during his most difficult times. The arrest periods were the most difficult moments that made him even stronger as he was pushing for a better society. He had the option of protection of women as he treated them as golden beings. Most of his street followers were men, but he still educated and embraced women in leadership. He had an educated vision that would embrace the equality of all individuals in every angle of the community. Unlike other communities that treated women like home materials, he could encourage the education of the young ladies in his times as the induna congress representative.