Impacts of Network Advertising on Business Performance of East Asian Organizations

Executive Summary

The companies of the East Asian regions are strongly becoming technological oriented in each and every business management activities. The companies prioritize advanced marketing and promotional approaches as they perceive that unique and technologically advanced promotional approaches can help a particular company to meet the developed goals by creating strong brand awareness among the target customers. Network advertising is regarded as an important and evolved version of online advertising, which has a strong impact on brand awareness, business growth and core competency. Despite the advantages, the organizations are also facing some challenges, which need to be overcome by the marketing professionals. 


The contemporary era of globalization and technological advancement is motivating several leading companies across the world to ensure potential competitive advantages over other competitors. The technological advancement is actually helping the organizations across the world to adopt and apply the effective technological applications in each and every business operation process to make sure positive business outcome. Marketing and promotion can be regarded as an effectual business management approach, which assists the majority of the contemporary organizations to create significant brand awareness among the target customers. Most importantly, the marketing professionals of majority of the contemporary organizations are trying to implement unique strategic approaches for the better competitive edges. Most importantly, it is acceptable that the majority of the marketing professionals are trying to capitalize on the potential opportunities, which are developed due to the technological advancements. Most importantly, the marketing professionals are ensuring technology based promotional activities to enhance effective brand awareness. The East-Asian countries are becoming tech-savvy countries as the East-Asian companies are motivated by the governments of particular countries to use the advanced technological applications in the business operation process for better competitive.  The concept of network advertising has been evolved from the concept of online advertising. Online network advertising is a company or an agency, which helps to connect the available advertisers to the particular websites that are intended to host the advertisements. Most importantly, the major role of network advertising is to ensure aggregation of advertisement space supply from the important publishers and enhance effective relationship between the publishers and demand of the particular advertisers.  The significance of online network advertising includes strong brand awareness, positive business outcome and competitive advantages. The network advertising market is a growing and it is considered as a potential market place. The East Asian companies are taking help from the advertising network organizations in the business management process in order to take care of the business growth. The online and technology oriented advertising agencies have created a strong demand among the leading MNEs as well as SMEs of East Asia to capitalize on the particular opportunities. The emergence of the network advertising is actually motivating several digital entrepreneurs to enter in the potential market. Similar to the other global organizations, the renowned multinational companies along with the small and medium scale companies based in Eastern Asia are taking assistance from the network advertising activities in order to improve the brand communication between the target consumers and the company.                          

Research Background

The East Asian business organizations are strongly focusing on the establishment of unique business management strategies to ensure profitable business outcome. Samsung, Toyota, Honda Motors, Suzuki Motors, Hyundai, Sony, Alibaba etc are considered as some popular East Asian  business organizations,  which are popular among the business clients, target customers and important organizational stakeholders. Most importantly, these East Asian companies are strongly focusing on the utilization of the advanced technological resources in different business operation processes for better business growth. Advertising and promotion can be regarded as two important marketing activities in which the East Asian companies are strongly adopting the online technological support in the advertising and promotional activities for the better business growth. The marketing and promotional activities are regarded as important business management approaches, which assist the contemporary organizations to ensure effective brand awareness among the target customers. The demand for adoption of online marketing and network advertising is increasing significantly among the East Asian companies considering the emergence of the advanced technological applications in the promotion and marketing communication activities. There are several advantages of the consideration of the network advertising aspect on the business practices of a particular company. First of all, it helps the companies in effective branding as the strong brand communication between the target customers and management ensures adequate brand awareness activities. In addition, some technical aspects are considered by the advertising agencies in the particular network advertising process. Online network advertising can be divided into three different important segments considering the characteristics of work with the publishers and the advertisers. There are  three different  networks  can be considered in the particular network advertising process, such as  blind  network, targeted network and vertical network. These particular networks have a strong role in the network advertising concept, which will be discussed in the next literature review section. The number of online users is significantly increasing. Apart from it, the expectation of the online business performance is also increasing. [A1] 

Overall, it is accepted that the majority of the renowned companies within the East Asian regions are strongly focusing on the establishment and implication of the unique online marketing and promotional activities for the better business growth. Most importantly, it is debatable that the adoption of the concept of network advertising in the business management and marketing activities can enhance positive business growth, competitive advantages, brand awareness and business performance of the companies. The majority of the companies are considering advanced marketing and promotion options in the business operation process apart from the integration of high quality control aspect in the product and service delivery processes. Most importantly the quality of the marketing and promotional approaches has been increased with the integration of network advertising concept.  

Research Objectives

The major objective of this particular research work is to investigate the

[A2] Research Questions

This particular research work will try to address the following developed research questions with the help of proper arguments, theoretical approaches and the data analysis process. The research questions as follow:

  1. What is the impact of the network advertising on the brand awareness of the organizations situated in the East Asian regions?
  2. What is the impact of the network advertising on the business growth of the companies situated in the East Asian regions?
  3. What is the impact of the network advertising on the core competencies of the companies situated in the East Asian regions?

Literature Review and Theoretical Framework

Network advertising is considered as a particular advertising or promotional agency, which assists other organizations in the marketing and promotional activities. Most importantly, the network advertising process is an upgraded version of the advanced technology-led marketing and promotional approaches.  The network advertising process always helps an organization in different important aspects. First of all, this is essential to discuss the concept of network advertising. Network advertising can be considered as an important version of online marketing concept. Several digital entrepreneurs are trying to get engaged with the network advertising market as this particular market place is potential in nature. In addition, the East Asian companies are strongly capitalizing on the potential opportunities developed due to the emergence of the network advertising. The example of Samsung Electronics can be considered here.

Samsung is considered as a multinational conglomerate company. The marketing department of the company is always focused on the strong brand awareness through the consideration of the effective and unique promotional activities. The marketing department of the Samsung Electronics always depends upon the modern advertising agencies as these modern agencies always help the companies to create strong   brand awareness among the target customers. The marketing department of the Samsung Electronics considers contemporary promotional activities and platforms to create strong brand awareness. The management along with the marketing department of the organization strongly prioritizes adequate network advertising process for the better business growth. The network advertising agencies generally focus on the three important networks in the promotional approaches. These three important networking approaches are vertical network, targeted network and blind network.   It is an acceptable fact that the marketing department of Samsung has considered some contemporary promotional approaches in the business operation process in order to create a strong buzz about the products and services.  The management of the particular company believes that the   consideration of online network advertising will also assist the company to communicate with the target customers quite effectively. The growth in the number of internet and social media users is helping majority of the companies in the East Asian regions to get awareness of the online advertising and promotional approaches. It is a most important consideration that the management of the  contemporary organizations within the  East Asian countries are  adopting the network  advertising services in the marketing  activities for the betterment of  business operation processes/. This is already introduced that the network advertising activities generally assist an organization to strengthen the brand communication process. In addition, this particular approach will also assist the organizational management to enhance strong brand awareness despite the consideration of the competitive business environment and ongoing challenges in the global business operation process. The organizations of the East Asian regions are strongly ensuring contemporary marketing operation activities as this particular aspect can have a strong and negative consequences. The companies within this particular region are considering the network advertising aspect in the overall business operation process, which will assist the company to create strong brand awareness. The development of the strong brand awareness about the products and services can easily assist the companies develop a potential core competency, which can strengthen the brand image of a particular company.

There are several leading East Asian companies, such as Samsung, Honda, Hyundai, Toyota etc, which have adopted and implemented unique strategies in the business management and marketing operation processes for the better brand awareness and brand communication activities. Overall, it is acceptable that the majority of the companies have taken support from the network advertising concept for the betterment of business productivity and positive business growth.

Vertical Network

It is important to accept that the online advertising networks generally play an important role in the positive brand awareness. Most importantly, the vertical networks generally represent the advertisers in the individual portfolio. These types of vertical networks generally assist the companies to ensure high quality traffics in the particular portfolio. This is also accepted that the consideration of strong and high quality traffic at an economic price according to the target customers can ensure high quality side wide advertising options. This is acceptable that the majority of the advertising networking companies is strongly focused on this particular networking option to maintain overall transparency in the particular promotional and advertising processes.  

Targeted Network

Targeted networks are also considered as the next generation advertising and promotional network, which generally helps the advertisers to focus on the specific targeting technologies. These specific targeting technologies are either contextual targeting technology or behavioral targeting technology. Most importantly, it is acceptable that the particular advertising networking platform is expertise in controlling the click stream data quite effectively. Most importantly, majority of  the companies are strongly focused on  the use  of this  particular advertising network  in the  promotional activities  with the  integration of the advanced social graph  technologies for the  better inventory value.  The contemporary organizations are strongly intending to use this particular network in the online advertising process as it is price effective and efficient comparing to the other types of advertising networks. 

Blind Network

Blind network also can be regarded as one of the important options within the network advertising process. According to the characteristics of this particular advertising networking concept, this is acceptable that the companies and the advertising agencies used to offer good prices to the specific direct marketers against the relinquishing control over the particular site opt-out method. Hence, this is acceptable that the majority of the companies used to run advertising campaigns and promotional activities basis on the Run-of-network concept. This is considered as an important concept for the organizations to ensure a conflict free and strong online network advertising concept. The blind networking in the advertising network aspects used to focus on the consideration of the strong advanced advertising targeting technology and strong conversion optimization approach. This is   considered as an   important advertising networking options, which is considered by the majority of the contemporary organizations within the promotional activities. Overall, it is acceptable that different companies used to adopt different networking activities basis on the individual comfort zone.

[A3] Impact on Brand Awareness

Brand awareness can be considered as one of the important business growth driver, which actually helps a particular company to improve the popularity and acceptance of the particular products and services among the target customers. This is highly essential for the management of companies within the East Asian regions that the firms need to adopt the ruthless and aggressive approaches in the marketing operation processes in order to ensure a strong business growth. However, the brand awareness of a particular product or a service or an entire organization can be developed due to the help of quality promotional and marketing approaches. This is considered as an important business management activity, which can help the companies to ensure a strong consumer perception on the brand image. Before going into the critical discussions, this is highly essential for the researcher to determine the major reason behind the positive impact of the network advertising on the brand image of the companies.

The East Asian countries are becoming tech-savvy countries as the people of such countries are becoming strongly oriented with the online and internet applications. In addition, people of these East Asian regions also have a strong presence within the popular social media networking websites. Hence, the majority of the companies within the East Asian regions are strongly trying to capitalize on the potential opportunities crated due to the utilization of the technological advancement. This is important to accept that the managements of the particular companies are strongly focused on the unique business management and marketing communication activities. In addition, this is also essential to express that the promotion and advertisement has a strong impact on the brand awareness of the companies. Majority of the companies within the East Asian regions strongly prioritize the impact of the promotional activities on the business performance and brand awareness. The majority of the companies are trying to capitalize on the tech-savvy opportunities as the people are getting habituated with the internet and online applications. There are two important types of promotional approaches. One is traditional promotional approach. Other is contemporary promotional approach. The traditional approach generally includes promotional activities through print medium platforms, newspapers, hoardings etc. Alternatively, the contemporary promotional approaches also have an important impact on the brand awareness. The contemporary promotional platforms include social media promotional activities, digital media promotional activities and network advertising. Network advertising is considered as a cost and time effective promotional approach, which generally assists the organizations to ensure strong brand awareness through the consideration of the effective business management activities. It is acceptable that the majority of the automobile companies in the East Asian regions, such as Honda, Toyota, Suzuki, Nissan, and Hyundai used to capitalize on the contemporary promotional activities in the business operation process for the better business growth. However, better business growth used to come through better promotional activities as unique brand awareness can help an organization top improve the perception level of the target customers regarding the quality of the particular products and services. Most importantly, it is acceptable that the majority of the companies in near future will try to adopt more ruthless and aggressive approaches in the business operation management processes for the better business growth. All of the above mentioned companies are well aware of these aspects that the people are getting technology-savvy and the particular individuals within the East Asian regions are getting used to with the concept of network advertising as the number of social media, internet and smart phone users is increasing rapidly.  Hence, it has become acceptable that people used to find for some new inventions and aspects in terms of products and services through the help of unique online network advertising practices as the consideration of these specific network advertising practices have a strong as well as positive impact on the business management approaches of a particular company.

The use of advanced advertising networks and data traffics supported by the advanced online technological applications can assist the companies to take care of the strong data management approaches. Most importantly, the companies in the East Asian regions in this modern era are strongly focusing on the utilization of the either blind network, or targeted network and vertical network in the advertising processes. Most importantly, it can be accepted that the majority of the companies used to adopt the contemporary version of the advertisement networks for efficient and cost effective promotions. In some cases, it also has been identified that the majority of the companies are strongly focused on the establishment of unique business management and marketing operation activities for the better promotion and brand awareness. Basically, the majority of the companies used to consider the utilization of differentiated   networks in the business operation process in order to ensure quality brand awareness of the particular products and services in the cost effective way. Most importantly, it is acceptable that advanced technology friendly network applications in the advertising and promotional approaches can assist a particular company to ensure some quality business management approaches.

The East Asian companies are ensuring quality and efficient online network advertising in the marketing and promotional activities for the better brand awareness of the particular product s and services under a specific brand name. It is highly essential to discuss that the companies need to capitalize on the potential opportunities to enhance effective network advertising approaches. In terms of the initiation of the high quality and effective network advertizing approaches, majority of the multinational firms as well as small and medium scaled organizations based in east Asian regions always focus on the use of advanced technological devices, such as smart phone applications, computer networks and digital media networks in order to ensure high quality business growth without the consideration of any kind of conflicts. In addition, this is also essential to accept that the consideration of the particular technological devices in the network advertising process   is full of several challenges and risk factors, which need to be considered. Overall, efficiency and time as well as cost effectiveness aspects can assist the companies in the East Asian region to focus on quality marketing and promotional approaches.

Impact on Business Profitability

Business profitability, advertising and brand awareness are strongly interrelated to each other. This is acceptable that the management of the leading organizations within the East Asian regions has understood the importance or significance of the strong brand awareness aspects in the business profitability. Strong brand awareness of a particular product or a service always assists a company to improve the acceptance level of the particular products and services. In addition, this is also essential to accept that the majority of the companies believe that strong brand awareness of the products can help a particular company to improve the business profitability of the companies in the East Asian regions. This is acceptable that the majority of the companies used to adopt the online marketing and other promotional approaches to enhance the business profitability. The network advertising processes generally assist the majority of the companies to improve the business communication process between the consumers and the management of the organizations. Strong communication with the customers, effective branding, strong brand awareness and positive perception towards the products and services can be regarded as the major consequences of the adoption of the online network advertising activities in the business operation management approaches. These specific aspects actually help the companies to ensure a strong and adequate business performance. The profitability of the business always depends upon branding product performance, quality of products, quality of services and stakeholder engagement aspects. Most importantly, this is acceptable that  the majority of the organizations in the East Asian regions are strongly focused on  the establishment of unique and advanced marketing approaches for the development of the strong brand awareness. According to the managements of the particular companies within the Eastern Asian regions, the marketing professionals often think that marketing and promotion are two important aspects, which can act as business growth drivers. The online promotional approaches actually can attract majority of the number of individuals from the East Asian regions as it is acceptable that the majority of the individuals are habituated with the online promotional activities. It is acceptable that the number of internet users is increasing on daily basis in the particular East Indian region. This is also essential for the company management to accept that the particular business sectors or industries are becoming competitive day by day. Hence, this is an essential aspect to consider that the unique promotional activities actually can help the contemporary marketing professionals to attract the attention of the target customers towards the particular products and services under a particular brand name. This is also essential for the management of the organizations to ensure a strong productivity apart from the consideration of the marketing approaches. According to the consideration of the marketing operation management aspects, it is identical that the consideration of the advanced online network advertising activities will assist the management of the companies to ensure a strong business communication between the management of the company and target customers. Overall, it is identical that the strong brand awareness ultimately helps a company to improve the business growth and business profitability of a firm as it enhances positive perception. In addition, this is also acceptable that the consideration of this particular approach will also assist the companies within the East Asian regions to improve the overall profitability. Hence, it is identified that network advertising has a strong impact on the business performance of the companies as it makes sure strong profitability of the firms. The example of different leading organizations based in the eastern Asian regions can be considered here, which has adopted the network advertising method in the promotional activities to ensure strong brand awareness and profitable business outcome.

Apart from the consideration of the strong impact on the branding, brand communication and business profitability, effective network advertising processes also assist the majority of the companies to spread the message about the products and services to the target customers. IT is considered as one of the efficient and time effective medium. Overall, it is acceptable that the majority of the companies within the East Asian regions need to capitalize on the potential opportunities, which are created due to the technological advancements and globalization. Most importantly, this is acceptable that the sustainable and cost effective promotional activities are required for any kind of organizations in  the business management activities to  meet the developed business objectives as well as sustainability goals. The major sustainability goals of the majority of the organizations within the East Asian regions are to offer quality products and services to the target customers according to the needs of the target customers. This is the major aspect for any organization to maintain sustainability in the product and service offering process. In addition, this is also essential for the management of the East Asian business organizations to spread the message about the functionality, price and quality of the products and services among the target customers. These are the major reasons behind the prioritization of the network advertising as the organizations within the contemporary era across the East Asian regions have considered a strong impact on the business profitability as well as business growth. In an addition, the majority of the companies are especially the automobile and electronic appliance manufacturing organizations are prioritizing the network advertising concept in the business operation process in order to ensure a strong growth of the companies. Hence, it is acceptable that the consideration of strong business management promotional approaches with the integration of the online network advertising applications can help a particular company to improve the business growth.

Lastly, it is also acceptable that the majority of the organizations in the East Asian regions always understand the pulse of people and target customers. People are technology savvy and they are habituated with the online business operation processes. Therefore, it is acceptable that the consideration of the network advertising approach can assist in the strong business profitability and business growth of the particular organizations.

Impact on Core Competency

The demand for adoption of online marketing and network advertising is increasing significantly among the East Asian companies considering the emergence of the advanced technological applications in the promotion and marketing communication activities. There are several advantages of the consideration of the network advertising aspect on the business practices of a particular company. The East Asian companies are strongly focusing on the utilization of the advanced technological resources in different business operation processes for better business growth. Advertising and promotion can be regarded as two important marketing activities in which the East Asian companies are strongly adopting the online technological support in the advertising and promotional activities for the better business growth. The marketing and promotional activities are regarded as important business management approaches, which assist the contemporary organizations to ensure effective brand awareness among the target customers. First of all, it helps the companies in effective branding as the strong brand communication between the target customers and management ensures adequate brand awareness activities. In addition, some technical aspects are considered by the advertising agencies in the particular network advertising process. Online network advertising can be divided into three different important segments considering the characteristics of work with the publishers and the advertisers. There are  three different  networks  can be considered in the particular network advertising process, such as  blind  network, targeted network and vertical network. These particular networks have a strong role in the network advertising concept, which will be discussed in the next literature review section. It is acceptable that the managements of the majority of the multinational companies based in East Asian regions are considering these networks in the online promotional activities to ensure a strong customer base development process. The consideration of the different networks in the promotion and marketing operation process actually can help a particular company to create significant brand awareness in an efficient way focusing on the strong market competition and high market saturation in the East Asian market within the respective industries. Consideration of the technologically advanced network advertising process actually can help a particular company to create strong brand awareness among the target customers and important stakeholders. Alternatively, consideration of the particular approach can help the business management organizations to ensure a quality and positive perception about the brand name, which will positively contribute in the business growth and profitability of the organizations. Overall, this is acceptable that the majority of the companies within the East Asian regions need to figure out the associated challenges. However, the consideration of the strong business management and ruthless network advertising process as promotional aspect can assist the management of the companies to improve the core competency as the quality control regarding the application of the network advertising approaches can significantly improve brand image and business profitability of an organization. This particular aspect can easily assist an organization to improve the core competency of the company. Apart from the improvement in core competency by increasing profitability, business values as well as different types of business outcome, it is also important to consider the stakeholder value aspect as stakeholder value and core competencies of an organization strongly related to each other. This is an essential consideration that improvement in the business management approaches along with the enhancement of business profitability without hampering the business sustainability can help a company to get valuable support from the important organizational stakeholders. However, this is acceptable that the majority of the important stakeholders can support a particular company basis on the sustainability and ethical approaches. This is also considered as one of the major reason s behind the enhancement of core competency and it is identical that use of advanced network advertising has assisted the East Asian companies to ensure a potential competitive advantages.

[A4] Challenges associated with Network Advertising

Despite the advantages and benefits, the associated risk factors and challenges can affect the business growth and sustainability of a particular company. This is highly essential to consider the associated risk factors as majority of the companies within the East Asian regions are adopting this network advertising concept in the overall marketing and promotional activities. Hence, it is the responsibility of the marketing professionals to mitigate the associated challenges, which will assist the companies to maintain sustainability in the overall marketing as well as business operation management approaches. In terms of issues, malware issues, positioning challenges, ad relevance challenges and price transparency challenges can be considered as the major challenges for the organizations within the East Asian regions associated with the network advertising challenges.

Ad relevance challenges can be regarded as one of the major challenges for the companies. The ad relevance issues associated with the network advertising can hamper the overall sustainability of the entire advertisement. It is also acceptable that the majority of the companies are strongly accepting that the relevance of a particular advertisement always depends upon the quality of the message and content of the particular advertisement. This is also acceptable that the majority of the companies generally forget that that the high quality web content is equally important for the marketing professionals to consider. The organizational management along with the marketing consultants needs to consider the importance of the appropriateness of each and every aspect of a particular aspect in order to overcome the challenges associated with the particular advertisement. In addition, the marketing professionals also face problems in the ad relevance challenges that the particular professionals used to face failure in offering right message and information regarding the quality and attributes of the particular products and services. These things need to be considered by the companies within the East Asian regions through the help of the skills and competencies of the market managers in order to overcome the possible challenges.

Malware related challenges also can be regarded as a critical challenge or risk factor associated with the network advertising concept. This is acceptable that some popular advertising networks have been implied in order to aid the overall distribution of the malware. There are several important reasons behind the occurrence of the particular issues. This particular aspect is being initiated in order to allow the malicious advertisers to purchase the particular existing inventory across the sites of the partners without having enough security. This is acceptable that the continuous attack of malware on the websites can affect the message and website contents quite critically. This particular aspect has a strong negative impact on the sustainability and effectiveness of the network used in a particular advertisement. In addition, the malware related challenges also can affect the business operation cost and time. Overall, it may hamper the relationship between the important stakeholders of the particular organizations and advertising agencies. The organizations within the East Asian countries need to overcome these specific challenges to maintain sustainability.   

Apart from these two challenges, the positioning issue also can be considered as a real concern for the marketing professionals of the companies. It is acceptable that the majority of the advertising networks do not disclose the impressions on the basis on each and every website. Hence, this is acceptable that the media agencies along with the advertisers do not provide any kind of surety, which can tell that the particular campaign will run without any kind of conflict and obligation. This is also considered as one of the important aspects that the majority of the organizations in the East Asian regions strongly focus on adequate effective and balanced positioning approach, which can assist a particular company to ensure a strong business management aspect. Inadequate positioning of the advertising network can simply cause the dangerous proposition to the particular website, which can be overcome through adequate business management activities.

Apart from all of the other challenges, it is also important for The organizational management along with the marketing professionals to maintain effective transparency within the network advertising processes as the marketing professionals need to maintain a strong transparency and ethics  in  the  price package.  Consideration of t  he price transparency basis on the requirements and needs of the marketing activities is important as the companies within the East Asian regions  need to consider some adequate business management approaches for the better business growth. Overall, price transparency related challenges can actually hamper the quality and sustainability of the overall research work. This is acceptable that the majority of the companies within the East Asian regions need to ensure effective transparency in the marketing and promotion approaches.

The managers of the multinational companies along with the small and medium scaled firms based in Eat Asian regions need to consider some resolution to address the issues. The transparency, malware, ad relevance and positioning issues are considered as some important challenges, which can affect the business growth and sustainability of the marketing activities. Overall, it is important for the organizational leaders to state that the majority of the companies need to ensure some potential re solutions to overcome these particular challenges. However, apart from   these issues, the technological department along with the marketing professionals needs to consider the evaluation of the technologically advanced and online applications. Hence, this is acceptable that the sustainability of the advertisements and promotions can be considered in this particular aspect through the consideration of a strong and adequate analysis and reviewing approaches.

Lack of stakeholder engagement problem can be regarded as one of the major challenges, which can affect the strategy development and decision making challenges during the consideration of the adequate business management activities. The majority of the East Asian organizations are prioritizing the concept of online network advertising activities for the better business growth. Poor control and stakeholder engagement challenges can affect the overall business brand awareness and brand communication related aspects. The company management along with marketing professionals needs to overcome these particular challenges.

Research Methodology

Research methodology is an important criterion for any kind of research work to gain a positive research outcome. Majority of the researchers used to prioritize the role of the research method in a particular research work basis on the characteristics of a research work. Research methodology is a vital integral part of a particular research work. Research methodology can be divided into different segments. The researchers used to adopt the research methodology in a particular research work basis on the specific characteristics.  Adoption of the appropriate research methodology basis on the characteristics of a particular research work actually assists a researcher to get an important research outcome. Consideration of the appropriate research method actually helps a researcher to meet the developed objective of the particular research work quite effectively.  Research methodology is mainly divided into two important segments. One is qualitative research methodology.  Other is quantitative research methodology. Both of these research methods are of different characteristics. In qualitative research methodology, the researchers used to deal with the feelings, though process, perception, motivation and emotions of people and respondents.  Alternatively, in the quantitative research methodology the researchers used to deal with the collected data and information with the help of mathematical and statistical analysis. The qualitative research methodology and quantitative research methodology have individual advantages and disadvantages. Most importantly, the researchers used to adopt the particular research method in the research work basis on the characteristics of the research work. The researchers used to adopt qualitative research method in a research work basis on the exploratory nature of the particular research work.

Justification of Selection of Research Methodology

It is already introduced that a researcher has the choice to adopt either qualitative research methodology or quantitative research methodology in a particular research work basis on the characteristics. This particular research work is based on the analysis of the impact of network advertising on the business performance of the companies in the East Asian region. In this particular research work, it is acceptable that the views, though process and perception of the industry experts will be considered as valuable. Hence, the research work is considered as exploratory in nature. Therefore, the adoption and implementation of the qualitative research methodology will assist the particular research to meet the developed objectives for the particular research work. The consideration of the exploratory nature will also motivate the researcher to collect the data by asking related questions to the respondents along with the industry experts. Therefore, consideration of the qualitative research methodology basis on the exploratory nature of the particular research work will justify the selection. Apart from the justification basis on the research characteristics, it is also acceptable that the consideration of the qualitative research methodology for this particular research work is highly justified basis on the cost and time effectiveness related advantages. These aspects will assist the researcher to gain positive research outcome quite effectively[A5] .

Data Collection Method and Sampling

Similar to research methodological approaches, data collection methods are also considered as important integral aspects of any kind of research work. The selection of appropriate and justified data collection processes actually assist the researchers to meet the developed objectives of a particular research work quite significantly. Data collection process can be segmented into different aspects, but majority of the researchers used to segment the data collection process into two different segments.  One is secondary data collection process. Other is primary data collection process. Secondary data collection process and primary data collection process are of different characteristics and both of these data collection approaches have individual advantages and disadvantages.  In the primary data collection process, the researchers used to collect the fresh, live, raw and up-to-date data for any research work. Alternatively, in the secondary data collection process, the researcher used to collect the required information and data from the existing sources. It is already discussed that both secondary and primary data collection processes have individual advantages and limitations. The majority of the researchers used to consider a particular data collection process basis on the advantages and limitations of the data collection processes. In terms of the advantages, the researchers can get fresh, up-to-date and live data and information related to the research topic in the primary data collection process. This is the major strength of the primary data collection process.   In the secondary data collection process, the researchers used to collect numerous data and information in quick time period from existing data sources. Time and cost effectiveness are regarded as two important advantages of this secondary data collection process. In terms of disadvantages, primary data collection process is considered as time and cost consuming approach. Alternatively, the researchers used to face problems regarding the authenticity of the collected data through the secondary data collection process, which is considered as the major disadvantage of the secondary data collection process. Hence, both the secondary and primary data collection processes will be adopted in this particular research work basis on the advantages of both the data collection process.

In terms of secondary data collection process, academic journals and text books will be considered as the major sources of the secondary data. On the other hand, open ended questionnaire round will be considered by the researcher in order to collect the primary data and information related to the developed research objectives and research questions.  Similar to the data collection processes, sampling is also considered as a vital part, which ensures quality primary data collection process. Simple random sampling process will be considered by the researcher in this particular research work. 20 managers from the 20 multinational companies based in the East Asian regions have been considered for the semi-structured open ended questionnaire round.[A6]  Their responses will be taken and analyzed by the researcher in order to meet the developed research objectives and address the developed research questions. Overall, strong ethics will be considered in the data collection approaches to get a positive research outcome. Hence, it is acceptable that the sample size for this particular research work is 20.

Data Analysis [A7] 

In terms of the first question asked to the respondents, all the 20 respondents have stated that network advertising has a strong impact on brand awareness.  According to the respondents, The East Asian countries are becoming tech-savvy countries as the people of such countries are becoming strongly oriented with the online and internet applications. In addition, people of these East Asian regions also have a strong presence within the popular social media networking websites. Hence, the majority of the companies within the East Asian regions are strongly trying to capitalize on the potential opportunities crated due to the utilization of the technological advancement. According to the respondents, the contemporary promotional platforms include social media promotional activities, digital media promotional activities and network advertising. Network advertising is considered as a cost and time effective promotional approach, which generally assists the organizations to ensure strong brand awareness through the consideration of the effective business management activities. It is acceptable that the majority of the automobile companies in the East Asian regions, such as Honda, Toyota, Suzuki, Nissan, and Hyundai used to capitalize on the contemporary promotional activities in the business operation process for the better business growth. However, better business growth used to come through better promotional activities as unique brand awareness can help an organization top improve the perception level of the target customers regarding the quality of the particular products and services. Most importantly, it is acceptable that the majority of the companies in near future will try to adopt more ruthless and aggressive approaches in the business operation management processes for the better business growth. All of the above mentioned companies are well aware of these aspects that the people are getting technology-savvy and the particular individuals within the East Asian regions are getting used to with the concept of network advertising as the number of social media, internet and smart phone users is increasing rapidly. This is important to accept that the managements of the particular companies are strongly focused on the unique business management and marketing communication activities. In addition, this is also essential to express that the promotion and advertisement has a strong impact on the brand awareness of the companies. Majority of the companies within the East Asian regions strongly prioritize the impact of the promotional activities on the business performance and brand awareness. The majority of the companies are trying to capitalize on the tech-savvy opportunities as the people are getting habituated with the internet and online applications. There are two important types of promotional approaches. One is traditional promotional approach. Other is contemporary promotional approach. The traditional approach generally includes promotional activities through print medium platforms, newspapers, hoardings etc. Alternatively, the contemporary promotional approaches also have an important impact on the brand awareness.  Hence, it has become acceptable that people used to find for some new inventions and aspects in terms of products and services through the help of unique online network advertising practices as the consideration of these specific network advertising practices have a strong as well as positive impact on the business management approaches of a particular company. According to all the respondents, Network advertisement  can  be considered as an important business management activity, which can help the companies to ensure a strong consumer perception on the brand image. Before going into the critical discussions, this is highly essential for the researcher to determine the major reason behind the positive impact of the network advertising on the brand image of the companies. The use of advanced advertising networks and data traffics supported by the advanced online technological applications can assist the companies to take care of the strong data management approaches. Most importantly, the companies in the East Asian regions in this modern era are strongly focusing on the utilization of the either blind network, or targeted network and vertical network in the advertising processes. Brand awareness can be considered as one of the important business growth driver, which actually helps a particular company to improve the popularity and acceptance of the particular products and services among the target customers. This is highly essential for the management of companies within the East Asian regions that the firms need to adopt the ruthless and aggressive approaches in the marketing operation processes in order to ensure a strong business growth. However, the brand awareness of a particular product or a service or an entire organization can be developed due to the help of quality promotional and marketing approaches. Most importantly, it can be accepted that the majority of the companies used to adopt the contemporary version of the advertisement networks for efficient and cost effective promotions. In some cases, it also has been identified that the majority of the companies are strongly focused on the establishment of unique business management and marketing operation activities for the better promotion and brand awareness. Basically, the majority of the companies used to consider the utilization of differentiated   networks in the business operation process in order to ensure quality brand awareness of the particular products and services in the cost effective way. Most importantly, it is acceptable that advanced technology friendly network applications in the advertising and promotional approaches can assist a particular company to ensure some quality business management approaches. In terms of the initiation of the high quality and effective network advertizing approaches, majority of the multinational firms as well as small and medium scaled organizations based in east Asian regions always focus on the use of advanced technological devices, such as smart phone applications, computer networks and digital media networks in order to ensure high quality business growth without the consideration of any kind of conflicts. In addition, this is also essential to accept that the consideration of the particular technological devices in the network advertising process   is full of several challenges and risk factors, which need to be considered. The East Asian companies are ensuring quality and efficient online network advertising in the marketing and promotional activities for the better brand awareness of the particular product s and services under a specific brand name. It is highly essential to discuss that the companies need to capitalize on the potential opportunities to enhance effective network advertising approaches. Overall, efficiency and time as well as cost effectiveness aspects can assist the companies in the East Asian region to focus on quality marketing and promotional approaches.

In terms of the second question, all the  respondents have acknowledged the  fact that the networking advertising  is  associated with several risk factors. This is highly essential to consider the associated risk factors as majority of the companies within the East Asian regions are adopting this network advertising concept in the overall marketing and promotional activities. Hence, it is the responsibility of the marketing professionals to mitigate the associated challenges, which will assist the companies to maintain sustainability in the overall marketing as well as business operation management approaches. According to all the respondents, malware issues, positioning challenges, ad relevance challenges and price transparency challenges can be considered as the major challenges for the organizations within the East Asian regions associated with the network advertising challenges. Despite the advantages and benefits, the associated risk factors and challenges can affect the business growth and sustainability of a particular company. Malware related challenges also can be regarded as a critical challenge or risk factor associated with the network advertising concept. This is acceptable that some popular advertising networks have been implied in order to aid the overall distribution of the malware. There are several important reasons behind the occurrence of the particular issues. This particular aspect is being initiated in order to allow the malicious advertisers to purchase the particular existing inventory across the sites of the partners without having enough security. This is acceptable that the continuous attack of malware on the websites can affect the message and website contents quite critically. This particular aspect has a strong negative impact on the sustainability and effectiveness of the network used in a particular advertisement. In addition, the malware related challenges also can affect the business operation cost and time. Overall, it may hamper the relationship between the important stakeholders of the particular organizations and advertising agencies. The organizations within the East Asian countries need to overcome these specific challenges to maintain sustainability.   Ad relevance challenges can be regarded as one of the major challenges for the companies. The ad relevance issues associated with the network advertising can hamper the overall sustainability of the entire advertisement. It is also acceptable that the majority of the companies are strongly accepting that the relevance of a particular advertisement always depends upon the quality of the message and content of the particular advertisement. This is also acceptable that the majority of the companies generally forget that that the high quality web content is equally important for the marketing professionals to consider. The organizational management along with the marketing consultants needs to consider the importance of the appropriateness of each and every aspect of a particular aspect in order to overcome the challenges associated with the particular advertisement. In addition, the marketing professionals also face problems in the ad relevance challenges that the particular professionals used to face failure in offering right message and information regarding the quality and attributes of the particular products and services. These things need to be considered by the companies within the East Asian regions through the help of the skills and competencies of the market managers in order to overcome the possible challenges. The positioning issue also can be considered as a real concern for the marketing professionals of the companies. It is acceptable that the majority of the advertising networks do not disclose the impressions on the basis on each and every website. Hence, this is acceptable that the media agencies along with the advertisers do not provide any kind of surety, which can tell that the particular campaign will run without any kind of conflict and obligation. This is also considered as one of the important aspects that the majority of the organizations in the East Asian regions strongly focus on adequate effective and balanced positioning approach, which can assist a particular company to ensure a strong business management aspect. Inadequate positioning of the advertising network can simply cause the dangerous proposition to the particular website, which can be overcome through adequate business management activities.  Apart from all of the other challenges, it is also important for the organizational management along with the marketing professionals to maintain effective transparency within the network advertising processes as the marketing professionals need to maintain a strong transparency and ethics  in  the  price package.  firms based in Eat Asian regions need to consider some resolution to address the issues. The transparency, malware, ad relevance and positioning issues are considered as some important challenges, which can affect the business growth and sustainability of the marketing activities. However, apart from   these issues, the technological department along with the marketing professionals needs to consider the evaluation of the technologically advanced and online applications. Overall, it is important for the organizational leaders to state that the majority of the companies need to ensure some potential re solutions to overcome these particular challenges. Hence, this is acceptable that the sustainability of the advertisements and promotions can be considered in this particular aspect through the consideration of a strong and adequate analysis and reviewing approaches Consideration of t  he price transparency basis on the requirements and needs of the marketing activities is important as the companies within the East Asian regions  need to consider some adequate business management approaches for the better business growth. Overall, price transparency related challenges can actually hamper the quality and sustainability of the overall research work. This is acceptable that the majority of the companies within the East Asian regions need to ensure effective transparency in the marketing and promotion approaches. Lack of stakeholder engagement problem can be regarded as one of the major challenges, which can affect the strategy development and decision making challenges during the consideration of the adequate business management activities. The majority of the East Asian organizations are prioritizing the concept of online network advertising activities for the better business growth. Poor control and stakeholder engagement challenges can affect the overall business brand awareness and brand communication related aspects. The company management along with marketing professionals needs to overcome these particular challenges. The managers of the multinational companies along with the small and medium scaled.

In terms of third question, all the 20  respondents have  accepted that network advertising  has  a  strong impact on core competency of an organization  as it helps to strengthen the core competency of a firm. Online network advertising can be divided into three different important segments considering the characteristics of work with the publishers and the advertisers. There are  three different  networks  can be considered in the particular network advertising process, such as  blind  network, targeted network and vertical network. These particular networks have a strong role in the network advertising concept, which will be discussed in the next literature review section. It is acceptable that the managements of the majority of the multinational companies based in East Asian regions are considering these networks in the online promotional activities to ensure a strong customer base development process. According to the respondents, network advertising helps the companies in effective branding as the strong brand communication between the target customers and management ensures adequate brand awareness activities. In addition, some technical aspects are considered by the advertising agencies in the particular network advertising process. The demand for adoption of online marketing and network advertising is increasing significantly among the East Asian companies considering the emergence of the advanced technological applications in the promotion and marketing communication activities. There are several advantages of the consideration of the network advertising aspect on the business practices of a particular company. The East Asian companies are strongly focusing on the utilization of the advanced technological resources in different business operation processes for better business growth. Advertising and promotion can be regarded as two important marketing activities in which the East Asian companies are strongly adopting the online technological support in the advertising and promotional activities for the better business growth. The marketing and promotional activities are regarded as important business management approaches, which assist the contemporary organizations to ensure effective brand awareness among the target customers. The consideration of the different networks in the promotion and marketing operation process actually can help a particular company to create significant brand awareness in an efficient way focusing on the strong market competition and high market saturation in the East Asian market within the respective industries. Consideration of the technologically advanced network advertising process actually can help a particular company to create strong brand awareness among the target customers and important stakeholders. Apart from the improvement in core competency by increasing profitability, business values as well as different types of business outcome, it is also important to consider the stakeholder value aspect as stakeholder value and core competencies of an organization strongly related to each other. This is an essential consideration that improvement in the business management approaches along with the enhancement of business profitability without hampering the business sustainability can help a company to get valuable support from the important organizational stakeholders. However, this is acceptable that the majority of the important stakeholders can support a particular company basis on the sustainability and ethical approaches. This is also considered as one of the major reason s behind the enhancement of core competency and it is identical that use of advanced network advertising has assisted the East Asian companies to ensure a potential competitive advantages. Alternatively, consideration of the particular approach can help the business management organizations to ensure a quality and positive perception about the brand name, which will positively contribute in the business growth and profitability of the organizations. Overall, this is acceptable that the majority of the companies within the East Asian regions need to figure out the associated challenges. However, the consideration of the strong business management and ruthless network advertising process as promotional aspect can assist the management of the companies to improve the core competency as the quality control regarding the application of the network advertising approaches can significantly improve brand image and business profitability of an organization. This particular aspect can easily assist an organization to improve the core competency of the company.

In terms of fourth question all the respondents have stated  that network advertising has  a strong impact on business profitability. According to the  respondents, The profitability of the business always depends upon branding product performance, quality of products, quality of services and stakeholder engagement aspects. Most importantly, this is acceptable that  the majority of the organizations in the East Asian regions are strongly focused on  the establishment of unique and advanced marketing approaches for the development of the strong brand awareness. According to all the respondents, the network advertising processes generally assist the majority of the companies to improve the business communication process between the consumers and the management of the organizations. Strong communication with the customers, effective branding, strong brand awareness and positive perception towards the products and services can be regarded as the major consequences of the adoption of the online network advertising activities in the business operation management approaches. According to the respondents, it is also acceptable that the majority of the organizations in the East Asian regions always understand the pulse of people and target customers. People are technology savvy and they are habituated with the online business operation processes. Therefore, it is acceptable that the consideration of the network advertising approach can assist in the strong business profitability and business growth of the particular organizations. These specific aspects actually help the companies to ensure a strong and adequate business performance. Business profitability, advertising and brand awareness are strongly interrelated to each other. This is acceptable that the management of the leading organizations within the East Asian regions has understood the importance or significance of the strong brand awareness aspects in the business profitability. Strong brand awareness of a particular product or a service always assists a company to improve the acceptance level of the particular products and services. In addition, this is also essential to accept that the majority of the companies believe that strong brand awareness of the products can help a particular company to improve the business profitability of the companies in the East Asian regions. This is acceptable that the majority of the companies used to adopt the online marketing and other promotional approaches to enhance the business profitability. According to the managements of the particular companies within the Eastern Asian regions, the marketing professionals often think that marketing and promotion are two important aspects, which can act as business growth drivers. The online promotional approaches actually can attract majority of the number of individuals from the East Asian regions as it is acceptable that the majority of the individuals are habituated with the online promotional activities. It is acceptable that the number of internet users is increasing on daily basis in the particular East Indian region. This is also essential for the company management to accept that the particular business sectors or industries are becoming competitive day by day. Hence, this is an essential aspect to consider that the unique promotional activities actually can help the contemporary marketing professionals to attract the attention of the target customers towards the particular products and services under a particular brand name. This is also essential for the management of the organizations to ensure a strong productivity apart from the consideration of the marketing approaches. According to the consideration of the marketing operation management aspects, it is identical that the consideration of the advanced online network advertising activities will assist the management of the companies to ensure a strong business communication between the management of the company and target customers. Overall, it is identical that the strong brand awareness ultimately helps a company to improve the business growth and business profitability of a firm as it enhances positive perception. In addition, this is also acceptable that the consideration of this particular approach will also assist the companies within the East Asian regions to improve the overall profitability. Hence, it is identified that network advertising has a strong impact on the business performance of the companies as it makes sure strong profitability of the firms. The example of different leading organizations based in the eastern Asian regions can be considered here, which has adopted the network advertising method in the promotional activities to ensure strong brand awareness and profitable business outcome. The major sustainability goals of the majority of the organizations within the East Asian regions are to offer quality products and services to the target customers according to the needs of the target customers. This is the major aspect for any organization to maintain sustainability in the product and service offering process. In addition, this is also essential for the management of the East Asian business organizations to spread the message about the functionality, price and quality of the products and services among the target customers. These are the major reasons behind the prioritization of the network advertising as the organizations within the contemporary era across the East Asian regions have considered a strong impact on the business profitability as well as business growth. In an addition, the majority of the companies are especially the automobile and electronic appliance manufacturing organizations are prioritizing the network advertising concept in the business operation process in order to ensure a strong growth of the companies. Hence, it is acceptable that the consideration of strong business management promotional approaches with the integration of the online network advertising applications can help a particular company to improve the business growth. Apart from the consideration of the strong impact on the branding, brand communication and business profitability, effective network advertising processes also assist the majority of the companies to spread the message about the products and services to the target customers. IT is considered as one of the efficient and time effective medium. Overall, it is acceptable that the majority of the companies within the East Asian regions need to capitalize on the potential opportunities, which are created due to the technological advancements and globalization. Most importantly, this is acceptable that the sustainable and cost effective promotional activities are required for any kind of organizations in  the business management activities to  meet the developed business objectives as well as sustainability goals.

In terms of the suggestion,  all the respondents have shared some recommendation plans in order to improve the efficacy of the network advertising activities. 12 out of the 20 respondents have stated that, the management of the companies along with the marketing professionals of the companies based in the East Asian regions should prioritize the concept of valuable positioning and effective use of technological applications for the effective business growth. In addition, the companies within the East Asian regions should develop a strong research and development team in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the performance of the companies due to the implication of particular networks. The strong traffic control and limited business operation cost also needs to be considered by the organizational managements in order to ensure a strong and conflict free promotional activities. Alternatively, 3 out of the 20 respondents have stated that the quality of the context in the message and websites is also an important aspect to be considered by the marketing professional of a particular company. The marketing professionals of a particular company are responsible for spreading accurate message regarding the each and every information of a particular product and service. In this context, the marketing professionals need to ensure attracting and meaningful website contexts to create a strong attraction among the target customers, which will assist the company management to establish a strong target customer base despite the possible challenges and difficulties, such as competition and saturation within the market place. In addition, this is also important to enhance evaluation of the context of promotional messages for the better business growth.

On the other hand, 5 out of the 20 respondents have stated that the management along with the marketing department of the organizations needs to maintain strong transparency in the costing and price. In order to do so the companies need to engage important internal and external stakeholders in the business operation process to overcome the possible challenges. The integration of the important stakeholders in the strategy development process will always help the decision makers of the particular company to maintain transparency in the pricing and strategy development process.

Ethics is an important criterion in an overall research work. The successful positive outcome of a particular research work always depends upon the ethics of   the particular research work. Research ethics include the transparency in the data collection process and transparency in the data analysis process. It is  identified  that  the  majority of the  researchers  used to  find ethical  challenges in a  particular research work in  the data collection  and data  analysis processes. However, in this particular research work the researcher has prioritized the research ethics strongly. In terms of the maintenance of ethics in the data collection process, the researcher has taken permission from the research guide and university authority to conduct the particular research work. This is also essential to state that the ethical aspects have been integrated with the data collection processes by the researchers. In terms of ethics in the secondary data collection process, the researcher has tried to consider authentic sources of required data. Most importantly, the researcher has consulted with the research guide regarding the collection of data and information. Similarly, the researcher also has considered ethics and transparency in the primary data collection processes. This is acceptable that all the respondents involved with the open ended semi-structured questionnaire round, were highly valued by the researcher. In addition, their data privacy aspects were also maintained by the researchers   quite effectively. Most importantly, this is acceptable that nobody was forced to give doctored answers and responses. These are regarded as some strong points under the consideration of research ethics. Apart from these important aspects, it is also essential to state that the ethics form was signed and filled up by the researcher and it was successfully submitted to the research guide before the conduction of the overall research work. Hence, it is acceptable that the ethics and transparency of the particular research work was maintained by the researcher throughout the research work. Most importantly, the researcher has made sure that the possibility of biasness in the data collection process and research outcome aspect has been avoided quite successfully.

Research Timeline

Similar to other research aspects, this is also important for the researcher of a particular research work to give priority to the research timeline. This is acceptable that effective construction of a research timeline can assist a researcher to carry out a particular research work in a systematic way. Effective construction of research timeline actually assists the researchers to complete a particular research work within a particular time period.  Most importantly, the research work can be completed within a given deadline through the help of the development of effective e research timeline. The research timeline for this particular research work as follows.

Parameters Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
Selection of  Topic Yes        
Introduction Yes        
Literature Review   Yes      
Research Methodology     Yes    
Data  Collection     Yes    
Data  Analysis       Yes  
Conclusion and  Recommendations         Yes


Conclusion and Recommendations

The business environment in East Asia is changing drastically and majority of the popular small and medium scaled along with the multinational companies based in the East Asian region are strongly focused on the utilization of the advanced technology oriented business operation approaches. Most importantly, the majority of these types of companies are adopting unique and advanced network advertising approach in the marketing and promotional activities for the betterment of the business growth and efficiency. It is clear from the data analysis and literature review that the majority of the companies in these East Asia regions are focused o n the integration of the advanced technological approaches in the business management activities to enhance efficiency. In addition, several respondents also have stated that the majority of the companies are focused on the implication of the advanced network advertising tools in the business operation process for the purpose of growth, profitability, strong brand image and adequate brand awareness. Despite several advantages and positive impacts, it is acceptable that the majority of the companies are also suffering from the risk factors and challenges associated with the implementation of the network advertising in the business operation process. The popular companies, such as Sony, Honda, Hyundai, Suzuki  etc  have  accepted that the consideration of technologically advanced network advertisement process have ensured business profitability, core competency and strong brand awareness. However, the following recommendation plans will help the companies of the East Asian regions to overcome the possible challenges.

The management along with the marketing department of the organizations needs to maintain strong transparency in the costing and price. In order to do so the companies need to engage important internal and external stakeholders in the business operation process to overcome the possible challenges. The integration of the important stakeholders in the strategy development process will always help the decision makers of the particular company to maintain transparency in the pricing and strategy development process. The quality of the context in the message and websites is also an important aspect to be considered by the marketing professional of a particular company. The marketing professionals of a particular company are responsible for spreading accurate message regarding the each and every information of a particular product and service. In this context, the marketing professionals need to ensure attracting and meaningful website contexts to create a strong attraction among the target customers, which will assist the company management to establish a strong target customer base despite the possible challenges and difficulties, such as competition and saturation within the market place. In addition, this is also important to enhance evaluation of the context of promotional messages for the better business growth. Alternatively, the management of the companies along with the marketing professionals of the companies based in the East Asian regions should prioritize the concept of valuable positioning and effective use of technological applications for the effective business growth. In addition, the companies within the East Asian regions should develop a strong research and development team in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the performance of the companies due to the implication of particular networks. The strong traffic control and limited business operation cost also needs to be considered by the organizational managements in order to ensure a strong and conflict free promotional activities.